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Aad, G., Abat, E., Abbott, B., Abdallah, J., Abdelalim, A. A., Abdesselam, A., Abdinov, O., Abi, B., Abolins, M., Abramowicz, H., Abreu, H., Acerbi, E., Acharya, B. S., Ackers, M., Adams, D. L., Addy, T. N., Adelman, J., Aderholz, M., Adorisio, C., Adragna, P., Adye, T., Aefsky, S., Aguilar-Saavedra, J. A., Aharrouche, M., Ahlen, S. P., Ahles, F., Ahmad, A., Ahmed, H., Ahsan, M., Aielli, G., Akdogan, T., Åkesson, P. F., Åkesson, T. P. A., Akimoto, G., Akimov, A. V., Aktas, A., Alam, M. S., Alam, M. A., Albert, J., Albrand, S., Aleksa, M., Aleksandrov, I. N., Aleppo, M., Alessandria, F., Alexa, C., Alexander, G., Alexandre, G., Alexopoulos, T., Alhroob, M., Aliev, M., Alimonti, G., Alison, J., Aliyev, M., Allport, P. P., Allwood-Spiers, S. E., Almond, J., Aloisio, A., Alon, R., Alonso, A., Alonso, J., Alviggi, M. G., Amako, K., Amaral, P., Ambrosini, G., Ambrosio, G., Amelung, C., Ammosov, V. V., Amorim, A., Amorós, G., Amram, N., Anastopoulos, C., Andeen, T., Anders, C. F., Anderson, K. J., Andreazza, A., Andrei, V., Andrieux, M. L., Anduaga, X. S., Angerami, A., Anghinolfi, F., Anjos, N., Annovi, A., Antonaki, A., Antonelli, M., Antonelli, S., Antos, J., Antunovic, B., Anulli, F., Aoun, S., Arabidze, G., Aracena, I., Arai, Y., Arce, A. T. H, Archambault, J. P., Arfaoui, S., Arguin, J. F., Argyropoulos, T., Arik, E., Arik, M., Armbruster, A. J., Arms, K. E., Armstrong, S. R., Arnaez, O., Arnault, C., Artamonov, A., Arutinov, D., Asai, M., Asai, S., Asfandiyarov, R., Ask, S., Åsman, B., Asner, D., Asquith, L., Assamagan, K., Astbury, A., Astvatsatourov, A., Athar, B., Atoian, G., Aubert, B., Auerbach, B., Auge, E., Augsten, K., Aurousseau, M., Austin, N., Avolio, G., Avramidou, R., Axen, D., Ay, C., Azuelos, G., Azuma, Y., Baak, M. A., Baccaglioni, G., Bacci, C., Bach, A. M., Bachacou, H., Bachas, K., Bachy, G., Backes, M., Badescu, E., Bagnaia, P., Bai, Y., Bailey, D.C., Bain, T., Baines, J. T., Baker, O. K., Baker, M.D., Baker, S., Baltasar Dos Santos Pedrosa, F., Banas, E., Banerjee, P., Banerjee, S., Banfi, D., Bangert, A., Bansal, V., Baranov, S. P., Baranov, S., Barashkou, A., Barber, T., Barberio, E. L., Barberis, D., Barbero, M., Bardin, D. Y., Barillari, T., Barisonzi, M., Barklow, T., Barlow, N., Barnett, B. M., Barnett, R. M., Baroncelli, A., Barone, M., Barr, A. J., Barreiro, F., Barreiro Guimarães da Costa, J., Barrillon, P., Bartheld, V., Bartko, H., Bartoldus, R., Bartsch, D., Bates, R. L., Bathe, S., Batkova, L., Batley, J. R., Battaglia, A., Battistin, M., Battistoni, G., Bauer, F., Bawa, H. S., Bazalova, M., Beare, B., Beau, T., Beauchemin, P. H., Beccherle, R., Becerici, N., Bechtle, P., Beck, G. A., Beck, H. P., Beckingham, M., Becks, K. H., Beddall, A. J., Beddall, A., Bednyakov, V. A., Bee, C., Begel, M., Behar Harpaz, S., Behera, P. K., Beimforde, M., Belanger, G. A. N., Belanger-Champagne, C., Belhorma, B., Bell, P. J., Bell, W. H., Bella, G., Bellagamba, L., Bellina, F., Bellomo, G., Bellomo, M., Belloni, A., Belotskiy, K., Beltramello, O., Belymam, A., Ben Ami, S., Benary, O., Benchekroun, D., Benchouk, C., Bendel, M., Benedict, B.H., Benekos, N., Dotti, A., Dova, M.T., Dowell, J.D., Doxiadis, A., Doyle, A.T., Dragic, J., Drakoulakos, D., Drasal, Z., Drees, J., Dressnandt, N., Drevermann, H., Driouichi, C., Dris, M., Drohan, J.G., Dubbert, J., Dubbs, T., Duchovni, E., Duckeck, G., Dudarev, A., Dudziak, F., Dührssen, M., Dür, H., Duerdoth, I.P., Duflot, L., Dufour, M.-A., Dunford, M., Duran Yildiz, H., Dushkin, A., Duxfield, R., Dwuznik, M., Dydak, F., Dzahini, D., Düren, M., Ebenstein, W.L., Ebke, J., Eckert, S., Eckweiler, S., Edmonds, K., Edwards, C.A., Efthymiopoulos, I., Egorov, K., Ehrenfeld, W., Ehrich, T., Eifert, T., Eigen, G., Einsweiler, K., Eisenhandler, E., Ekelof, T., El Kacimi, M., Ellert, M., Elles, S., Ellinghaus, F., Ellis, K., Ellis, N., Elmsheuser, J., Elsing, M., Ely, R., Emeliyanov, D., Engelmann, R., Engl, A., Epp, B., Eppig, A., Erdmann, J., Ereditato, A., Eremin, V., Eriksson, D., Ermoline, I., Ernst, J., Ernst, M., Ernwein, J., Errede, D., Errede, S., Ertel, E., Escalier, M., Escobar, C., Espinal Curull, X., Esposito, B., Etienne, F., Etienvre, A.I., Etzion, E., Evans, H., Evdokimov, V.N., Fabbri, L., Fabre, C., Facius, K., Fakhrutdinov, R.M., Falciano, S., Falou, A.C., Fang, Y., Fanti, M., Farbin, A., Farilla, A., Farley, J., Farooque, T., Farrington, S.M., Farthouat, P., Fassnacht, P., Fassouliotis, D., Fatholahzadeh, B., Fayard, L., Fayette, F., Febbraro, R., Federic, P., Fedin, O.L., Fedorko, I., Fedorko, W., Feligioni, L., Felzmann, C.U., Feng, C., Feng, E.J., Fenyuk, A.B., Ferencei, J., Ferland, J., Fernandes, B., Fernando, W., Ferrag, S., Ferrando, J., Ferrara, V., Ferrari, A., Ferrari, P., Ferrari, R., Ferrer, A., Ferrer, M.L., Ferrere, D., Ferretti, C., Ferro, F., Fiascaris, M., Fichet, S., Fiedler, F., Filipcics, A., Filippas, A., Filthaut, F., Fincke-Keeler, M., Fiolhais, M.C.N., Fiorini, L., Firan, A., Fischer, G., Fischer, P., Fisher, M.J., Fisher, S.M., Flacher, H.F., Flammer, J., Fleck, I., Fleckner, J., Fleischmann, P., Fleischmann, S., Fleuret, F., Flick, T., Flores Castillo, L.R., Flowerdew, M.J., Föhlisch, F., Fokitis, M., Fonseca Martin, T., Fopma, J., Forbush, D.A., Formica, A., Forti, A., Fortin, D., Foster, J.M., Fournier, D., Foussat, A., Fowler, A.J., Fowler, K., Fox, H., Francavilla, P., Franchino, S., Francis, D., Franklin, M., Franz, S., Fraternali, M., Fratina, S., Freestone, J., French, S.T., Froeschl, R., Froidevaux, D., Frost, J.A., Fukunaga, C., Fullana Torregrosa, E., Fuster, J., Gabaldon, C., Gabizon, O., Gadfort, T., Gadomski, S., Gagliardi, G., Gagnon, P., Galea, C., Gallas, E.J., Gallas, M.V., Gallo, V., Gallop, B.J., Gallus, P., Galyaev, E., Gan, K.K., Gao, Y.S., Gapienko, V.A., Gaponenko, A., Garcia-Sciveres, M., García, C., García Navarro, J.E., Garde, V., Gardner, R.W., Garelli, N., Garitaonandia, H., Garonne, V., Garvey, J., Gatti, C., Gaudio, G., Gaumer, O., Gauzzi, P., Gavrilenko, I.L., Gay, C., Gaycken, G., Gayde, J.-C., Gazis, E.N., Ge, P., Gee, C.N.P., Geich-Gimbel, Ch., Gellerstedt, K., Gemme, C., Genest, M.H., Gentile, S., Georgatos, F., George, S., Gerlach, P., Gershon, A., Geweniger, C., Ghazlane, H., Ghez, P., Ghodbane, N., Giacobbe, B., Giagu, S., Giakoumopoulou, V., Giangiobbe, V., Gianotti, F., Gibbard, B., Gibson, A., Gibson, S.M., Gieraltowski, G.F., Gilbert, L.M., Gilchriese, M., Gildemeister, O., Gilewsky, V., Gillman, A.R., Gingrich, D.M., Ginzburg, J., Giokaris, N., Giordani, M.P., Giordano, R., Giorgi, F.M., Giovannini, P., Giraud, P.F., Girtler, P., Giugni, D., Giusti, P., Gjelsten, B.K., Gladilin, L.K., Glasman, C., Glazov, A., Glitza, K.W., Glonti, G.L., Gnanvo, K.G., Godfrey, J., Godlewski, J., Goebel, M., Göpfert, T., Goeringer, C., Gössling, C., Göttfert, T., Goggi, V., Goldfarb, S., Goldin, D., Goldschmidt, N., Golling, T., Gollub, N.P., Golovnia, S.N., Gomes, A., Gomez Fajardo, L.S., Gonçalo, R., Gonella, L., Gong, C., Gonidec, A., González de la Hoz, S., Gonzalez Silva, M.L., Gonzalez-Pineiro, B., Gonzalez-Sevilla, S., Goodson, J.J., Goossens, L., Gorbounov, P.A., Gordon, H.A., Gorelov, I., Gorfine, G., Gorini, B., Gorini, E., Gorisek, A., Gornicki, E., Gorokhov, S.A., Gorski, B.T., Goryachev, V.N., Gosdzik, B., Gosselink, M., Gostkin, M.I., Gouanère, M., Gough Eschrich, I., Gouighri, M., Goujdami, D., Goulette, M.P., Goussiou, A.G., Goy, C., Grabowska-Bold, I., Grabski, V., Grafström, P., Grah, C., Grahn, K.-J., Grancagnolo, F., Grancagnolo, S., Grassi, V., Gratchev, V., Grau, N., Gray, H.M., Gray, J.A., Graziani, E., Green, B., Greenfield, D., Greenshaw, T., Greenwood, Z.D., Gregor, I.M., Grenier, P., Grewal, A., Griesmayer, E., Griffiths, J., Grigalashvili, N., Grillo, A.A., Grimaldi, F., Grimm, K., Grinstein, S., Gris, P.L.Y., Grishkevich, Y.V., Groer, L.S., Grognuz, J., Groh, M., Groll, M., Gross, E., Grosse-Knetter, J., Groth-Jensen, J., Gruwe, M., Grybel, K., Guarino, V.J., Guescini, F., Guicheney, C., Guida, A., Guillemin, T., Guler, H., Gunther, J., Guo, B., Gupta, A., Gusakov, Y., Gushchin, V.N., Gutierrez, A., Gutierrez, P., Guttman, N., Gutzwiller, O., Guyot, C., Gwenlan, C., Gwilliam, C.B., Haas, A., Haas, S., Haber, C., Haboubi, G., Hackenburg, R., Hadavand, H.K., Hadley, D.R., Haeberli, C., Haefner, P., Härtel, R., Hahn, F., Haider, S., Hajduk, Z., Hakobyan, H., Hakobyan, R.H., Haller, J., Hallewell, G.D., Hamacher, K., Hamilton, A., Hamilton, S., Han, H., Han, L., Hanagaki, K., Hance, M., Handel, C., Hanke, P., Hansen, C.J., Hansen, J.R., Hansen, J.B., Hansen, J.D., Hansen, P.H., Hansl-Kozanecka, T., Hansson, P., Hara, K., Hare, G.A., Harenberg, T., Harper, R., Harrington, R.D., Harris, O.M., Harrison, K., Hart, J.C., Hartert, J., Hartjes, F., Haruyama, T., Harvey, A., Hasegawa, S., Hasegawa, Y., Hashemi, K., Hassani, S., Hatch, M., Hauff, D., Haug, S., Hauschild, M., Hauser, R., Havranek, M., Hawes, B.M., Hawkes, C.M., Hawkings, R.J., Hawkins, D., Hayakawa, T., Hayward, H.S., Haywood, S.J., Hazen, E., He, M., He, Y.P., Head, S.J., Hedberg, V., Heelan, L., Heim, S., Heinemann, B., Heinemann, F.E.W., Heisterkamp, S., Helary, L., Heldmann, M., Heller, M., Hellman, S., Helsens, C., Hemperek, T., Henderson, R.C.W., Hendriks, P.J., Henke, M., Henrichs, A., Henriques Correia, A.M., Henrot-Versille, S., Henry-Couannier, F., Hensel, C., Henß, T., Hernández Jiménez, Y., Hershenhorn, A.D., Herten, G., Hertenberger, R., Hervas, L., Hess, M., Hessey, N.P., Hidvegi, A., Higón-Rodriguez, E., Hill, D., Hill, J.C., Hill, N., Hiller, K.H., Hillert, S., Hillier, S.J., Hinchliffe, I., Hindson, D., Hines, E., Hirose, M., Hirsch, F., Hirschbuehl, D., Hobbs, J., Hod, N., Hodgkinson, M.C., Hodgson, P., Hoecker, A., Hoeferkamp, M.R., Hoffman, J., Hoffmann, D., Hohlfeld, M., Holder, M., Hollins, T.I., Hollyman, G., Holmes, A., Holmgren, S.O., Holy, T., Holzbauer, J.L., Homer, R.J., Homma, Y., Horazdovsky, T., Hori, T., Horn, C., Horner, S., Horvat, S., Hostachy, J.-Y., Hott, T., Hou, S., Houlden, M.A., Hoummada, A., Howe, T., Howell, D.F., Hrivnac, J., Hruska, I., Hryn'ova, T., Hsu, P.J., Hsu, S.-C., Huang, G.S., Hubacek, Z., Hubaut, F., Huegging, F., Huffman, B.T., Hughes, E.W., Hughes, G., Hughes-Jones, R.E., Hurst, P., Hurwitz, M., Husemann, U., Huseynov, N., Huston, J., Huth, J., Iacobucci, G., Iakovidis, G., Ibbotson, M., Ibragimov, I., Ichimiya, R., Iconomidou-Fayard, L., Idarraga, J., Idzik, M., Iengo, P., Igonkina, O., Ikegami, Y., Ikeno, M., Ilchenko, Y., Iliadis, D., Imbault, D., Imhaeuser, M., Imori, M., Ince, T., Inigo-Golfin, J., Ioannou, P., Iodice, M., Ionescu, G., Irles Quiles, A., Ishii, K., Ishikawa, A., Ishino, M., Ishizawa, Y., Ishmukhametov, R., Isobe, T., Issakov, V., Issever, C., Istin, S., Itoh, Y., Ivashin, A.V., Iwanski, W., Iwasaki, H., Izen, J.M., Izzo, V., Jackson, B., Jackson, J., Jackson, J.N., Jackson, P., Jaekel, M.R., Jahoda, M., Jain, V., Jakobs, K., Jakobsen, S., Jakubek, J., Jana, D., Jansen, E., Jantsch, A., Janus, M., Jared, R.C., Jarlskog, G., Jeanty, L., Jelen, K., Jen-La Plante, I., Jenni, P., Jeremie, A., Jez, P., Jézéquel, S., Ji, W., Jia, J., Jiang, Y., Jimenez Belenguer, M., Jin, G., Jin, S. and Jinnouchi, O. 2010. Charged-particle multiplicities in pp interactions at measured with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. Physics Letters B 688 (1) , pp. 21-42. 10.1016/j.physletb.2010.03.064

Allen, Stuart Michael ORCID:, Colombo, Gualtiero B. and Whitaker, Roger Marcus ORCID: 2010. Cooperation through self-similar social networks. ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems 5 (1) , 4. 10.1145/1671948.1671952

Baig, Shabnam, Joseph, Sally A., Tayler, Hannah, Abraham, Richard Alun, Owen, Michael John ORCID:, Williams, Julie ORCID:, Kehoe, Patrick G. and Love, Seth 2010. Distribution and expression of picalm in alzheimer disease. Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology 69 (10) , pp. 1071-1077. 10.1097/NEN.0b013e3181f52e01

Baker, P. W., Kennedy, J., Morrissey, J., O'Gara, F., Dobson, A. D. W. and Marchesi, Julian Roberto ORCID: 2010. Endoglucanase activities and growth of marine-derived fungi isolated from the sponge Haliclona simulans. Journal of Applied Microbiology 108 (5) , 1668 -1675. 10.1111/j.1365-2672.2009.04563.x

Bansal, R. R., Mackay, C. R., Moser, Bernhard ORCID: and Eberl, Matthias 2010. IL-21 induces the expression of markers associated with follicular B cell help by human gamma delta T cells [Abstract]. Immunology 131 (s1) , p. 38. 10.1111/j.1365-2567.2010.03389.x

Barense, M. D., Rogers, T. T., Bussey, T. J., Saksida, L. M. and Graham, Kim Samantha ORCID: 2010. Influence of conceptual knowledge on visual object discrimination: insights from semantic dementia and MTL amnesia. Cerebral Cortex 20 (11) , pp. 2568-2582. 10.1093/cercor/bhq004

Barense, Morgan D., Henson, Richard N.A., Lee, Andy C.H. and Graham, Kim Samantha ORCID: 2010. Medial temporal lobe activity during complex discrimination of faces, objects, and scenes: Effects of viewpoint. Hippocampus 20 (3) , pp. 389-401. 10.1002/hipo.20641

Bell, Sarah F., Rayment, Rachel, Collins, Peter William ORCID: and Collis, R. E. 2010. The use of fibrinogen concentrate to correct hypofibrinogenaemia rapidly during obstetric haemorrhage. International Journal of Obstetric Anesthesia 19 (2) , pp. 218-223. 10.1016/j.ijoa.2009.08.004

Binda, E., Perez, S. Marti, Pandha, H., Eberl, Matthias and Hayday, A. 2010. Monitoring the immunological effects of bisphosphonates in different treatment scenarios. Immunology 131 , p. 117.

Birnie, K., Ben-Shlomo, Y., Ebrahim, Shehla, Gallacher, John Edward ORCID:, Bayer, Antony James ORCID:, Gunnell, D., Holly, J. M. and Martin, R. M. 2010. Insulin-like growth factors and physical performance in old age: The Boyd Orr and Caerphilly studies [Abstract]. Gerontologist 50 (S1) , p. 500. 10.1093/geront/gnq115

Bjorkman, Sven, Blanchette, V. S., Fischer, K., Oh, M., Spotts, G., Schroth, P., Fritsch, S., Patrone, L., Ewenstein, B. M. and Collins, Peter William ORCID: 2010. Comparative pharmacokinetics of plasma- and albumin-free recombinant factor VIII in children and adults: the influence of blood sampling schedule on observed age-related differences and implications for dose tailoring. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostatis 8 (4) , pp. 730-736. 10.1111/j.1538-7836.2010.03757.x

Blanchet, Fabien, Moris, Arnaud, Nikolic, Damjan S., Lehmann, Martin, Cardinaud, Sylvain, Stalder, Romaine, Garcia, Eduardo, Dinkins, Christina, Leuba, Florence, Wu, Li, Schwartz, Olivier, Deretic, Vojo and Piguet, Vincent 2010. Human immunodeficiency virus-1 inhibition of immunoamphisomes in dendritic cells impairs early innate and adaptive immune responses. Immunity 32 (5) , pp. 654-669. 10.1016/j.immuni.2010.04.011

Brewis, Ian Andrew and Topley, Nicholas 2010. Proteomics and peritoneal dialysis: early days but clear potential. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 25 (6) , pp. 1749-1753. 10.1093/ndt/gfq145

Brown, Amanda C., Eberl, Matthias ORCID:, Crick, Dean C., Jomaa, Hassan and Parish, Tanya 2010. The nonmevalonate pathway of isoprenoid biosynthesis in mycobacterium tuberculosis is essential and transcriptionally regulated by dxs. Journal of Bacteriology 192 (9) , pp. 2424-2433. 10.1128/JB.01402-09

Butler, Christopher Collett ORCID:, Hood, Kerenza ORCID:, Kelly, Mark James ORCID:, Goossens, Herman, Verheij, Theo, Little, Paul, Melbye, Hasse, Torres, Antoni, Molstad, Sigvard, Godycki-Cwirko, Maciek, Almirall, Jordi, Blasi, Francesco, Schaberg, Tom, Edwards, Peter, Rautakorpi, Ulla-Maija, Hupkova, Helena, Wood, Joseph, Nuttall, Jacqueline and Coenen, Samuel 2010. Treatment of acute cough/lower respiratory tract infection by antibiotic class and associated outcomes: a 13 European country observational study in primary care. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 65 (11) , pp. 2472-2478. 10.1093/jac/dkq336

Carroll, Liam Stuart, Williams, Nigel Melville ORCID:, Escott-Price, Valentina ORCID:, Russell, Elen, Norton, Nadine ORCID:, Williams, Hywel John ORCID:, Peirce, Timothy Rowan, Georgieva, Lyudmila, Dwyer, Sarah Lynne, Grozeva, Detelina ORCID:, Greene, E., Farmer, A., McGuffin, P., Morris, D. W., Corvin, A., Gill, M., Rujescu, D., Sham, P., Holmans, Peter Alan ORCID:, Jones, Ian Richard ORCID:, Kirov, George ORCID:, Craddock, Nicholas John ORCID:, O'Donovan, Michael Conlon ORCID: and Owen, Michael John ORCID: 2010. Evidence for rare and common genetic risk variants for schizophrenia at protein kinase C, alpha. Molecular Psychiatry 15 (11) , pp. 1101-1111. 10.1038/mp.2009.96

Chattopadhyay, Pratip K., Roederer, Mario and Price, David A. ORCID: 2010. OMIP-002: Phenotypic analysis of specific human CD8+ T-cells using peptide-MHC class I multimers for any of four epitopes. Cytometry Part A 77A (9) , pp. 821-822. 10.1002/cyto.a.20945

Chen, Ji-Li, Morgan, Anthony J., Stewart-Jones, Guillaume, Shepherd, Dawn, Bossi, Giovanna, Wooldridge, Linda, Hutchinson, Sarah L., Sewell, Andrew K. ORCID:, Griffiths, Gillian M., van der Merwe, P. Anton, Jones, E. Yvonne, Galione, Antony and Cerundolo, Vincenzo 2010. Ca2+ release from the endoplasmic reticulum of NY-ESO-1-specific T cells is modulated by the affinity of TCR and by the use of the CD8 coreceptor. The Journal of Immunology 184 (4) , pp. 1829-1839. 10.4049/jimmunol.0902103

Chvanov, M., Petersen, Ole Holger ORCID: and Tepikin, A. V. 2010. Pharmacologically directed cell disposal: labelling damaged cells for phagocytosis as a strategy against acute pancreatitis. Molecular Interventions 10 (2) , pp. 80-85. 10.1124/mi.10.2.9

Codling, C, O'Mahony, L, Shanahan, F, Quigley, E. M. M. and Marchesi, Julian Roberto ORCID: 2010. A Molecular Analysis of Fecal and Mucosal Bacterial Communities in Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Digestive Diseases and Sciences 55 (2) , pp. 392-397. 10.1007/s10620-009-0934-x

Cole, David ORCID:, Edwards, Emily ORCID:, Wynn, Katherine, Clement, Mathew ORCID:, Miles, John James, Ladell, Kristin Ingrid ORCID:, Ekeruche, Julia, Gostick, Emma, Adams, Katherine J., Skowera, Ania, Peakman, Mark, Wooldridge, Linda, Price, David A. ORCID: and Sewell, Andrew K. ORCID: 2010. Modification of MHC anchor residues generates heteroclitic peptides that alter TCR binding and T cell recognition. The Journal of Immunology 185 (4) , pp. 2600-2610. 10.4049/jimmunol.1000629

Coles, Barbara, Colmont, Chantal Sophie, Fielding, Ceri Alan ORCID:, Kift-Morgan, Ann, Hams, Emily, Topley, Nicholas and Jones, Simon Arnett ORCID: 2010. Local manipulation of IL-6 trans-signaling therapeutically enhances anti-microbial host defense [Abstract]. Cytokine 52 (1-2) , pp. 80-81. 10.1016/j.cyto.2010.07.335

Coles, Steven, Man, Stephen Tzekwung ORCID:, Hills, Robert Kerrin ORCID:, Wang, Edward Chung Yern ORCID:, Burnett, Alan Kenneth, Darley, Richard Lawrence ORCID: and Tonks, Alex ORCID: 2010. Over-expression of CD200 un acute myeloid leukemia mediates the expansion of regulatory T-lymphocytes and directly inhibits natural killer cell tumor immunity [Abstract]. Blood 116 (21) , p. 218.

Collins, Peter William ORCID: 2010. Pharmacokinetic approaches to prophylaxis [Abstract]. Haemophilia 16 (2) , p. 396. 10.1111/j.1365-2516.2010.02182.x

Collins, Peter William ORCID:, Baglin, T. P., Dang, R., Evans, G., Greaves, M, Laffan, M., Pasi, K. J., Rose, P., Stanworth, S., Toh, C. H. and Gower, J. 2010. Announcement: Non-malignant haematology research in the UK: looking forward to new opportunities. British Journal of Haematology 150 (6) , pp. 732-736. 10.1111/j.1365-2141.2010.08384.x

Collins, Peter William ORCID:, Baudo, Francesco, Huth-Kühne, Angela, Ingerslev, Jørgen, Kessler, Craig M., Castellano, Maria, Shima, Midori, St-Louis, Jean and Lévesque, Hervé 2010. Consensus recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of acquired hemophilia A. BMC Research Notes 3 , 161. 10.1186/1756-0500-3-161

Collins, Peter William ORCID:, Bjorkman, S., Fischer, K., Blanchette, V., Oh, M., Schroth, P., Fritsch, S., Casey, K., Spotts, G. and Ewenstein, B. M. 2010. Factor VIII requirement to maintain a target plasma level in the prophylactic treatment of severe hemophilia A: influences of variance in pharmacokinetics and treatment regimens. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostatis 8 (2) , pp. 269-275. 10.1111/j.1538-7836.2009.03703.x

Collins, Peter William ORCID:, Faradji, A., Morfini, M., Enriquez, M. M. and Schwartz, L. 2010. Efficacy and safety of secondary prophylactic vs. on-demand sucrose-formulated recombinant factor VIII treatment in adults with severe hemophilia A: results from a 13-month crossover study. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostatis 8 (1) , pp. 83-89. 10.1111/j.1538-7836.2009.03650.x

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Craddock, Nicholas John ORCID:, Jones, L, Jones, Ian Richard ORCID:, Kirov, George ORCID:, Green, Elaine Karen, Grozeva, Detelina ORCID:, Escott-Price, Valentina ORCID:, Nikolov, Ivan, Hamshere, Marian Lindsay ORCID:, Vukcevic, D., Caesar, S., Gordon-Smith, Katherine, Fraser, Christine, Russell, Elen Elizabeth, Norton, Nadine ORCID:, Breen, G., St Clair, D., Collier, D. A., Young, A. H., Ferrier, I. N., Farmer, A., McGuffin, P., Holmans, Peter Alan ORCID:, Donnelly, P., Owen, Michael John ORCID: and O'Donovan, Michael Conlon ORCID: 2010. Strong genetic evidence for a selective influence of GABAA receptors on a component of the bipolar disorder phenotype. Molecular Psychiatry 15 (2) , pp. 146-153. 10.1038/mp.2008.66

Craddock, Nicholas John ORCID:, Jones, Lesley ORCID:, Jones, Ian Richard ORCID:, Kirov, George ORCID:, Green, Elaine Karen, Grozeva, Detelina Valentinova, Escott-Price, Valentina ORCID:, Nikolov, Ivan, Hamshere, Marian Lindsay ORCID:, Vukcevic, D., Caesar, S., Gordon-Smith, Katherine, Fraser, Christine, Russell, E., Norton, Nadine ORCID:, Breen, G., St Clair, D., Collier, D. A., Young, A. H., Ferrier, I. N., Farmer, A, McGuffin, P., Holmans, Peter Alan ORCID:, Donnelly, Peter, Owen, Michael John ORCID: and O'Donovan, Michael Conlon ORCID: 2010. Strong genetic evidence for a selective influence of GABAA receptors on a component of the bipolar disorder phenotype [Corrigendum]. Molecular Psychiatry 15 (11) , p. 1121. 10.1038/mp.2010.62

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Davies, Lindsay Catrina ORCID:, Locke, Matthew, Webb, Richard D. J., Roberts, James T., Langley, Martin Simon, Thomas, David William ORCID:, Archer, Charles William and Stephens, Philip ORCID: 2010. A multipotent neural crest derived progenitor cell population is resident within the oral mucosa lamina propria. Stem Cells and Development 19 (6) , pp. 819-830. 10.1089/scd.2009.0089

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Derudas, Marco, Quintiliani, Maurizio, Brancale, Andrea ORCID:, Andrei, Graciela, Snoeck, Robert, Balzarini, Jan and McGuigan, Christopher ORCID: 2010. Evaluation of novel phosphoramidate ProTides of the 2′-fluoro derivatives of a potent anti-varicella zoster virus bicyclic nucleoside analogue. Antiviral Chemistry and Chemotherapy 21 (1) , pp. 15-31. 10.3851/IMP1661

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Dimitropoulou, Panagiota, Caswell, Richard Charles, McSharry, Brian P., Greaves, Richard F., Spandidos, Demetrios A., Wilkinson, Gavin William Grahame ORCID: and Sourvinos, George 2010. Differential relocation and stability of PML-body components during productive human cytomegalovirus infection: Detailed characterization by live-cell imaging. European Journal of Cell Biology 89 (10) , pp. 757-768. 10.1016/j.ejcb.2010.05.006

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Dwyer, Sarah Lynne, Williams, Hywel ORCID:, Holmans, Peter Alan ORCID:, Escott-Price, Valentina ORCID:, Craddock, Nicholas John ORCID:, Owen, Michael John ORCID: and O'Donovan, Michael Conlon ORCID: 2010. No evidence that rare coding variants in ZNF804A confer risk of schizophrenia. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics 153B (8) , pp. 1411-1416. 10.1002/ajmg.b.31117

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Enoch, Stuart, Peake, Matthew Arnold, Wall, Ivan Bernard, Davies, Lindsay Catrina ORCID:, Farrier, Jerry N., Giles, Peter James ORCID:, Kipling, David Glyn, Price, Patricia Elaine, Moseley, Ryan ORCID:, Thomas, David William ORCID: and Stephens, Philip ORCID: 2010. 'Young' oral fibroblasts are geno/phenotypically distinct. Journal of Dental Research 89 (12) , pp. 1407-1413. 10.1177/0022034510377796

Escott-Price, Valentina ORCID:, Smith, Michael, Ivanov, Dobril ORCID:, Blackwood, Douglas, StClair, David, Hultman, Christina, Toncheva, Draga, Gill, Michael, Corvin, Aiden, O'Dushlaine, Colm, Morris, Derek W., Wray, Naomi R., Sullivan, Patrick, Pato, Carlos, Pato, Michele T., Sklar, Pamela, Purcell, Shaun, Holmans, Peter Alan ORCID:, O'Donovan, Michael Conolon ORCID:, Owen, Michael John ORCID: and Kirov, George ORCID: 2010. Genetic differences between five European populations. Human Heredity 70 (2) , pp. 141-149. 10.1159/000313854

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Ferreira, Sónia, Paradela, Ana, Velez, Jorge, Ramalheira, Elmano, Walsh, Timothy Rutland ORCID: and Mendo, Sónia 2010. Carriage of qnrA1 and qnrB2, blaCTX-M15, and complex class 1 integron in a clinical multiresistant Citrobacter freundii isolate. Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease 67 (2) , pp. 188-190. 10.1016/j.diagmicrobio.2010.01.003

Ferreira, Sonia, Toleman, Mark Alexander Howard ORCID:, Ramalheira, Elmano, Da Silva, Gabriela J., Walsh, Timothy Rutland ORCID: and Mendo, Sónia 2010. First description of klebsiella pneumoniae clinical isolates carrying both qnrA and qnrB genes in Portugal. International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 35 (6) , pp. 584-586. 10.1016/j.ijantimicag.2010.01.019

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Gallacher, John Edward ORCID:, Bayer, Antony James ORCID:, Lowe, Gordon, Fish, Mark, Pickering, Janet Elizabeth, Pedro, Sofia, Dunstan, Frank David John ORCID:, White, James, Yarnell, John and Ben-Shlomo, Yoav 2010. Is Sticky blood bad for the brain?: Hemostatic and inflammatory systems and dementia in the Caerphilly Prospective Study. Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis and Vascular Biology 30 (3) , pp. 599-604. 10.1161/ATVBAHA.109.197368

Giannopoulos, K., Dmoszynska, A., Kowal, M., Rolinski, J., Gostick, Emma, Price, David ORCID:, Greiner, J., Rojewski, M., Stilgenbauer, S., Döhner, H. and Schmitt, M. 2010. Peptide vaccination elicits leukemia-associated antigen-specific cytotoxic CD8+ T-cell responses in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Leukemia 24 (4) , pp. 798-805. 10.1038/leu.2010.29

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Green, Elaine Karen, Grozeva, Detelina ORCID:, Escott-Price, Valentina ORCID:, Hamshere, Marian Lindsay ORCID:, Jones, Ian Richard ORCID:, Jones, Lisa, Forty, Elizabeth, Caesar, Sian, Gordon-Smith, Katherine, Fraser, Christine, Russell, Elen, St Clair, David, Young, Allan H., Ferrier, Nicol, Farmer, Anne, McGuffin, Peter, Holmans, Peter Alan ORCID:, Owen, Michael John ORCID:, O'Donovan, Michael Conlon ORCID: and Craddock, Nicholas John ORCID: 2010. Variation at the GABAA receptor gene, Rho 1 (GABRR1) associated with susceptibility to bipolar schizoaffective disorder. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics 153B (7) , pp. 1347-1349. 10.1002/ajmg.b.31108

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Greene, Justin M., Lhost, Jennifer J., Burwitz, Benjamin J., Budde, Melisa L., Macnair, Caitlin E., Weiker, Madelyn K., Gostick, Emma, Friedrich, Thomas C., Broman, Karl W., Price, David ORCID:, O'Connor, Shelby L. and O'Connor, David H. 2010. Extralymphoid CD8+ T cells resident in tissue from simian immunodeficiency virus SIVmac239 nef-vaccinated macaques suppress SIVmac239 replication ex vivo. Journal of Virology 84 (7) , pp. 3362-3372. 10.1128/JVI.02028-09

Grozeva, Detelina ORCID:, Kirov, George ORCID:, Ivanov, Dobril ORCID:, Jones, Ian Richard ORCID:, Jones, Lisa, Green, Elaine Karen, St Clair, David M., Young, Allan H., Ferrier, Nicol, Farmer, Anne E., McGuffin, Peter, Holmans, Peter Alan ORCID:, Owen, Michael John ORCID:, O'Donovan, Michael Conlon ORCID: and Craddock, Nicholas John ORCID: 2010. Rare copy number variants: A point of rarity in genetic risk for bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. Archives of General Psychiatry 67 (4) , pp. 318-327. 10.1001/archgenpsychiatry.2010.25

Hakobyan, Svetlana, Tortajada, Agustín, Harris, Claire Louise, de Córdoba, Santiago R and Morgan, Bryan Paul ORCID: 2010. Variant-specific quantification of factor H in plasma identifies null alleles associated with atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome. Kidney International 78 (8) , pp. 782-788. 10.1038/ki.2010.275

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Hardwicke, Joseph, Moseley, Ryan ORCID:, Stephens, Philip ORCID:, Harding, Keith Gordon, Duncan, Ruth and Thomas, David William ORCID: 2010. Bioresponsive dextrin-rhEGF conjugates: in vitro evaluation in models relevant to its proposed use as a treatment for chronic wounds. Molecular Pharmaceutics 7 (3) , pp. 699-707. 10.1021/mp9002656

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Harris, L. D., Klatt, N. R., Vinton, C., Briant, J. A., Tabb, B., Ladell, Kristin Ingrid ORCID:, Lifson, Jeffrey, Estes, J. D., Price, David ORCID:, Hirsch, V. M. and Brenchley, J. M. 2010. Mechanisms underlying γδ T-cell subset perturbations in SIV-infected Asian rhesus macaques. Blood 116 (20) , pp. 4148-4157. 10.1182/blood-2010-05-283549

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Hill, Katja E. ORCID:, Malic, Sladjana, McKee, Ruth, Rennison, Tracy, Harding, Keith Gordon, Williams, David Wynne ORCID: and Thomas, David William ORCID: 2010. An in vitro model of chronic wound biofilms to test wound dressings and assess antimicrobial susceptibilities. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 65 (6) , pp. 1195-1206. 10.1093/jac/dkq105

Hollingworth, Paul, Harold, Denise ORCID:, Jones, Lesley ORCID:, Owen, Michael John ORCID: and Williams, Julie ORCID: 2010. Alzheimer's disease genetics: current knowledge and future challenges. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 26 (8) , pp. 793-802. 10.1002/gps.2628

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Hurley, Stephen, Allen, Stuart Michael ORCID:, Ryan, Desmond and Taplin, Richard Keith 2010. Modelling and planning fixed wireless networks. Wireless Networks 16 (3) , pp. 577-592. 10.1007/s11276-008-0155-9

Ingram, Gillian, Hakobyan, Svetlana, Hirst, Claire Louise, Harris, Claire Louise, Pickersgill, Trevor, Cossburn, Mark D., Loveless, Samantha ORCID:, Robertson, Neil ORCID: and Morgan, Bryan Paul ORCID: 2010. Complement regulator factor H as a serum biomarker of multiple sclerosis disease state. Brain 133 (6) , pp. 1602-1611. 10.1093/brain/awq085

Ivanov, Igor, Heydeck, Dagmar, Hofheinz, Katharina, Roffeis, Jana, O'Donnell, Valerie Bridget ORCID:, Kuhn, Hartmut and Walther, Matthias 2010. Molecular enzymology of lipoxygenases. Archives of biochemistry and biophysics 503 (2) , pp. 161-174. 10.1016/

Jakobsen, Kristin Alise, Melbye, Hasse, Kelly, Mark James ORCID:, Ceynowa, Christina, Mölstad, Sigvard, Hood, Kerenza ORCID: and Butler, Christopher Collett ORCID: 2010. Influence of CRP testing and clinical findings on antibiotic prescribing in adults presenting with acute cough in primary care. Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care 28 (4) , pp. 229-236. 10.3109/02813432.2010.506995

Jarad, N. A., Sequeiros, I. M., Hester, K., Callaway, M., Williams, A. J., Sund, Z., Powell, Tom and Wong, Florence Susan ORCID: 2010. The size of the spleen by magnetic resonance imaging in patients with cystic fibrosis; with and without diabetes--a novel observational study. QJM: An International Journal of Medicine 103 (4) , pp. 237-242. 10.1093/qjmed/hcp193

Jenkins, Robert Hywel ORCID:, Bennagi, Rasha, Martin, John, Phillips, Aled Owain ORCID:, Redman, James Edward ORCID: and Fraser, Donald James ORCID: 2010. A conserved stem loop motif in the 5'Untranslated Region regulates transforming growth factor-β1 translation. PLoS One 5 (8) , e12283. 10.1371/journal.pone.0012283

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Jones, Lesley ORCID:, Holmans, Peter Alan ORCID:, Hamshere, Marian Lindsay ORCID:, Harold, Denise ORCID:, Moskvina, Valentina ORCID:, Ivanov, Dobril ORCID:, Pocklington, Andrew ORCID:, Abraham, Richard Alun, Hollingworth, Paul, Sims, Rebecca ORCID:, Gerrish, Amy, Pahwa, Jaspreet Singh, Jones, Nicola, Stretton, Alexandra, Morgan, Angharad Rhys, Lovestone, Simon, Powell, John, Proitsi, Petroula, Lupton, Michelle K., Brayne, Carol, Rubinsztein, David C., Gill, Michael, Lawlor, Brian, Lynch, Aoibhinn, Morgan, Kevin, Brown, Kristelle S., Passmore, Peter A., Craig, David, McGuinness, Bernadette, Todd, Stephen, Holmes, Clive, Mann, David, Smith, A. David, Love, Seth, Kehoe, Patrick G., Mead, Simon, Fox, Nick, Rossor, Martin, Collinge, John, Maier, Wolfgang, Jessen, Frank, Schürmann, Britta, Heun, Reinhard, Kölsch, Heike, van den Bussche, Hendrik, Heuser, Isabella, Peters, Oliver, Kornhuber, Johannes, Wiltfang, Jens, Dichgans, Martin, Frölich, Lutz, Hampel, Harald, Hüll, Michael, Rujescu, Dan, Goate, Alison M., Kauwe, John S. K., Cruchaga, Carlos, Nowotny, Petra, Mayo, Kevin, Morris, John C., Livingston, Gill, Bass, Nicholas J., Gurling, Hugh, McQuillin, Andrew, Gwilliam, Rhian, Deloukas, Panos, Al-Chalabi, Ammar, Shaw, Christopher E., Singleton, Andrew B., Guerreiro, Rita, Mühleisen, Thomas W., Nöthen, Markus M., Moebus, Susanne, Jöckel, Karl-Heinz, Klopp, Norman, Wichmann, H.-Erich, Rüther, Eckhard, Carrasquillo, Minerva M., Pankratz, V. Shane, Younkin, Steven G., Hardy, John, O'Donovan, Michael Conlon ORCID:, Williams, Julie ORCID: and Owen, Michael John ORCID: 2010. Genetic evidence implicates the immune system and cholesterol metabolism in the aetiology of Alzheimer's disease. PLoS ONE 5 (11) , e13950. 10.1371/journal.pone.0013950

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Jones, Gareth Wyn, McLoughlin, R. M., Hammond, Victoria Jayne, Parker, Clare R., Williams, John D., Malhotra, R., Scheller, J., Williams, Anwen Sian ORCID:, Rose-John, Stefan, Topley, Nicholas and Jones, Simon Arnett ORCID: 2010. Loss of CD4(+) T cell IL-6R expression during inflammation underlines a role for IL-6 trans signaling in the local maintenance of Th17 cells. Journal of Immunology 184 (4) , pp. 2130-2139.

Jones, Gareth Wyn, McLoughlin, Rachel Mary, Hammond, Victoria Jayne, Parker, Clare Rhian, Williams, John, Malhotra, Raj, Scheller, Jurgen, Williams, Anwen ORCID:, Rose-John, Stefan, Topley, Nicholas and Jones, Simon Arnett ORCID: 2010. Loss of CD4+ T Cell IL-6R expression during inflammation underlines a role for IL-6 trans signaling in the local maintenance of Th17 cells. The Journal of Immunology 184 (4) , pp. 2130-2139. 10.4049/jimmunol.0901528

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Marchesi, Julian Roberto ORCID: 2010. Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Diversity of the Human Gut. Advances in Applied Microbiology 72 , pp. 43-62. 10.1016/S0065-2164(10)72002-5

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McEniery, Carmel M., Spratt, Michael, Munnery, Margaret, Yarnell, John, Lowe, Gordon D., Rumley, Ann, Gallacher, John Edward ORCID:, Ben-Shlomo, Yoav, Cockcroft, John and Wilkinson, Ian B 2010. An analysis of prospective risk factors for aortic stiffness in men: 20-Year follow-up from the Caerphilly prospective study. Hypertension 56 (1) , pp. 26-43. 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.110.150896

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McGuigan, Christopher ORCID:, Gilles, Arnaud, Madela, Karolina, Aljarah, Mohamed, Holl, Sabrina, Jones, Sarah Louise, Vernachio, John, Hutchins, Jeff, Ames, Brenda, Bryant, K. Dawn, Gorovits, Elena, Ganguly, Babita, Hunley, Damound, Hall, Andrea, Kolykhalov, Alexander, Liu, Yule, Muhammad, Jerry, Raja, Nicholas, Walters, Robin, Wang, Jin, Chamberlain, Stanley and Henson, Geoffrey 2010. Phosphoramidate ProTides of 2'-C-Methylguanosine as highly potent inhibitors of hepatitis C virus. Study of their in vitro and in vivo properties. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 53 (13) , pp. 4949-4957. 10.1021/jm1003792

McLaren, James Edward ORCID:, Calder, Claudia Jane, McSharry, Brian P., Sexton, Keith John, Salter, Rebecca Claire, Singh, Nishi N., Wilkinson, Gavin William Grahame ORCID:, Wang, Edward Chung Yern ORCID: and Ramji, Dipak Purshottam ORCID: 2010. The TNF-like protein 1A-death receptor 3 pathway promotes macrophage foam cell formation in vitro. Journal of Immunology 184 (10) , pp. 5827-5834. 10.4049/jimmunol.0903782

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Mehellou, Youcef ORCID:, Valente, Rocco, Mottram, Huw James, Walsby, Elisabeth Jane ORCID:, Mills, Kenneth Ian, Balzarini, Jan and McGuigan, Christopher ORCID: 2010. Phosphoramidates of 2′-β-d-arabinouridine (AraU) as phosphate prodrugs; design, synthesis, in vitro activity and metabolism. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry 18 (7) , pp. 2439-2446. 10.1016/j.bmc.2010.02.059

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Miles, John James, Bulek, Anna Marta, Cole, David ORCID:, Gostick, Emma, Schauenburg, Andrea J. A., Dolton, Garry Michael, Venturi, Vanessa, Davenport, Miles P., Tan, Mai Ping, Burrows, Scott R., Wooldridge, Linda, Price, David ORCID:, Rizkallah, Pierre ORCID: and Sewell, Andrew K. ORCID: 2010. Genetic and structural basis for selection of a ubiquitous T cell receptor deployed in Epstein-Barr virus infection. PLoS Pathogens 6 (11) , e1001198. 10.1371/journal.ppat.1001198

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Moreira, Severina, Stramer, Brian, Evans, Iwan, Wood, Will and Martin, Paul ORCID: 2010. Prioritization of competing damage and developmental signals by migrating macrophages in the Drosophila embryo. Current Biology 20 (5) , pp. 464-470. 10.1016/j.cub.2010.01.047

Morgan, Alwena Haf, Hammond, Victoria Jayne, Morgan, Lloyd, Thomas, Christopher P. ORCID:, Tallman, Keri A., Garcia-Diaz, Yoel Ruslan, McGuigan, Christopher ORCID:, Serpi, Michaela ORCID:, Porter, Ned A., Murphy, Robert C. and O'Donnell, Valerie Bridget ORCID: 2010. Quantitative assays for esterified oxylipins generated by immune cells. Nature Protocols 5 (12) , pp. 1919-1931. 10.1038/nprot.2010.162

Morgan, Lloyd T., Thomas, Christopher P. ORCID:, Kühn, Hartmut and O'Donnell, Valerie Bridget ORCID: 2010. Thrombin-activated human platelets acutely generate oxidized docosahexaenoic-acid-containing phospholipids via 12-lipoxygenase. Biochemical Journal 431 (1) , pp. 141-148. 10.1042/BJ20100415

Neale, Benjamin M., Medland, Sarah E., Ripke, Stephan, Asherson, Philip, Franke, Barbara, Lesch, Klaus-Peter, Faraone, Stephen V., Nguyen, Thuy Trang, Schäfer, Helmut, Holmans, Peter Alan ORCID:, Daly, Mark, Steinhausen, Hans-Christoph, Freitag, Christine, Reif, Andreas, Renner, Tobias J., Romanos, Marcel, Romanos, Jasmin, Walitza, Susanne, Warnke, Andreas, Meyer, Jobst, Palmason, Haukur, Buitelaar, Jan, Vasquez, Alejandro Arias, Lambregts-Rommelse, Nanda, Gill, Michael, Anney, Richard ORCID:, Langley, Kate ORCID:, O'Donovan, Michael Conlon ORCID:, Williams, Nigel Melville ORCID:, Owen, Michael John ORCID:, Thapar, Anita ORCID:, Kent, Lindsey, Sergeant, Joseph, Roeyers, Herbert, Mick, Eric, Biederman, Joseph, Doyle, Alysa, Smalley, Susan, Loo, Sandra, Hakonarson, Hakon, Elia, Josephine, Todorov, Alexandre, Ana, Miranda, Mulas, Fernando, Ebstein, Richard P., Rothenberger, Aribert, Banaschewski, Tobias, Oades, Richard D., Sonuga-Barke, Edmund, McGough, James, Nisenbaum, Laura, Middleton, Frank, Hu, Xiaolan and Nelson, Stan 2010. Meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 49 (9) , pp. 884-897. 10.1016/j.jaac.2010.06.008

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Nordmann, Patrice, Poirel, Laurent, Carrer, Amelie, Toleman, Mark Alexander Howard ORCID: and Walsh, Timothy Rutland ORCID: 2010. How to detect NDM-1 producers. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 49 (2) , pp. 718-721. 10.1128/JCM.01773-10

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Oh, Miyoung, Bjorkman, S., Schroth, P., Fritsch, S., Collins, Peter William ORCID:, Fischer, Katherine, Blanchette, V. S., Casey, K., Spotts, G. D. and Ewenstein, B. M. 2010. The effect of reduced sampling time points in a population pharmacokinetic model of ADVATE in pediatric and adult patients with hemophilia A [Abstract]. Haemophilia -Oxford- 16 (S4) , pp. 38-39. 10.1111/j.1365-2516.2010.02283.x

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Phillips, Aled Owain ORCID: and Fraser, Donald James ORCID: 2010. BMP-7 stops TGF-β in peritoneal fibrosis. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 25 (4) , pp. 1036-1038. 10.1093/ndt/gfq032

Pletinck, Anneleen, Consoli, Claudia, Van Landschoot, Maria, Steppan, Sonja, Topley, Nicholas, Passlick-Deetjen, Jutta, Vanholder, Raymond and Van Biesen, Wim 2010. Salt intake induces epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition of the peritoneal membrane in rats. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 25 (5) , pp. 1688-1696. 10.1093/ndt/gfq036

Prod'homme, Virginie ORCID:, Sugrue, Daniel M., Stanton, Richard James ORCID:, Nomoto, A., Davies, James Anthony ORCID:, Rickards, Carole R., Cochrane, Daniel, Moore, Melanie, Wilkinson, Gavin William Grahame ORCID: and Tomasec, Peter 2010. Human cytomegalovirus UL141 promotes efficient downregulation of the natural killer cell activating ligand CD112. Journal of General Virology 91 (8) , pp. 2034-2039. 10.1099/vir.0.021931-0

Pukstad, Brita S., Ryan, Liv, Flo, Trude H., Stenvik, Jørgen, Moseley, Ryan ORCID:, Harding, Keith Gordon, Thomas, David William ORCID: and Espevik, T. 2010. Non-healing is associated with persistent stimulation of the innate immune response in chronic venous leg ulcers. Journal of Dermatological Science 59 (2) , pp. 115-122. 10.1016/j.jdermsci.2010.05.003

Quigley, Maire F., Greenaway, Hui Yee, Venturi, Vanessa, Lindsay, Ross, Quinn, Kylie M., Seder, Robert A., Douek, Daniel C., Davenport, Miles P. and Price, David ORCID: 2010. Convergent recombination shapes the clonotypic landscape of the naive T-cell repertoire. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 107 (45) , pp. 19414-19419. 10.1073/pnas.1010586107

Rees, Dafydd Aled ORCID: and Dayan, Colin Mark ORCID: 2010. Commentary: Testosterone and the metabolic syndrome: cause or consequence? International Journal of Epidemiology 40 (1) , pp. 207-209. 10.1093/ije/dyq254

Richards, Hannah Catharine, Williams, Anwen Sian ORCID:, Jones, Emma, Hindley, James Phillip, Godkin, Andrew James ORCID:, Simon, Anna Katharina and Gallimore, Awen Myfanwy ORCID: 2010. Novel role of regulatory T cells in limiting early neutrophil responses in skin. Immunology 131 (4) , pp. 583-592. 10.1111/j.1365-2567.2010.03333.x

Rollnick, Stephen, Butler, Christopher Collett ORCID:, Kinnersley, Paul Richard, Gregory, John Welbourn ORCID: and Mash, B. 2010. Motivational interviewing. British Medical Journal (BMJ) 340 (c1900) , pp. 1242-1245. 10.1136/bmj.c1900

Rosario, Maximillian, Bridgeman, Anne, Quakkelaar, Esther D., Quigley, Maire F., Hill, Brenna J., Knudsen, Maria L., Ammendola, Virginia, Ljungberg, Karl, Borthwick, Nicola, Im, Eung-Jun, McMichael, Andrew J., Drijfhout, Jan W., Greenaway, Hui Yee, Venturi, Vanessa, Douek, Daniel C., Colloca, Stefano, Liljeström, Peter, Nicosia, Alfredo, Price, David A. ORCID:, Melief, Cornelis J. M. and Hanke, Tomás 2010. Long peptides induce polyfunctional T cells against conserved regions of HIV-1 with superior breadth to single-gene vaccines in macaques. European Journal of Immunology 40 (7) , pp. 1973-1984. 10.1002/eji.201040344

Rosario, Maximillian, Hopkins, Richard, Fulkerson, John, Borthwick, Nicola, Quigley, Maire F., Joseph, Joan, Douek, Daniel C., Greenaway, Hui Yee, Venturi, Vanessa, Gostick, Emma, Price, David ORCID:, Both, Gerald W., Sadoff, Jerald C. and Hanke, Tomas 2010. Novel recombinant mycobacterium bovis BCG, ovine atadenovirus, and modified vaccinia virus ankara vaccines combine to induce robust human immunodeficiency virus-specific CD4 and CD8 T-cell responses in rhesus macaques. Journal of Virology 84 (12) , pp. 5898-5908. 10.1128/JVI.02607-09

Rosas, Marcela ORCID:, Thomas, Benjamin, Stacey, Martin, Gordon, Siamon and Taylor, Philip Russel ORCID: 2010. The myeloid 7/4-antigen defines recently generated inflammatory macrophages and is synonymous with Ly-6B. Journal of leukocyte biology 88 (1) , pp. 169-180. 10.1189/jlb.0809548

Sarwar, Nadeem, Sandhu, Manjinder S., Ricketts, Sally L., Butterworth, Adam S., Di Angelantonio, Emanuele, Boekholdt, S. Matthijs, Ouwehand, Willem, Watkins, Hugh, Samani, Nilesh J., Saleheen, Danish, Lawlor, Debbie, Reilly, Muredach P., Hingorani, Aroon D., Talmud, Philippa J., Danesh, John and Gallacher, John Edward ORCID: 2010. Triglyceride-mediated pathways and coronary disease: collaborative analysis of 101 studies. The Lancet 375 (9726) , pp. 1634-1639. 10.1016/S0140-6736(10)60545-4

Schaubert, Keri L., Price, David A. ORCID:, Salkowitz, Janelle R., Sewell, Andrew K. ORCID:, Sidney, John, Asher, Tedi, Blondelle, Sylvie E., Adams, Sharon, Marincola, Francesco M., Joseph, Aviva, Sette, Alessandro, Douek, Daniel C., Ayyavoo, Velpandi, Storkus, Walter, Leung, Ming-Ying, Ng, Hwee, Yang, Otto O., Goldstein, Harris, Wilson, Darcy B. and Kan-Mitchell, June 2010. Generation of robust CD8+ T-cell responses against subdominant epitopes in conserved regions of HIV-1 by repertoire mining with mimotopes. European Journal of Immunology 40 (7) , pp. 1950-1962. 10.1002/eji.200940079

Scott, Gwen S., Fishman, Sigal, Siew, Lai Khai, Margalit, Alon, Chapman, Stephen, Chervonsky, Alexander V., Wen, Li, Gross, Gideon and Wong, Florence Susan ORCID: 2010. Immunotargeting of insulin reactive CD8 T cells to prevent diabetes. Journal of Autoimmunity 35 (4) , pp. 390-397. 10.1016/j.jaut.2010.08.005

Sequeiros, I. M., Hester, K., Callaway, M., Williams, A., Garland, Z., Powell, Tom, Wong, Florence Susan ORCID: and Jarad, N. A. 2010. MRI appearance of the pancreas in patients with cystic fibrosis: A comparison of pancreas volume in diabetic and non-diabetic patients. British Journal of Radiology 83 (995) , pp. 921-926. 10.1259/bjr/24009651

Shi, J, Potash, J. B., Knowles, J. A., Weissman, M. M., Coryell, W, Scheftner, W. A., Lawson, W. B., DePaulo, J. R., Gejman, P. V., Sanders, A.R., Johnson, J. K., Adams, P, Chaudhury, S, Jancic, D, Evgrafov, O, Zvinyatskovskiy, A, Ertman, N, Gladis, M, Neimanas, K, Goodell, M, Hale, N, Ney, N, Verma, R, Mirel, D, Holmans, Peter Alan ORCID: and Levinson, D. F. 2010. Genome-wide association study of recurrent early-onset major depressive disorder. Molecular Psychiatry 16 (2) , pp. 193-201. 10.1038/mp.2009.124

Simpson, Russell M. L., Wells, Alan, Thomas, David William ORCID:, Stephens, Philip ORCID:, Steadman, Robert ORCID: and Phillips, Aled Owain ORCID: 2010. Aging fibroblasts resist phenotypic maturation because of impaired hyaluronan-dependent CD44/epidermal growth factor receptor signaling. American Journal of Pathology 176 (3) , pp. 1215-1228. 10.2353/ajpath.2010.090802

Spanou, Clio, Simpson, Sharon Anne, Hood, Kerenza ORCID:, Edwards, Adrian G. ORCID:, Cohen, David, Rollnick, Stephen, Carter, Ben Richard, McCambridge, Jim, Moore, Laurence Anthony Russell, Randell, Elizabeth ORCID:, Pickles, Timothy E. ORCID:, Smith, Christine, Lane, Claire, Wood, Fiona Claire ORCID:, Thornton, Hazel and Butler, Christopher Collett ORCID: 2010. Preventing disease through opportunistic, rapid engagement by primary care teams using behaviour change counselling (PRE-EMPT): protocol for a general practice-based cluster randomised trial. BMC Family Practice 11 (1) , p. 69. 10.1186/1471-2296-11-69

Stanton, Naomi, Francis, Nicholas Andrew ORCID: and Butler, Christopher Collett ORCID: 2010. Reducing uncertainty in managing respiratory tract infections in primary care. British Journal of General Practice (BJGP) 60 (581) , e466-e475. 10.3399/bjgp10X544104

Stanton, Naomi, Hood, Kerenza ORCID:, Kelly, Mark James ORCID:, Nuttall, Jacqueline, Gillespie, David ORCID:, Verheij, T., Little, P., Godycki-Cwirko, M., Goossens, H. and Butler, Christopher Collett ORCID: 2010. Are smokers with acute cough in primary care prescribed antibiotics more often, and to what benefit? An observational study in 13 European countries. European Respiratory Journal 35 (4) , pp. 761-767. 10.1183/09031936.00168409

Stanton, Richard James ORCID:, Baluchova, Katarina, Dargan, Derrick J., Cunningham, Charles, Sheehy, Orla, Seirafian, Sepher, McSharry, Brian P., Neale, Margaret Lynne, Davies, James Anthony ORCID:, Tomasec, Peter, Davison, Andrew J. and Wilkinson, Gavin William Grahame ORCID: 2010. Reconstruction of the complete human cytomegalovirus genome in a BAC reveals RL13 to be a potent inhibitor of replication. Journal of Clinical Investigation 120 (9) , pp. 3191-3208. 10.1172/JCI42955

Stumhofer, Jason S., Tait, Elia D., III, William J. Quinn, Hosken, Nancy, Spudy, Björn, Goenka, Radhika, Fielding, Ceri Alan ORCID:, O'Hara, Aisling C., Chen, Yi, Jones, Michael L., Saris, Christiaan J. M., Rose-John, Stefan, Cua, Daniel J., Jones, Simon Arnett ORCID:, Elloso, Merle M., Grötzinger, Joachim, Cancro, Michael P., Levin, Steven D. and Hunter, Christopher A. 2010. A role for IL-27p28 as an antagonist of gp130-mediated signaling. Nature Immunology 11 (12) , pp. 1119-1126. 10.1038/ni.1957

Subramanya, Sandesh, Armant, Myriam, Salkowitz, Janelle R., Nyakeriga, Alice M., Haridas, Viraga, Hasan, Maroof, Bansal, Anju, Goepfert, Paul A., Wynn, Katherine, Ladell, Kristin Ingrid ORCID:, Price, David ORCID:, N, Manjunath, Kan-Mitchell, June and Shankar, Premlata 2010. Enhanced induction of HIV-specific Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes by Dendritic cell-targeted delivery of SOCS-1 siRNA. Molecular Therapy 18 (11) , pp. 2028-2037. 10.1038/mt.2010.148

Suram, S., Gangelhoff, T. A., Taylor, Philip Russel ORCID:, Rosas, Marcela ORCID:, Brown, G. D., Bonventre, J. V., Akira, S., Uematsu, S., Williams, D. L., Murphy, R. C. and Leslie, C. C. 2010. Pathways Regulating Cytosolic Phospholipase A2 Activation and Eicosanoid Production in Macrophages by Candida albicans. Journal of Biological Chemistry 285 (40) , pp. 30676-30685. 10.1074/jbc.M110.143800

Taraban, V.Y., Slebioda, T. J., Willoughby, J. E., Buchan, S. L., James, S., Sheth, B., Smyth, N. R., Thomas, G. J., Wang, Edward Chung Yern ORCID: and Al-Shamkhani, A. 2010. Sustained TL1A expression modulates effector and regulatory T-cell responses and drives intestinal goblet cell hyperplasia. Mucosal Immunology 4 (2) , pp. 186-196. 10.1038/mi.2010.70

Thomas, Christopher P. ORCID:, Morgan, Lloyd T., Maskrey, Ben, Murphy, Robert C., Kuhn, Hartmut, Hazen, Stanley L., Goodall, Alison H., Hamali, Hassan A., Collins, Peter William ORCID: and O'Donnell, Valerie Bridget ORCID: 2010. Phospholipid-esterified eicosanoids are generated in agonist-activated human platelets and enhance tissue factor-dependent thrombin generation. Journal of Biological Chemistry 285 (10) , pp. 6891-6903. 10.1074/jbc.M109.078428

Toleman, Mark Alexander Howard ORCID:, Walsh, Timothy Rutland ORCID: and Call, D. R. 2010. ISCR elements are key players in IncA/C plasmid evolution [Letter]. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 54 (8) , p. 3534. 10.1128/AAC.00383-10

Trippier, Paul C., Balzarini, Jan and McGuigan, Christopher ORCID: 2010. Phenylboronic-acid-based carbohydrate binders as antiviral therapeutics: bisphenylboronic acids. Antiviral Chemistry and Chemotherapy 21 (3) , pp. 129-142. 10.3851/IMP1707

Trippier, Paul C. and McGuigan, Christopher ORCID: 2010. Boronic acids in medicinal chemistry: anticancer, antibacterial and antiviral applications. MedChemComm 1 (3) , pp. 183-198. 10.1039/c0md00119h

Trippier, Paul Charles, McGuigan, Christopher ORCID: and Balzarini, Jan 2010. Phenylboronic-acid-based carbohydrate binders as antiviral therapeutics: monophenylboronic acids. Antiviral Chemistry & Chemotherapy 20 , pp. 249-257. 10.3851/IMP1632

Twigg, G. L., Papaioannou, I., Jackson, M., Ghiassi, R., Shaikh, Z., Jaye, J., Graham, Kim Samantha ORCID:, Simonds, A. K. and Morrell, M. J. 2010. Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome Is Associated with Deficits in Verbal but Not Visual Memory. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 182 (1) , pp. 98-103. 10.1164/rccm.200901-0065OC

Twohig, Jason Peter, Roberts, Malcolm I., Gavalda, Nuria, Rees-Taylor, Emma Louise, Giralt, Albert, Adams, Deborah, Brooks, Simon Philip ORCID:, Bull, Melanie Jane, Calder, Claudia Jane, Cuff, Simone ORCID:, Yong, Audrey Alice, Alberch, Jordi, Davies, Alun M. ORCID:, Dunnett, Stephen Bruce ORCID:, Tolkovsky, Aviva M. and Wang, Edward Chung Yern ORCID: 2010. Age-dependent maintenance of motor controland corticostriatal innervation by death receptor 3. Journal of Neuroscience 30 (10) , pp. 3782-3792. 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1928-09.2010

van Bockel, David J., Price, David ORCID:, Munier, Mee Ling, Venturi, Vanessa, Asher, Tedi E., Ladell, Kristin Ingrid ORCID:, Greenaway, Hui Yee, Zaunders, John, Douek, Daniel C., Cooper, David A., Davenport, Miles P. and Kelleher, Anthony D. 2010. Persistent survival of prevalent clonotypes within an immunodominant HIV gag-specific CD8+ T cell response. The Journal of Immunology 186 (1) , pp. 359-371. 10.4049/jimmunol.1001807

Van Tendeloo, V. F., Van de Velde, A., Van Driessche, A., Cools, N., Anguille, S., Ladell, Kristin Ingrid ORCID:, Gostick, Emma, Vermeulen, K., Pieters, K., Nijs, G., Stein, B., Smits, E. L., Schroyens, W. A., Gadisseur, A. P., Vrelust, I., Jorens, P. G., Goossens, H., de Vries, I. J., Price, David A. ORCID:, Oji, Y., Oka, Y., Sugiyama, H. and Berneman, Z. N. 2010. Induction of complete and molecular remissions in acute myeloid leukemia by Wilms' tumor 1 antigen-targeted dendritic cell vaccination. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 107 (31) , pp. 13824-13829. 10.1073/pnas.1008051107

Vanpouille, C., Lisco, A., Derudas, Marco, Saba, E., Grivel, J. C., Brichacek, B., Scrimieri, F., Schinazi, R., Schols, D., McGuigan, Christopher ORCID:, Balzarini, J. and Margolis, L. 2010. A New Class of Dual-Targeted Antivirals: Monophosphorylated Acyclovir Prodrug Derivatives Suppress Both Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 and Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2. International Journal of Infectious Diseases 201 (4) , pp. 635-643. 10.1086/650343

Verkhratsky, Alexei and Petersen, Ole Holger ORCID: 2010. Bernd Nilius: The Bard of ion channels. Congratulations on 65th birthday. Pflügers Archiv European Journal of Physiology 460 (4) , pp. 691-694. 10.1007/s00424-010-0857-6

Vernachio, J., Bryant, D., Chamberlain, S. D., Gorovits, E., Ganguly, B. S., Hall, A., Henson, G. W., Hunley, D. S., Hutchins, J. T., Muhammad, J., Patti, J., Walters, C. R., Wang, J., Madela, Karolina, Aljarah, Mohamed, Jones, Sarah Louise and McGuigan, Christopher ORCID: 2010. In vitro and in vivo metabolism of INX-189, a potent HCV inhibitor, in rat and cynomolgus monkey hepatocytes [Abstract]. Hepatology 52 (S1) , 1218A-1219A. 10.1002/hep.23997

Vidal-Alaball, Josep ORCID: and Butler, Christopher Collett ORCID: 2010. Reduced serum vitamin B-12 in patients taking metformin [Editorial]. British Medical Journal (BMJ) 340 (c2198) , pp. 1147-1148. 10.1136/bmj.c2198

Voronina, S. G., Barrow, S. L., Simpson, A. W. M., Gerasimenko, Oleg Vsevolodovich ORCID:, Xavier, G. D. S, Rutter, G. A., Petersen, Ole Holger ORCID: and Tepikin, A. V. 2010. Dynamic changes in cytosolic and mitochondrial ATP levels in pancreatic acinar cells. Gastroenterology 138 (5) , pp. 1976-1987. 10.1053/j.gastro.2010.01.037

Waldron, Cherry-Ann ORCID:, Gallacher, John Edward ORCID:, van der Weijden, Trudy, Newcombe, Robert Gordon ORCID: and Elwyn, Glyn ORCID: 2010. The effect of different cardiovascular risk presentation formats on intentions, understanding and emotional affect: a randomised controlled trial using a web-based risk formatter (protocol). BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 10 (1) , 41. 10.1186/1472-6947-10-41

Walker, L. J., Sewell, Andrew K. ORCID: and Klenerman, P. 2010. T cell sensitivity and the outcome of viral infection. Clinical and Experimental Immunology 159 (3) , pp. 245-255. 10.1111/j.1365-2249.2009.04047.x

Walsh, C. M., Chvanov, M., Haynes, L. P., Petersen, Ole Holger ORCID:, Tepikin, A. V. and Burgoyne, R. D. 2010. Role of phosphoinositides in STIM1 dynamics and store-operated calcium entry. Biochemical Journal 425 (1) , pp. 159-168. 10.1042/BJ20090884

Walsh, Timothy Rutland ORCID:, Toleman, Mark Alexander Howard ORCID:, Sarma, Jayanta B., Irfan, Seema, Woodford, Neil and Livermore, David M. 2010. New Delhi metallo-beta-lactamase 1 [Authors' reply]. The Lancet Infectious Diseases 10 (11) , pp. 752-754. 10.1016/S1473-3099(10)70245-0

Wang, Jinyong, Liu, Yangang, Li, Zeyang, Du, Juan, Ryu, Myung-Jeom, Taylor, Philip Russel ORCID:, Fleming, Mark D., Young, Ken H., Pitot, Henry and Zhang, Jing 2010. Endogenous oncogenic Nras mutation promotes aberrant GM-CSF signaling in granulocytic/monocytic precursors in a murine model of chronic myelomonocytic leukemia. Blood 116 (26) , pp. 5991-6002. 10.1182/blood-2010-04-281527

Whittaker, Gillian C., Orr, Selinda Jane, Quigley, Laura, Hughes, Laurel, Francischetti, Ivo M. B., Zhang, Weigou and McVicar, Daniel W. 2010. The linker for activation of B cells (LAB)/Non-T Cell Activation Linker (NTAL) regulates triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells (TREM)-2 signaling and macrophage Inflammatory responses independently of the linker for activation of T cells. Journal of Biological Chemistry 285 (5) , pp. 2976-2985. 10.1074/jbc.M109.038398

Williams, Anwen Sian ORCID:, Collins, Fraser, Newton, Zarabeth, Goodfellow, Rhian Mair, Rajak, Rushda, Calder, Claudia Jean and Wang, Edward Chung Yern ORCID: 2010. Death Receptor 3 orchestrates erosive pathology in inflammatory arthritis [Poster Abstract]. Immunology 131 (s1) , p. 53. 10.1111/j.1365-2567.2010.03390.x

Williams, Nigel Melville ORCID:, Zaharieva, Irina, Martin, Andrew Kenneth, Langley, Kate ORCID:, Mantripragada, Kiran Kumar ORCID:, Fossdal, Ragnheidur, Stefansson, Hreinn, Stefansson, Kari, Magnusson, Pall, Gudmundsson, Olafur O., Gustafsson, Omar, Holmans, Peter Alan ORCID:, Owen, Michael John ORCID:, O'Donovan, Michael Conlon ORCID: and Thapar, Anita ORCID: 2010. Rare chromosomal deletions and duplications in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder: a genome-wide analysis. The Lancet 376 (9750) , pp. 1401-1408. 10.1016/S0140-6736(10)61109-9

Williams, Peter Alexander, Morgan, James Edwards ORCID: and Votruba, Marcela ORCID: 2010. Opa1 deficiency in a mouse model of dominant optic atrophy leads to retinal ganglion cell dendropathy. Brain 133 (10) , pp. 2942-2951. 10.1093/brain/awq218

Wong, Florence Susan ORCID:, Hu, Changyun, Xiang, Yufei and Wen, Li 2010. To B or not to B - pathogenic and regulatory B cells in autoimmune diabetes. Current Opinion in Immunology 22 (6) , pp. 723-731. 10.1016/j.coi.2010.10.002

Wood, Fiona Claire ORCID:, Robling, Michael Richard ORCID:, Prout, Hayley Christine ORCID:, Kinnersley, Paul Richard, Houston, Helen Louise Ann and Butler, Christopher Collett ORCID: 2010. A question of balance: a qualitative study of mothers' interpretations of dietary recommendations. The Annals of Family Medicine 8 (1) , pp. 51-57. 10.1370/afm.1072

Wooldridge, Linda, Clement, Mathew ORCID:, Lissina, Anna, Edwards, Emily ORCID:, Ladell, Kristin Ingrid ORCID:, Ekeruche, Julia, Hewitt, R. E., Laugel, Bruno Frederic, Gostick, Emma, Cole, David ORCID:, Debets, R., Berrevoets, C., Miles, John James, Burrows, S. R., Price, David A. ORCID: and Sewell, Andrew K. ORCID: 2010. MHC Class I molecules with superenhanced CD8 binding properties bypass the requirement for cognate TCR recognition and nonspecifically activate CTLs. Journal of Immunology 184 (7) , pp. 3357-3366. 10.4049/jimmunol.0902398

Wooldridge, Linda, Laugel, Bruno Frederic, Ekeruche, Julia, Clement, Mathew ORCID:, van den Berg, Hugo A., Price, David ORCID: and Sewell, Andrew K. ORCID: 2010. CD8 controls T cell cross-reactivity. The Journal of Immunology 185 (8) , pp. 4625-4632. 10.4049/jimmunol.1001480

Wootton, M., Walsh, Timothy Rutland ORCID:, Macfarlane, L. and Howe, R. A. 2010. Activity of mecillinam against Escherichia coli resistant to third-generation cephalosporins. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 65 (1) , pp. 79-81. 10.1093/jac/dkp404

Zhou, You ORCID:, Li, Shiqian, Mäyränpää, Mikko I., Zhong, Wenbin, Bäck, Nils, Yan, Daoguang and Olkkonen, Vesa M. 2010. OSBP-related protein 11 (ORP11) dimerizes with ORP9 and localizes at the Golgi-late endosome interface. Experimental Cell Research 316 (19) , pp. 3304-3316. 10.1016/j.yexcr.2010.06.008

Book Section

Blum, Robert, Petersen, Ole Holger ORCID: and Verkhratsky, Alexei 2010. Ca2+ imaging of intracellular organelles: endoplasmic reticulum. Verkhratsky, Alexei and Petersen, Ole Holger, eds. Calcium measurement methods, Neuromethods, vol. 43. New York: Humana Press, pp. 146-167. (10.1007/978-1-60761-476-0_8)

Francis, Nicholas Andrew ORCID: and Butler, Christopher Collett ORCID: 2010. Infections of the upper respiratory tract. Finch, Roger G., Greenwood, David, Norrby, S. Ragnar and Whitley, Richard J., eds. Antibiotic and chemotherapy. 9th ed., Edinburgh: Saunders Elsevier, pp. 567-573.

Holmans, Peter Alan ORCID: 2010. Statistical methods for pathway analysis of genome-wide data for association with complex genetic traits. Moore, Jason H. and Dunlap, Jay C., eds. Computational Methods for Genetics of Complex Traits, Advances in Genetics, vol. 72. San Diego, CA: Academic Press, pp. 141-179. (10.1016/B978-0-12-380862-2.00007-2)

Verkhratsky, Alekseĭ Nestorovich and Petersen, Ole Holger ORCID: 2010. Preface. Verkhratsky, Alekseĭ Nestorovich and Petersen, Ole Holger ORCID:, eds. Calcium Measurement Methods, Neuromethods, vol. 43. New York, NY; London: Humana Press, vii-vii.

Verkhratsky, Alexei and Petersen, Ole Holger ORCID: 2010. Principles of the Ca2+ homeostatic/signalling system. Verkhratsky, Alexei and Petersen, Ole Holger, eds. Calcium Measurement Methods, Neuromethods, vol. 43. New York: Humana Press, pp. 1-11. (10.1007/978-1-60761-476-0_1)

Conference or Workshop Item

Allen, Stuart Michael ORCID:, Colombo, Gualtiero B. and Whitaker, Roger Marcus ORCID: 2010. Uttering: social micro-blogging without the internet. Presented at: 2nd International MobiSys Workshop on Mobile Opportunistic Networking, Pisa, Italy, 22-23 February 2010. Published in: Palazzo, Sergio, Camp, Tracy and Conti, Marco eds. MobiOpp '10 Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Mobile Opportunistic Networking, Pisa, Italy, 22-23 February, 2010. New York, NY: ACM, pp. 58-64. 10.1145/1755743.1755754

Mortlock, Katharine Eirlys ORCID:, North, Rachel Valerie ORCID:, Morgan, James Edwards ORCID:, Povazay, Boris, Tumlinson, Alexanxdre, Hermann, Boris, Jones, Hannah, Drexler, Wolfgang and Albon, Julie ORCID: 2010. 1050nm optical coherence tomography of the ageing and glaucomatous optic nerve head. Presented at: EUROMECH Colloquim, Imperial College, London, UK, 26-28 July, 2010.

Shikder, Shariful H., Mourshed, Monjur ORCID: and Price, Andrew D. F. 2010. Luminaire position optimisation using radiance based simulation: A test case of a senior living room. Presented at: The International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering (ICCCBE), Nottingham, UK, 30 June - 2 July 2010. Published in: Tizani, W ed. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering. Nottingham: Nottingham University Press, pp. 379-387.

Shikder, Shariful H., Mourshed, Monjur ORCID: and Price, Andrew D. F. 2010. Optimisation of a daylight-window: Hospital patient room as a test case. Presented at: The International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering (ICCCBE), Nottingham, UK, 30 June - 2 July 2010. Published in: Tizani, W. ed. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering. Nottingham: Nottingham University Press, pp. 387-394.


Price, David 2010. Human error management. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.

This list was generated on Tue Feb 18 11:56:45 2025 GMT.