Abbott, B., Abbott, R., Adhikari, R., Ageev, A., Agresti, J., Ajith, P., Allen, B., Allen, J., Amin, R., Anderson, S., Anderson, W., Araya, M., Armandula, H., Ashley, M., Asiri, F., Aufmuth, P., Aulbert, C., Babak, Stanislav, Balasubramanian, Ramachandran, Ballmer, S., Barish, B., Barker, C., Barker, D., Barnes, M., Barr, B., Barton, M., Bayer, K., Beausoleil, R., Belczynski, K., Bennett, R., Berukoff, S., Betzwieser, J., Bhawal, B., Bilenko, I., Billingsley, G., Black, E., Blackburn, K., Blackburn, L., Bland, B., Bochner, B., Bogue, L., Bork, R., Bose, S., Brady, P., Braginsky, V., Brau, J., Brown, D., Bullington, A., Bunkowski, A., Buonanno, A., Burgess, R., Busby, D., Butler, W., Byer, R., Cadonati, L., Cagnoli, G., Camp, J., Cannizzo, J., Cannon, K., Cantley, C., Cao, J., Cardenas, L., Carter, K., Casey, M., Castiglione, J., Chandler, A., Chapsky, J., Charlton, P., Chatterji, S., Chelkowski, S., Chen, Y., Chickarmane, V., Chin, D., Christensen, N., Churches, David K., Cokelaer, Thomas, Colacino, C., Coldwell, R., Coles, M., Cook, D., Corbitt, T., Coyne, D., Creighton, J., Creighton, T., Crooks, D., Csatorday, P., Cusack, B., Cutler, C., Dalrymple, J., D'Ambrosio, E., Danzmann, K., Davies, Geraint, Daw, E., DeBra, D., Delker, T., Dergachev, V., Desai, S., DeSalvo, R., Dhurandhar, S., Di Credico, A., Díaz, M., Ding, H., Drever, R., Dupuis, R., Edlund, J., Ehrens, P., Elliffe, E., Etzel, T., Evans, M., Evans, T., Fairhurst, Stephen ORCID:, Fallnich, C., Farnham, D., Fejer, M., Findley, T., Fine, M., Finn, L., Franzen, K., Freise, A., Frey, R., Fritschel, P., Frolov, V., Fyffe, M., Ganezer, K., Garofoli, J., Giaime, J., Gillespie, A., Goda, K., Goggin, L., González, G., Goßler, S., Grandclément, P., Grant, A., Gray, C., Gretarsson, A., Grimmett, D., Grote, H., Grunewald, S., Guenther, M., Gustafson, E., Gustafson, R., Hamilton, W., Hammond, M., Hanna, C., Hanson, J., Hardham, C., Harms, J., Harry, G., Hartunian, A., Heefner, J., Hefetz, Y., Heinzel, G., Heng, I., Hennessy, M., Hepler, N., Heptonstall, A., Heurs, M., Hewitson, M., Hild, S., Hindman, N., Hoang, P., Hough, J., Hrynevych, M., Hua, W., Ito, M., Itoh, Y., Ivanov, A., Jennrich, O., Johnson, B., Johnson, W., Johnston, W., Jones, D., Jones, Gareth, Jones, L., Jungwirth, D., Kalogera, V., Katsavounidis, E., Kawabe, K., Kawamura, S., Kells, W., Kern, J., Khan, A., Killbourn, S., Killow, C., Kim, C., King, C., King, P., Klimenko, S., Koranda, S., Kötter, K., Kovalik, J., Kozak, D., Krishnan, B., Landry, M., Langdale, J., Lantz, B., Lawrence, R., Lazzarini, A., Lei, M., Leonor, I., Libbrecht, K., Libson, A., Lindquist, P., Liu, S., Logan, J., Lormand, M., Lubinski, M., Lück, H., Luna, M., Lyons, T., Machenschalk, B., MacInnis, M., Mageswaran, M., Mailand, K., Majid, W., Malec, M., Mandic, V., Mann, F., Marin, A., Márka, S., Maros, E., Mason, J., Mason, K., Matherny, O., Matone, L., Mavalvala, N., McCarthy, R., McClelland, D., McHugh, M., McNabb, J., Melissinos, A., Mendell, G., Mercer, R., Meshkov, S., Messaritaki, Eirini ORCID:, Messenger, Christopher, Mikhailov, E., Mitra, S., Mitrofanov, V., Mitselmakher, G., Mittleman, R., Miyakawa, O., Miyoki, S., Mohanty, S., Moreno, G., Mossavi, K., Mueller, G., Mukherjee, S., Murray, P., Myers, E., Myers, J., Nagano, S., Nash, T., Nayak, R., Newton, G., Nocera, F., Noel, J., Nutzman, P., Olson, T., O'Reilly, B., Ottaway, D., Ottewill, A., Ouimette, D., Overmier, H., Owen, B., Pan, Y., Papa, M., Parameshwaraiah, V., Parameswariah, C., Pedraza, M., Penn, S., Pitkin, M., Plissi, M., Prix, R., Quetschke, V., Raab, F., Radkins, H., Rahkola, R., Rakhmanov, M., Rao, S., Rawlins, K., Ray-Majumder, S., Re, V., Redding, D., Regehr, M., Regimbau, Tania, Reid, S., Reilly, K., Reithmaier, K., Reitze, D., Richman, S., Riesen, R., Riles, K., Rivera, B., Rizzi, A., Robertson, D., Robertson, N., Robinson, C., Robison, L., Roddy, S., Rodriguez, A., Rollins, J., Romano, Joseph David, Romie, J., Rong, H., Rose, D., Rotthoff, E., Rowan, S., Rüdiger, A., Ruet, L., Russell, P., Ryan, K., Salzman, I., Sandberg, V., Sanders, G., Sannibale, V., Sarin, P., Sathyaprakash, Bangalore Suryanarayana ORCID:, Saulson, P., Savage, R., Sazonov, A., Schilling, R., Schlaufman, K., Schmidt, V., Schnabel, R., Schofield, R., Schutz, Bernard ORCID:, Schwinberg, P., Scott, S., Seader, S., Searle, A., Sears, B., Seel, S., Seifert, F., Sellers, D., Sengupta, A., Shapiro, C., Shawhan, P., Shoemaker, D., Shu, Q., Sibley, A., Siemens, X., Sievers, L., Sigg, D., Sintes, A., Smith, J., Smith, M., Smith, M., Sneddon, P., Spero, R., Spjeld, O., Stapfer, G., Steussy, D., Strain, K., Strom, D., Stuver, A., Summerscales, T., Sumner, M., Sung, M., Sutton, P., Sylvestre, J., Takamori, A., Tanner, D., Tarallo, M., Tariq, H., Taylor, I., Taylor, R., Taylor, R., Thorne, K., Thorne, K., Tibbits, M., Tilav, S., Tinto, M., Tokmakov, K., Torres, C., Torrie, C., Traylor, G., Tyler, W., Ugolini, D., Ungarelli, C., Vallisneri, M., van Putten, M., Vass, S., Vecchio, A., Veitch, J., Vorvick, C., Vyachanin, S., Wallace, L., Walther, H., Ward, H., Ward, R., Ware, B., Watts, K., Webber, D., Weidner, A., Weiland, U., Weinstein, A., Weiss, R., Welling, H., Wen, L., Wen, S., Wette, K., Whelan, J., Whitcomb, S., Whiting, B., Wiley, S., Wilkinson, C., Willems, P., Williams, P., Williams, R., Willke, B., Wilson, A., Winjum, B., Winkler, W., Wise, S., Wiseman, A., Woan, G., Woods, D., Wooley, R., Worden, J., Wu, W., Yakushin, I., Yamamoto, H., Yoshida, S., Zaleski, K., Zanolin, M., Zawischa, I., Zhang, L., Zhu, R., Zotov, N., Zucker, M. and Zweizig, J. 2006. Search for gravitational waves from binary black hole inspirals in LIGO data. Physical Review D 73 (6) , 062001. 10.1103/PhysRevD.73.062001 |
Abbott, B., Abbott, R., Adhikari, R., Ageev, A., Agresti, J., Allen, B., Allen, J., Amin, R., Anderson, S., Anderson, W., Araya, M., Armandula, H., Ashley, M., Asiri, F., Aufmuth, P., Aulbert, C., Babak, Stanislav., Balasubramanian, Ramachandran, Ballmer, S., Barish, B., Barker, C., Barker, D., Barnes, M., Barr, B., Barton, M., Bayer, K., Beausoleil, R., Belczynski, K., Bennett, R., Berukoff, S., Betzwieser, J., Bhawal, B., Bilenko, I., Billingsley, G., Black, E., Blackburn, K., Blackburn, L., Bland, B., Bochner, B., Bogue, L., Bork, R., Bose, S., Brady, P., Braginsky, V., Brau, J., Brown, D., Bullington, A., Bunkowski, A., Buonanno, A., Burgess, R., Busby, D., Butler, W., Byer, R., Cadonati, L., Cagnoli, G., Camp, J., Cannizzo, J., Cannon, K., Cantley, C., Cardenas, L., Carter, K., Casey, M., Castiglione, J., Chandler, A., Chapsky, J., Charlton, P., Chatterji, S., Chelkowski, S., Chen, Y., Chickarmane, V., Chin, D., Christensen, N., Churches, David K., Cokelaer, Thomas, Colacino, C., Coldwell, R., Coles, M., Cook, D., Corbitt, T., Coyne, D., Creighton, J., Creighton, T., Crooks, D., Csatorday, P., Cusack, B., Cutler, C., Dalrymple, J., D'Ambrosio, E., Danzmann, K., Davies, Geraint, Daw, E., DeBra, D., Delker, T., Dergachev, V., Desai, S., DeSalvo, R., Dhurandhar, S., Credico, A., Díaz, M., Ding, H., Drever, R., Dupuis, R., Edlund, J., Ehrens, P., Elliffe, E., Etzel, T., Evans, M., Evans, T., Fairhurst, Stephen ORCID:, Fallnich, C., Farnham, D., Fejer, M., Findley, T., Fine, M., Finn, L., Franzen, K., Freise, A., Frey, R., Fritschel, P., Frolov, V., Fyffe, M., Ganezer, K., Garofoli, J., Giaime, J., Gillespie, A., Goda, K., Goggin, L., González, G., Goßler, S., Grandclément, P., Grant, A., Gray, C., Gretarsson, A., Grimmett, D., Grote, H., Grunewald, S., Guenther, M., Gustafson, E., Gustafson, R., Hamilton, W., Hammond, M., Hanson, J., Hardham, C., Harms, J., Harry, G., Hartunian, A., Heefner, J., Hefetz, Y., Heinzel, G., Heng, I., Hennessy, M., Hepler, N., Heptonstall, A., Heurs, M., Hewitson, M., Hild, S., Hindman, N., Hoang, P., Hough, J., Hrynevych, M., Hua, W., Ito, M., Itoh, Y., Ivanov, A., Jennrich, O., Johnson, B., Johnson, W., Johnston, W., Jones, D., Jones, Gareth, Jones, L., Jungwirth, D., Kalogera, V., Katsavounidis, E., Kawabe, K., Kawamura, S., Kells, W., Kern, J., Khan, A., Killbourn, S., Killow, C., Kim, C., King, C., King, P., Klimenko, S., Koranda, S., Kötter, K., Kovalik, J., Kozak, D., Krishnan, B., Landry, M., Langdale, J., Lantz, B., Lawrence, R., Lazzarini, A., Lei, M., Leonor, I., Libbrecht, K., Libson, A., Lindquist, P., Liu, S., Logan, J., Lormand, M., Lubinski, M., Lück, H., Luna, M., Lyons, T., Machenschalk, B., MacInnis, M., Mageswaran, M., Mailand, K., Majid, W., Malec, M., Mandic, V., Mann, F., Marin, A., Márka, S., Maros, E., Mason, J., Mason, K., Matherny, O., Matone, L., Mavalvala, N., McCarthy, R., McClelland, D., McHugh, M., McNabb, J., Melissinos, A., Mendell, G., Mercer, R., Meshkov, S., Messaritaki, Eirini ORCID:, Messenger, Christopher, Mikhailov, E., Mitra, S., Mitrofanov, V., Mitselmakher, G., Mittleman, R., Miyakawa, O., Miyoki, S., Mohanty, S., Moreno, G., Mossavi, K., Mueller, G., Mukherjee, S., Murray, P., Myers, E., Myers, J., Nagano, S., Nash, T., Nayak, R., Newton, G., Nocera, F., Noel, J., Nutzman, P., Olson, T., O'Reilly, B., Ottaway, D., Ottewill, A., Ouimette, D., Overmier, H., Owen, B., Pan, Y., Papa, M., Parameshwaraiah, V., Parameswaran, A., Parameswariah, C., Pedraza, M., Penn, S., Pitkin, M., Plissi, M., Prix, R., Quetschke, V., Raab, F., Radkins, H., Rahkola, R., Rakhmanov, M., Rao, S., Rawlins, K., Ray-Majumder, S., Re, V., Redding, D., Regehr, M., Regimbau, Tania, Reid, S., Reilly, K., Reithmaier, K., Reitze, D., Richman, S., Riesen, R., Riles, K., Rivera, B., Rizzi, A., Robertson, D., Robertson, N., Robinson, C., Robison, L., Roddy, S., Rodriguez, A., Rollins, J., Romano, Joseph David, Romie, J., Rong, H., Rose, D., Rotthoff, E., Rowan, S., Rüdiger, A., Ruet, L., Russell, P., Ryan, K., Salzman, I., Sandberg, V., Sanders, G., Sannibale, V., Sarin, P., Sathyaprakash, Bangalore Suryanarayana ORCID:, Saulson, P., Savage, R., Sazonov, A., Schilling, R., Schlaufman, K., Schmidt, V., Schnabel, R., Schofield, R., Schutz, Bernard ORCID:, Schwinberg, P., Scott, S., Seader, S., Searle, A., Sears, B., Seel, S., Seifert, F., Sellers, D., Sengupta, A., Shapiro, C., Shawhan, P., Shoemaker, D., Shu, Q., Sibley, A., Siemens, X., Sievers, L., Sigg, D., Sintes, A., Smith, J., Smith, M., Smith, M., Sneddon, P., Spero, R., Spjeld, O., Stapfer, G., Steussy, D., Strain, K., Strom, D., Stuver, A., Summerscales, T., Sumner, M., Sung, M., Sutton, P., Sylvestre, J., Takamori, A., Tanner, D., Tariq, H., Taylor, I., Taylor, R., Taylor, R., Thorne, K., Thorne, K., Tibbits, M., Tilav, S., Tinto, M., Tokmakov, K., Torres, C., Torrie, C., Traylor, G., Tyler, W., Ugolini, D., Ungarelli, C., Vallisneri, M., van Putten, M., Vass, S., Vecchio, A., Veitch, J., Vorvick, 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First all-sky upper limits from LIGO on the strength of periodic gravitational waves using the Hough transform. Physical Review D 72 (10) , 102004. 10.1103/PhysRevD.72.102004 |
Abbott, B., Abbott, R., Adhikari, R., Ageev, A., Agresti, J., Allen, B., Allen, J., Amin, R., Anderson, S., Anderson, W., Araya, M., Armandula, H., Ashley, M., Asiri, F., Aufmuth, P., Aulbert, C., Babak, Stanislav, Balasubramanian, Ramachandran, Ballmer, S., Barish, B., Barker, C., Barker, D., Barnes, M., Barr, B., Barton, M., Bayer, K., Beausoleil, R., Belczynski, K., Bennett, R., Berukoff, S., Betzwieser, J., Bhawal, B., Bilenko, I., Billingsley, G., Black, E., Blackburn, K., Blackburn, L., Bland, B., Bochner, B., Bogue, L., Bork, R., Bose, S., Brady, P., Braginsky, V., Brau, J., Brown, D., Bullington, A., Bunkowski, A., Buonanno, A., Burgess, R., Busby, D., Butler, W., Byer, R., Cadonati, L., Cagnoli, G., Camp, J., Cannizzo, J., Cannon, K., Cantley, C., Cardenas, L., Carter, K., Casey, M., Castiglione, J., Chandler, A., Chapsky, J., Charlton, P., Chatterji, S., Chelkowski, S., Chen, Y., Chickarmane, V., Chin, D., Christensen, N., Churches, David K., Cokelaer, Thomas, Colacino, C., Coldwell, R., Coles, M., Cook, D., Corbitt, T., Coyne, D., Creighton, J., Creighton, T., Crooks, D., Csatorday, P., Cusack, B., Cutler, C., Dalrymple, J., D'Ambrosio, E., Danzmann, K., Davies, Geraint, Daw, E., DeBra, D., Delker, T., Dergachev, V., Desai, S., DeSalvo, R., Dhurandhar, S., Credico, A., Díaz, M., Ding, H., Drever, R., Dupuis, R., Edlund, J., Ehrens, P., Elliffe, E., Etzel, T., Evans, M., Evans, T., Fairhurst, Stephen ORCID:, Fallnich, C., Farnham, D., Fejer, M., Findley, T., Fine, M., Finn, L., Franzen, K., Freise, A., Frey, R., Fritschel, P., Frolov, V., Fyffe, M., Ganezer, K., Garofoli, J., Giaime, J., Gillespie, A., Goda, K., Goggin, L., González, G., Goßler, S., Grandclément, P., Grant, A., Gray, C., Gretarsson, A., Grimmett, D., Grote, H., Grunewald, S., Guenther, M., Gustafson, E., Gustafson, R., Hamilton, W., Hammond, M., Hanson, J., Hardham, C., Harms, J., Harry, G., Hartunian, A., Heefner, J., Hefetz, Y., Heinzel, G., Heng, I., Hennessy, M., Hepler, N., Heptonstall, A., Heurs, M., Hewitson, M., Hild, S., Hindman, N., Hoang, P., Hough, J., Hrynevych, M., Hua, W., Ito, M., Itoh, Y., Ivanov, A., Jennrich, O., Johnson, B., Johnson, W., Johnston, W., Jones, D., Jones, Gareth, Jones, L., Jungwirth, D., Kalogera, V., Katsavounidis, E., Kawabe, K., Kawamura, S., Kells, W., Kern, J., Khan, A., Killbourn, S., Killow, C., Kim, C., King, C., King, P., Klimenko, S., Koranda, S., Kötter, K., Kovalik, J., Kozak, D., Krishnan, B., Landry, M., Langdale, J., Lantz, B., Lawrence, R., Lazzarini, A., Lei, M., Leonor, I., Libbrecht, K., Libson, A., Lindquist, P., Liu, S., Logan, J., Lormand, M., Lubinski, M., Lück, H., Luna, M., Lyons, T., Machenschalk, B., MacInnis, M., Mageswaran, M., Mailand, K., Majid, W., Malec, M., Mandic, V., Mann, F., Marin, A., Márka, S., Maros, E., Mason, J., Mason, K., Matherny, O., Matone, L., Mavalvala, N., McCarthy, R., McClelland, D., McHugh, M., Melissinos, A., Mendell, G., Mercer, R., Meshkov, S., Messaritaki, Eirini ORCID:, Messenger, Christopher, Mikhailov, E., Mitra, S., Mitrofanov, V., Mitselmakher, G., Mittleman, R., Miyakawa, O., Miyoki, S., Mohanty, S., Moreno, G., Mossavi, K., Mueller, G., Mukherjee, S., Murray, P., Myers, E., Myers, J., Nagano, S., Nash, T., Nayak, R., Newton, G., Nocera, F., Noel, J., Nutzman, P., Olson, T., O'Reilly, B., Ottaway, D., Ottewill, A., Ouimette, D., Overmier, H., Owen, B., Pan, Y., Papa, M., Parameshwaraiah, V., Ajith, P., Parameswariah, C., Pedraza, M., Penn, S., Pitkin, M., Plissi, M., Prix, R., Quetschke, V., Raab, F., Radkins, H., Rahkola, R., Rakhmanov, M., Rao, S., Rawlins, K., Ray-Majumder, S., Re, V., Redding, D., Regehr, M., Regimbau, Tania, Reid, S., Reilly, K., Reithmaier, K., Reitze, D., Richman, S., Riesen, R., Riles, K., Rivera, B., Rizzi, A., Robertson, D., Robertson, N., Robinson, C., Robison, L., Roddy, S., Rodriguez, A., Rollins, J., Romano, Joseph David, Romie, J., Rong, H., Rose, D., Rotthoff, E., Rowan, S., Rüdiger, A., Ruet, L., Russell, P., Ryan, K., Salzman, I., Sandberg, V., Sanders, G., Sannibale, V., Sarin, P., Sathyaprakash, Bangalore Suryanarayana ORCID:, Saulson, P., Savage, R., Sazonov, A., Schilling, R., Schlaufman, K., Schmidt, V., Schnabel, R., Schofield, R., Schutz, Bernard ORCID:, Schwinberg, P., Scott, S., Seader, S., Searle, A., Sears, B., Seel, S., Seifert, F., Sellers, D., Sengupta, A., Shapiro, C., Shawhan, P., Shoemaker, D., Shu, Q., Sibley, A., Siemens, X., Sievers, L., Sigg, D., Sintes, A., Smith, J., Smith, M., Smith, M., Sneddon, P., Spero, R., Spjeld, O., Stapfer, G., Steussy, D., Strain, K., Strom, D., Stuver, A., Summerscales, T., Sumner, M., Sung, M., Sutton, P., Sylvestre, J., Takamori, A., Tanner, D., Tariq, H., Taylor, I., Taylor, R., Taylor, R., Thorne, K., Thorne, K., Tibbits, M., Tilav, S., Tinto, M., Tokmakov, K., Torres, C., Torrie, C., Traylor, G., Tyler, W., Ugolini, D., Ungarelli, C., Vallisneri, M., van Putten, M., Vass, S., Vecchio, A., Veitch, J., Vorvick, C., Vyachanin, S., Wallace, L., Walther, H., Ward, H., Ward, R., Ware, B., Watts, K., Webber, D., Weidner, A., Weiland, U., Weinstein, A., Weiss, R., Welling, H., Wen, L., Wen, S., Wette, K., Whelan, J., Whitcomb, S., Whiting, B., Wiley, S., Wilkinson, C., Willems, P., Williams, P., Williams, R., Willke, B., Wilson, A., Winjum, B., Winkler, W., Wise, S., Wiseman, A., Woan, G., Woods, D., Wooley, R., Worden, J., Wu, W., Yakushin, I., Yamamoto, H., Yoshida, S., Zaleski, K., Zanolin, M., Zawischa, I., Zhang, L., Zhu, R., Zotov, N., Zucker, M. and Zweizig, J. 2005. Upper limits on gravitational wave bursts in LIGO's second science run. Physical Review D 72 (6) , 062001. 10.1103/PhysRevD.72.062001 |
Abbott, B., Abbott, R., Adhikari, R., Ageev, A., Allen, B., Amin, R., Anderson, S., Anderson, W., Araya, M., Armandula, H., Ashley, M., Asiri, F., Aufmuth, P., Aulbert, C., Babak, Stanislav, Balasubramanian, Ramachandran, Ballmer, S., Barish, B., Barker, C., Barker, D., Barnes, M., Barr, B., Barton, M., Bayer, K., Beausoleil, R., Belczynski, K., Bennett, R., Berukoff, S., Betzwieser, J., Bhawal, B., Bilenko, I., Billingsley, G., Black, E., Blackburn, K., Blackburn, L., Bland, B., Bochner, B., Bogue, L., Bork, R., Bose, S., Brady, P., Braginsky, V., Brau, J., Brown, D., Bullington, A., Bunkowski, A., Buonanno, A., Burgess, R., Busby, D., Butler, W., Byer, R., Cadonati, L., Cagnoli, G., Camp, J., Cantley, C., Cardenas, L., Carter, K., Casey, M., Castiglione, J., Chandler, A., Chapsky, J., Charlton, P., Chatterji, S., Chelkowski, S., Chen, Y., Chickarmane, V., Chin, D., Christensen, N., Churches, David K., Cokelaer, Thomas, Colacino, C., Coldwell, R., Coles, M., Cook, D., Corbitt, T., Coyne, D., Creighton, J., Creighton, T., Crooks, D., Csatorday, P., Cusack, B., Cutler, C., D'Ambrosio, E., Danzmann, K., Daw, E., DeBra, D., Delker, T., Dergachev, V., DeSalvo, R., Dhurandhar, S., Di Credico, A., Díaz, M., Ding, H., Drever, R., Dupuis, R., Edlund, J., Ehrens, P., Elliffe, E., Etzel, T., Evans, M., Evans, T., Fairhurst, Stephen ORCID:, Fallnich, C., Farnham, D., Fejer, M., Findley, T., Fine, M., Finn, L., Franzen, K., Freise, A., Frey, R., Fritschel, P., Frolov, V., Fyffe, M., Ganezer, K., Garofoli, J., Giaime, J., Gillespie, A., Goda, K., González, G., Goßler, S., Grandclément, P., Grant, A., Gray, C., Gretarsson, A., Grimmett, D., Grote, H., Grunewald, S., Guenther, M., Gustafson, E., Gustafson, R., Hamilton, W., Hammond, M., Hanson, J., Hardham, C., Harms, J., Harry, G., Hartunian, A., Heefner, J., Hefetz, Y., Heinzel, G., Heng, I., Hennessy, M., Hepler, N., Heptonstall, A., Heurs, M., Hewitson, M., Hild, S., Hindman, N., Hoang, P., Hough, J., Hrynevych, M., Hua, W., Ito, M., Itoh, Y., Ivanov, A., Jennrich, O., Johnson, B., Johnson, W., Johnston, W., Jones, D., Jones, L., Jungwirth, D., Kalogera, V., Katsavounidis, E., Kawabe, K., Kawamura, S., Kells, W., Kern, J., Khan, A., Killbourn, S., Killow, C., Kim, C., King, C., King, P., Klimenko, S., Koranda, S., Kötter, K., Kovalik, J., Kozak, D., Krishnan, B., Landry, M., Langdale, J., Lantz, B., Lawrence, R., Lazzarini, A., Lei, M., Leonor, I., Libbrecht, K., Libson, A., Lindquist, P., Liu, S., Logan, J., Lormand, M., Lubinski, M., Lück, H., Lyons, T., Machenschalk, B., MacInnis, M., Mageswaran, M., Mailand, K., Majid, W., Malec, M., Mann, F., Marin, A., Márka, S., Maros, E., Mason, J., Mason, K., Matherny, O., Matone, L., Mavalvala, N., McCarthy, R., McClelland, D., McHugh, M., McNabb, J., Mendell, G., Mercer, R., Meshkov, S., Messaritaki, Eirini ORCID:, Messenger, Christopher, Mitrofanov, V., Mitselmakher, G., Mittleman, R., Miyakawa, O., Miyoki, S., Mohanty, S., Moreno, G., Mossavi, K., Mueller, G., Mukherjee, S., Murray, P., Myers, J., Nagano, S., Nash, T., Nayak, R., Newton, G., Nocera, F., Noel, J., Nutzman, P., Olson, T., O'Reilly, B., Ottaway, D., Ottewill, A., Ouimette, D., Overmier, H., Owen, B., Pan, Y., Papa, M., Parameshwaraiah, V., Parameswariah, C., Pedraza, M., Penn, S., Pitkin, M., Plissi, M., Prix, R., Quetschke, V., Raab, F., Radkins, H., Rahkola, R., Rakhmanov, M., Rao, S., Rawlins, K., Ray-Majumder, S., Re, V., Redding, D., Regehr, M., Regimbau, Tania, Reid, S., Reilly, K., Reithmaier, K., Reitze, D., Richman, S., Riesen, R., Riles, K., Rivera, B., Rizzi, A., Robertson, D., Robertson, N., Robison, L., Roddy, S., Rollins, J., Romano, Joseph David, Romie, J., Rong, H., Rose, D., Rotthoff, E., Rowan, S., Rüdiger, A., Russell, P., Ryan, K., Salzman, I., Sandberg, V., Sanders, G., Sannibale, V., Sathyaprakash, Bangalore Suryanarayana ORCID:, Saulson, P., Savage, R., Sazonov, A., Schilling, R., Schlaufman, K., Schmidt, V., Schnabel, R., Schofield, R., Schutz, Bernard Frederick ORCID:, Schwinberg, P., Scott, S., Seader, S., Searle, A., Sears, B., Seel, S., Seifert, F., Sengupta, A., Shapiro, C., Shawhan, P., Shoemaker, D., Shu, Q., Sibley, A., Siemens, X., Sievers, L., Sigg, D., Sintes, A., Smith, J., Smith, M., Smith, M., Sneddon, P., Spero, R., Stapfer, G., Steussy, D., Strain, K., Strom, D., Stuver, A., Summerscales, T., Sumner, M., Sutton, Patrick J ORCID:, Sylvestre, J., Takamori, A., Tanner, D., Tariq, H., Taylor, I., Taylor, R., Taylor, R., Thorne, K., Thorne, K., Tibbits, M., Tilav, S., Tinto, M., Tokmakov, K., Torres, C., Torrie, C., Traylor, G., Tyler, W., Ugolini, D., Ungarelli, C., Vallisneri, M., van Putten, M., Vass, S., Vecchio, A., Veitch, J., Vorvick, C., Vyachanin, S., Wallace, L., Walther, H., Ward, H., Ware, B., Watts, K., Webber, D., Weidner, A., Weiland, U., Weinstein, A., Weiss, R., Welling, H., Wen, L., Wen, S., Whelan, J., Whitcomb, S., Whiting, B., Wiley, S., Wilkinson, C., Willems, P., Williams, P., Williams, R., 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Limits on gravitational-wave emission from selected pulsars using LIGO data. Physical Review Letters 94 (18) , 181103. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.94.181103 |
Abbott, B., Abbott, R., Adhikari, R., Ageev, A., Allen, B., Amin, R., Anderson, S., Anderson, W., Araya, M., Armandula, H., Ashley, M., Asiri, F., Aufmuth, P., Aulbert, C., Babak, Stanislav, Balasubramanian, Ramachandran, Ballmer, S., Barish, B., Barker, C., Barker, D., Barnes, M., Barr, B., Barton, M., Bayer, K., Beausoleil, R., Belczynski, K., Bennett, R., Berukoff, S., Betzwieser, J., Bhawal, B., Bilenko, I., Billingsley, G., Black, E., Blackburn, K., Blackburn, L., Bland, B., Bochner, B., Bogue, L., Bork, R., Bose, S., Brady, P., Braginsky, V., Brau, J., Brown, D., Bullington, A., Bunkowski, A., Buonanno, A., Burgess, R., Busby, D., Butler, W., Byer, R., Cadonati, L., Cagnoli, G., Camp, J., Cannizzo, J., Cantley, C., Cardenas, L., Carter, K., Casey, M., Castiglione, J., Chandler, A., Chapsky, J., Charlton, P., Chatterji, S., Chelkowski, S., Chen, Y., Chickarmane, V., Chin, D., Christensen, N., Churches, David K., Cokelaer, Thomas, Colacino, C., Coldwell, R., Coles, M., Cook, D., 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M., Hua, W., Ito, M., Itoh, Y., Ivanov, A., Jennrich, O., Johnson, B., Johnson, W., Johnston, W., Jones, D., Jones, L., Jungwirth, D., Kalogera, V., Katsavounidis, E., Kawabe, K., Kawamura, S., Kells, W., Kern, J., Khan, A., Killbourn, S., Killow, C., Kim, C., King, C., King, P., Klimenko, S., Koranda, S., Kötter, K., Kovalik, J., Kozak, D., Krishnan, B., Landry, M., Langdale, J., Lantz, B., Lawrence, R., Lazzarini, A., Lei, M., Leonor, I., Libbrecht, K., Libson, A., Lindquist, P., Liu, S., Logan, J., Lormand, M., Lubinski, M., Lück, H., Lyons, T., Machenschalk, B., MacInnis, M., Mageswaran, M., Mailand, K., Majid, W., Malec, M., Mann, F., Marin, A., Márka, S., Maros, E., Mason, J., Mason, K., Matherny, O., Matone, L., Mavalvala, N., McCarthy, R., McClelland, D., McHugh, M., McNabb, J., Mendell, G., Mercer, R., Meshkov, S., Messaritaki, Eirini ORCID:, Messenger, Christopher, Mitrofanov, V., Mitselmakher, G., Mittleman, R., Miyakawa, O., Miyoki, S., Mohanty, S., Moreno, G., Mossavi, K., Mueller, G., Mukherjee, S., Murray, P., Myers, J., Nagano, S., Nash, T., Nayak, R., Newton, G., Nocera, F., Noel, J., Nutzman, P., Olson, T., O'Reilly, B., Ottaway, D., Ottewill, A., Ouimette, D., Overmier, H., Owen, B., Pan, Y., Papa, M., Parameshwaraiah, V., Parameswariah, C., Pedraza, M., Penn, S., Pitkin, M., Plissi, M., Prix, R., Quetschke, V., Raab, F., Radkins, H., Rahkola, R., Rakhmanov, M., Rao, S., Rawlins, K., Ray-Majumder, S., Re, V., Redding, D., Regehr, M., Regimbau, Tania, Reid, S., Reilly, K., Reithmaier, K., Reitze, D., Richman, S., Riesen, R., Riles, K., Rivera, B., Rizzi, A., Robertson, D., Robertson, N., Robison, L., Roddy, S., Rollins, J., Romano, Joseph David, Romie, J., Rong, H., Rose, D., Rotthoff, E., Rowan, S., Rüdiger, A., Russell, P., Ryan, K., Salzman, I., Sandberg, V., Sanders, G., Sannibale, V., Sathyaprakash, Bangalore Suryanarayana ORCID:, Saulson, P., Savage, R., Sazonov, A., Schilling, R., Schlaufman, K., Schmidt, V., Schnabel, R., Schofield, R., 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Search for gravitational waves associated with the gamma ray burst GRB030329 using the LIGO detectors. Physical Review D 72 (4) , 042002. 10.1103/PhysRevD.72.042002 |
Abbott, B., Abbott, R., Adhikari, R., Ageev, A., Allen, B., Amin, R., Anderson, S., Anderson, W., Araya, M., Armandula, H., Ashley, M., Asiri, F., Aufmuth, P., Aulbert, C., Babak, Stanislav, Balasubramanian, Ramachandran, Ballmer, S., Barish, B., Barker, C., Barker, D., Barnes, M., Barr, B., Barton, M., Bayer, K., Beausoleil, R., Belczynski, K., Bennett, R., Berukoff, S., Betzwieser, J., Bhawal, B., Bilenko, I., Billingsley, G., Black, E., Blackburn, K., Blackburn, L., Bland, B., Bochner, B., Bogue, L., Bork, R., Bose, S., Brady, P., Braginsky, V., Brau, J., Brown, D., Bullington, A., Bunkowski, A., Buonanno, A., Burgess, R., Busby, D., Butler, W., Byer, R., Cadonati, L., Cagnoli, G., Camp, J., Cantley, C., Cardenas, L., Carter, K., Casey, M., Castiglione, J., Chandler, A., Chapsky, J., Charlton, P., Chatterji, S., Chelkowski, S., Chen, Y., Chickarmane, V., Chin, D., Christensen, N., Churches, David K., Cokelaer, Thomas, Colacino, C., Coldwell, R., Coles, M., Cook, D., Corbitt, T., 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Ito, M., Itoh, Y., Ivanov, A., Jennrich, O., Johnson, B., Johnson, W., Johnston, W., Jones, D., Jones, L., Jungwirth, D., Kalogera, V., Katsavounidis, E., Kawabe, K., Kawamura, S., Kells, W., Kern, J., Khan, A., Killbourn, S., Killow, C., Kim, C., King, C., King, P., Klimenko, S., Koranda, S., Kötter, K., Kovalik, J., Kozak, D., Krishnan, B., Landry, M., Langdale, J., Lantz, B., Lawrence, R., Lazzarini, A., Lei, M., Leonor, I., Libbrecht, K., Libson, A., Lindquist, P., Liu, S., Logan, J., Lormand, M., Lubinski, M., Lück, H., Lyons, T., Machenschalk, B., MacInnis, M., Mageswaran, M., Mailand, K., Majid, W., Malec, M., Mann, F., Marin, A., Márka, S., Maros, E., Mason, J., Mason, K., Matherny, O., Matone, L., Mavalvala, N., McCarthy, R., McClelland, D., McHugh, M., McNabb, J., Mendell, G., Mercer, R., Meshkov, S., Messaritaki, Eirini ORCID:, Messenger, Christopher, Mitrofanov, V., Mitselmakher, G., Mittleman, R., Miyakawa, O., Miyoki, S., Mohanty, S., Moreno, G., Mossavi, K., Mueller, G., Mukherjee, S., Murray, P., Myers, J., Nagano, S., Nash, T., Nayak, R., Newton, G., Nocera, F., Noel, J., Nutzman, P., Olson, T., O'Reilly, B., Ottaway, D., Ottewill, A., Ouimette, D., Overmier, H., Owen, B., Pan, Y., Papa, M., Parameshwaraiah, V., Parameswaran, A., Parameswariah, C., Pedraza, M., Penn, S., Pitkin, M., Plissi, M., Prix, R., Quetschke, V., Raab, F., Radkins, H., Rahkola, R., Rakhmanov, M., Rao, S., Rawlins, K., Ray-Majumder, S., Re, V., Redding, D., Regehr, M., Regimbau, Tania, Reid, S., Reilly, K., Reithmaier, K., Reitze, D., Richman, S., Riesen, R., Riles, K., Rivera, B., Rizzi, A., Robertson, D., Robertson, N., Robison, L., Roddy, S., Rollins, J., Romano, Joseph David, Romie, J., Rong, H., Rose, D., Rotthoff, E., Rowan, S., Rüdiger, A., Russell, P., Ryan, K., Salzman, I., Sandberg, V., Sanders, G., Sannibale, V., Sathyaprakash, Bangalore Suryanarayana ORCID:, Saulson, P., Savage, R., Sazonov, A., Schilling, R., Schlaufman, K., Schmidt, V., Schnabel, R., Schofield, R., Schutz, Bernard ORCID:, Schwinberg, P., Scott, S., Seader, S., Searle, A., Sears, B., Seel, S., Seifert, F., Sengupta, A., Shapiro, C., Shawhan, P., Shoemaker, D., Shu, Q., Sibley, A., Siemens, X., Sievers, L., Sigg, D., Sintes, A., Smith, J., Smith, M., Smith, M., Sneddon, P., Spero, R., Stapfer, G., Steussy, D., Strain, K., Strom, D., Stuver, A., Summerscales, T., Sumner, M., Sutton, P., Sylvestre, J., Takamori, A., Tanner, D., Tariq, H., Taylor, I., Taylor, R., Taylor, R., Thorne, K., Thorne, K., Tibbits, M., Tilav, S., Tinto, M., Tokmakov, K., Torres, C., Torrie, C., Traylor, G., Tyler, W., Ugolini, D., Ungarelli, C., Vallisneri, M., van Putten, M., Vass, S., Vecchio, A., Veitch, J., Vorvick, C., Vyachanin, S., Wallace, L., Walther, H., Ward, H., Ware, B., Watts, K., Webber, D., Weidner, A., Weiland, U., Weinstein, A., Weiss, R., Welling, H., Wen, L., Wen, S., Whelan, J., Whitcomb, S., Whiting, B., Wiley, S., Wilkinson, C., Willems, P., Williams, P., Williams, R., Willke, B., 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Search for gravitational waves from primordial black hole binary coalescences in the galactic halo. Physical Review D 72 (8) , 082002. 10.1103/PhysRevD.72.082002 |
Abbott, B., Abbott, R., Adhikari, R., Agresti, J., Ajith, P., Allen, B., Allen, J., Amin, R., Anderson, S. B., Anderson, W. G., Araya, M., Armandula, H., Ashley, M., Aulbert, C., Babak, S., Balasubramanian, Ramachandran, Ballmer, S., Bantilan, H., Barish, B. C., Barker, C., Barker, D., Barton, M. A., Bayer, K., Belczynski, K., Betzwieser, J., Bhawal, B., Bilenko, I. A., Billingsley, G., Black, E., Blackburn, K., Blackburn, L., Bland, B., Bogue, L., Bork, R., Bose, S., Brady, P. R., Braginsky, V. B., Brau, J. E., Brown, D. A., Buonanno, A., Busby, D., Butler, W. E., Cadonati, L., Cagnoli, G., Camp, J. B., Cannizzo, J., Cannon, K., Cao, J., Cardenas, L., Carter, K., Casey, M. M., Charlton, P., Chatterji, S., Chen, Y., Chin, D., Christensen, N., Cokelaer, Thomas, Colacino, C. N., Coldwell, R., Cook, D., Corbitt, T., Coyne, D., Creighton, J. D. E., Creighton, T. D., Dalrymple, J., D'Ambrosio, E., Danzmann, K., Davies, Geraint, DeBra, D., Dergachev, V., Desai, S., DeSalvo, R., Dhurandar, S., Díaz, M., Di Credico, A., Drever, R. W. P., Dupuis, R. J., Ehrens, P., Etzel, T., Evans, M., Evans, T., Fairhurst, Stephen ORCID:, Finn, L. S., Franzen, K. Y., Frey, R. E., Fritschel, P., Frolov, V. V., Fyffe, M., Ganezer, K. S., Garofoli, J., Gholami, I., Giaime, J. A., Goda, K., Goggin, L., González, G., Gray, C., Gretarsson, A. M., Grimmett, D., Grote, H., Grunewald, S., Guenther, M., Gustafson, R., Hamilton, W. O., Hanna, C., Hanson, J., Hardham, C., Harry, G., Heefner, J., Heng, I. S., Hewitson, M., Hindman, N., Hoang, P., Hough, J., Hua, W., Ito, M., Itoh, Y., Ivanov, A., Johnson, B., Johnson, W. W., Jones, D. I., Jones, Gareth, Jones, L., Kalogera, V., Katsavounidis, E., Kawabe, K., Kawamura, S., Kells, W., Khan, A., Kim, C., King, P., Klimenko, S., Koranda, S., Kozak, D., Krishnan, B., Landry, M., Lantz, B., Lazzarini, A., Lei, M., Leonor, I., Libbrecht, K., Lindquist, P., Liu, S., Lormand, M., Lubinski, M., Lück, H., Luna, M., Machenschalk, B., MacInnis, M., Mageswaran, M., Mailand, K., Malec, M., Mandic, V., Márka, S., Maros, E., Mason, K., Matone, L., Mavalvala, N., McCarthy, R., McClelland, D. E., McHugh, M., McNabb, J. W.C., Melissinos, A., Mendell, G., Mercer, R. A., Meshkov, S., Messaritaki, Eirini ORCID:, Messenger, Christopher, Mikhailov, E., Mitra, S., Mitrofanov, V. P., Mitselmakher, G., Mittleman, R., Miyakawa, O., Mohanty, S., Moreno, G., Mossavi, K., Mueller, G., Mukherjee, S., Myers, E., Myers, J., Nash, T., Nocera, F., Noel, J. S., O'Reilly, B., O'Shaughnessy, R., Ottaway, D. J., Overmier, H., Owen, B. J., Pan, Y., Papa, M. A., Parameshwaraiah, V., Parameswariah, C., Pedraza, M., Penn, S., Pitkin, M., Prix, R., Quetschke, V., Raab, F., Radkins, H., Rahkola, R., Rakhmanov, M., Rawlins, K., Ray-Majumder, S., Re, V., Regimbau, Tania, Reitze, D. H., Riesen, R., Riles, K., Rivera, B., Robertson, D. I., Robertson, N. A., Robinson, C., Roddy, S., Rodriguez, A., Rollins, J., Romano, Joseph David, Romie, J., Rowan, S., Rüdiger, A., Ruet, L., Russell, P., Ryan, K., Sandberg, V., Sanders, G. H., Sannibale, V., Sarin, P., Sathyaprakash, Bangalore Suryanarayana ORCID:, Saulson, P. R., Savage, R., Sazonov, A., Schilling, R., Schofield, R., Schutz, Bernard Frederick ORCID:, Schwinberg, P., Scott, S. M., Seader, S. E., Searle, A. C., Sears, B., Sellers, D., Sengupta, Anand Sankar, Shawhan, P., Shoemaker, D. H., Sibley, A., Siemens, X., Sigg, D., Sintes, A. M., Smith, J., Smith, M. R., Spjeld, O., Strain, K. A., Strom, D. M., Stuver, A., Summerscales, T., Sung, M. and Sutton, Patrick J. ORCID: 2006. Search for gravitational-wave bursts in LIGO's third science run. Classical and Quantum Gravity 23 (8) , S29. 10.1088/0264-9381/23/8/S05 |
Abbott, B., Abbott, R., Adhikari, R., Agresti, J., Ajith, P., Allen, B., Amin, R., Anderson, S. B., Anderson, W. G., Arain, M., Araya, M., Armandula, H., Ashley, M., Aston, S., Aufmuth, P., Aulbert, C., Babak, S., Ballmer, S., Bantilan, H., Barish, B., Barker, C., Barker, D., Barr, B., Barriga, P., Barton, M. A., Bayer, K., Belczynski, K., Betzwieser, J., Beyersdorf, P. T., Bhawal, B., Bilenko, I. A., Billingsley, G., Biswas, R., Black, E., Blackburn, K., Blackburn, L., Blair, D., Bland, B., Bogenstahl, J., Bogue, L., Bork, R., Boschi, V., Bose, S., Brady, P. R., Braginsky, V. B., Brau, J. E., Brinkmann, M., Brooks, A., Brown, D. A., Bullington, A., Bunkowski, A., Buonanno, A., Burmeister, O., Busby, D., Butler, W. E., Byer, R. L., Cadonati, L., Cagnoli, G., Camp, J. B., Cannizzo, J., Cannon, K., Cantley, C. A., Cao, J., Cardenas, L., Carter, K., Casey, M. 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S., Garofoli, J., Gholami, I., Giaime, J. A., Giampanis, S., Giardina, K. D., Goda, K., Goetz, E., Goggin, L., González, G., Gossler, S., Grant, A., Gras, S., Gray, C., Gray, M., Greenhalgh, J., Gretarsson, A. M., Grosso, R., Grote, H., Grunewald, S., Guenther, M., Gustafson, R., Hage, B., Hammer, D., Hanna, C., Hanson, J., Harms, J., Harry, G., Harstad, E., Hayler, T., Heefner, J., Heng, I. S., Heptonstall, A., Heurs, M., Hewitson, M., Hild, S., Hirose, E., Hoak, D., Hosken, D., Hough, J., Howell, E., Hoyland, D., Huttner, S. H., Ingram, D., Innerhofer, E., Ito, M., Itoh, Y., Ivanov, A., Jackrel, D., Johnson, B., Johnson, W. W., Jones, D. I., Jones, Gareth, Jones, R., Ju, L., Kalmus, P., Kalogera, V., Kasprzyk, D., Katsavounidis, E., Kawabe, K., Kawamura, S., Kawazoe, F., Kells, W., Keppel, D. G., Khalili, F. Ya, Kim, C., King, P., Kissel, J. S., Klimenko, S., Kokeyama, K., Kondrashov, V., Kopparapu, R. K., Kozak, D., Krishnan, B., Kwee, P., Lam, P. K., Landry, M., Lantz, B., Lazzarini, A., Lee, B., Lei, M., Leiner, J., Leonhardt, V., Leonor, I., Libbrecht, K., Lindquist, P., Lockerbie, N. A., Longo, M., Lormand, M., Lubinski, M., Lück, H., Machenschalk, B., MacInnis, M., Mageswaran, M., Mailand, K., Malec, M., Mandic, V., Marano, S., Márka, S., Markowitz, J., Maros, E., Martin, I., Marx, J. N., Mason, K., Matone, L., Matta, V., Mavalvala, N., McCarthy, R., McClelland, D. E., McGuire, S. C., McHugh, M., McKenzie, K., McNabb, J. W. C., McWilliams, S., Meier, T., Melissinos, A., Mendell, G., Mercer, R. A., Meshkov, S., Messaritaki, Eirini ORCID:, Messenger, Christopher, Meyers, D., Mikhailov, E., Mitra, S., Mitrofanov, V. P., Mitselmakher, G., Mittleman, R., Miyakawa, O., Mohanty, S., Moreno, G., Mossavi, K., MowLowry, C., Moylan, A., Mudge, D., Mueller, G., Mukherjee, S., Müller-Ebhardt, H., Munch, J., Murray, P., Myers, E., Myers, J., Nash, T., Newton, G., Nishizawa, A., Nocera, F., Numata, K., O'Reilly, B., O'Shaughnessy, R., Ottaway, D. J., Overmier, H., Owen, B. J., Pan, Y., Papa, M. A., Parameshwaraiah, V., Parameswariah, C., Patel, P., Pedraza, M., Penn, S., Pierro, V., Pinto, I. M., Pitkin, M., Pletsch, H., Plissi, M. V., Postiglione, F., Prix, R., Quetschke, V., Raab, F., Rabeling, D., Radkins, H., Rahkola, R., Rainer, N., Rakhmanov, M., Rawlins, K., Ray-Majumder, S., Re, V., Regimbau, Tania, Rehbein, H., Reid, S., Reitze, D. H., Ribichini, L., Riesen, R., Riles, K., Rivera, B., Robertson, N. A., Robinson, Craig, Robinson, E. L., Roddy, S., Rodriguez, A., Rogan, A. 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Abbott, B., Abbott, R., Adhikari, R., Agresti, J., Ajith, P., Allen, B., Amin, R., Anderson, S. B., Anderson, W. G., Araya, M., Armandula, H., Ashley, M., Aston, S, Aulbert, C., Babak, S., Ballmer, S., Barish, B. C., Barker, C., Barker, D., Barr, B., Barriga, P., Barton, M. A., Bayer, K., Belczynski, K., Betzwieser, J., Beyersdorf, P., Bhawal, B., Bilenko, I. A., Billingsley, G., Black, E., Blackburn, K., Blackburn, L., Blair, D., Bland, B., Bogue, L., Bork, R., Bose, S., Brady, P. R., Braginsky, V. B., Brau, J. E., Brooks, A., Brown, D. A., Bullington, A., Bunkowski, A., Buonanno, A., Burman, R., Busby, D., Byer, R. L., Cadonati, L., Cagnoli, G., Camp, J. B., Cannizzo, J., Cannon, K., Cantley, C. A., Cao, J., Cardenas, L., Casey, M. M., Cepeda, C., Charlton, P., Chatterji, S., Chelkowski, S., Chen, Y., Chin, D., Chin, E., Chow, J., Christensen, N., Cokelaer, Thomas, Colacino, C. N., Coldwell, R., Cook, D., Corbitt, T., Coward, D., Coyne, D., Creighton, J. D. E., Creighton, T. D., Crooks, D. R. M., Cruise, A. M., Cumming, A., Cutler, C., Dalrymple, J., D'Ambrosio, E., Danzmann, K., Davies, Geraint, de Vine, G., DeBra, D., Degallaix, J., Dergachev, V., Desai, S., DeSalvo, R., Dhurandar, S., Di Credico, A., Diaz, M., Dickson, J., Diederichs, G., Dietz, Alexander, Doomes, E. E., Drever, R. W. P., Dumas, J.-C., Dupuis, R. J., Ehrens, P., Elliffe, E., Etzel, T., Evans, M., Evans, T., Fairhurst, Stephen ORCID:, Fan, Y., Fejer, M. M., Finn, L. S., Fotopoulos, N., Franzen, A., Franzen, K. Y., Frey, R. E., Fricke, T., Fritschel, P., Frolov, V. V., Fyffe, M., Garofoli, J., Gholami, I., Giaime, J. A., Giampanis, S., Goda, K., Goetz, E., Goggin, L., Gonzalez, G., Gossler, S., Grant, A., Gras, S., Gray, C., Gray, M., Greenhalgh, J., Gretarsson, A. M., Grimmett, D., Grosso, R., Grote, H., Grunewald, S., Guenther, M., Gustafson, R., Hage, B., Hanna, C., Hanson, J., Hardham, C., Harms, J., Harry, G., Harstad, E., Hayler, T., Heefner, J., Heng, I. S., Heptonstall, A., Heurs, M., Hewitson, M., Hild, S., Hindman, N., Hirose, E., Hoak, D., Hoang, P., Hosken, D., Hough, J., Howell, E., Hoyland, D., Hua, W., Huttner, S., Ingram, D., Ito, M., Itoh, Y., Ivanov, A., Jackrel, D., Johnson, B., Johnson, W. W., Jones, D. I., Jones, Gareth, Jones, R., Ju, L., Kalmus, P., Kalogera, V., Kasprzyk, D., Katsavounidis, E., Kawabe, K., Kawamura, S., Kawazoe, F., Kells, W., Khalili, F. Ya., Khan, A., Kim, C., King, P., Klimenko, S., Kokeyama, K., Kondrashov, V., Koranda, S., Kozak, D., Krishnan, B., Kwee, P., Lam, P. K., Landry, M., Lantz, B., Lazzarini, A., Lee, B., Lei, M., Leonhardt, V., Leonor, I., Libbrecht, K., Lindquist, P., Lockerbie, N. A., Lormand, M., Lubinski, M., Luck, H., Machenschalk, B., MacInnis, M., Mageswaran, M., Mailand, K., Malec, M., Mandic, V., Marka, S., Markowitz, J., Maros, E., Martin, I., Marx, J. N., Mason, K., Matone, L., Mavalvala, N., McCarthy, R., McClelland, D. E., McGuire, S. C., McHugh, M., McKenzie, K., McNabb, J. W. C., Meier, T., Melissinos, A., Mendell, G., Mercer, R. A., Meshkov, S., Messaritaki, Eirini ORCID:, Messenger, Christopher, Meyers, D., Mikhailov, E., Mitra, S., Mitrofanov, V. P., Mitselmakher, G., Mittleman, R., Miyakawa, O., Mohanty, S., Moreno, G., Mossavi, K., MowLowry, C., Moylan, A., Mudge, D., Mueller, G., Muller-Ebhardt, H., Mukherjee, S., Munch, J., Murray, P., Myers, E., Myers, J., Newton, G., Numata, K., O'Reilly, B., O'Shaughnessy, R., Ottaway, D. J., Overmier, H., Owen, B. J., Pan, Y., Papa, M. A., Parameshwaraiah, V., Pedraza, M., Penn, S., Pitkin, M., Plissi, M. V., Prix, R., Quetschke, V., Raab, F., Rabeling, D., Radkins, H., Rahkola, R., Rakhmanov, M., Rawlins, K., Ray-Majumder, S., Re, V., Rehbein, H., Reid, S., Reitze, D. H., Ribichini, L., Riesen, R., Riles, K., Rivera, B., Robertson, D. I., Robertson, N. A., Robinson, Craig Anthony, Roddy, S., Rodriguez, A., Rogan, A. M., Rollins, J., Romano, Joseph David, Romie, J., Route, R., Rowan, S., Rudiger, A., Ruet, L., Russell, P., Ryan, K., Sakata, S., Samidi, M., de la Jordana, L. Sancho, Sandberg, V., Sannibale, V., Saraf, S., Sarin, P., Sathyaprakash, Bangalore Suryanarayana ORCID:, Sato, S., Saulson, P. R., Savage, R., Schediwy, S., Schilling, R., Schnabel, R., Schofield, R., Schutz, Bernard Frederick ORCID:, Schwinberg, P., Scott, S. M., Seader, S. E., Searle, A. C., Sears, B., Seifert, F., Sellers, D., Sengupta, Anand Sankar, Shawhan, P., Sheard, B., Shoemaker, D. H., Sibley, A., Siemens, X., Sigg, D., Sintes, A. M., Slagmolen, B., Slutsky, J., Smith, J., Smith, M. R., Sneddon, P., Somiya, K., Speake, C., Spjeld, O., Strain, K. A., Strom, D. M., Stuver, A., Summerscales, T., Sun, K., Sung, M., Sutton, Patrick J. ORCID:, Tanner, D. B., Tarallo, M., Taylor, R., Taylor, R., Thacker, J., Thorne, K. A., Thorne, K. S., Thuring, A., Tokmakov, K. 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Abbott, B., Abbott, R., Adhikari, R., Agresti, J., Ajith, P., Allen, B., Amin, R., Anderson, S., Anderson, W., Arain, M., Araya, M., Armandula, H., Ashley, M., Aston, S., Aufmuth, P., Aulbert, C., Babak, S., Ballmer, S., Bantilan, H., Barish, B., Barker, C., Barker, D., Barr, B., Barriga, P., Barton, M., Bayer, K., Belczynski, K., Berukoff, S., Betzwieser, J., Beyersdorf, P., Bhawal, B., Bilenko, I., Billingsley, G., Biswas, R., Black, E., Blackburn, K., Blackburn, L., Blair, D., Bland, B., Bogenstahl, J., Bogue, L., Bork, R., Boschi, V., Bose, S., Brady, P., Braginsky, V., Brau, J., Brinkmann, M., Brooks, A., Brown, D., Bullington, A., Bunkowski, A., Buonanno, A., Burmeister, O., Busby, D., Butler, W., Byer, R., Cadonati, L., Cagnoli, G., Camp, J., Cannizzo, J., Cannon, K., Cantley, C., Cao, J., Cardenas, L., Carter, K., Casey, M., Castaldi, G., Cepeda, C., Chalkley, E., Charlton, P., Chatterji, S., Chelkowski, S., Chen, Y., Chiadini, F., Chin, D., Chin, E., Chow, J., Christensen, N., Clark, J., Cochrane, P., Cokelaer, Thomas, Colacino, C., Coldwell, R., Coles, M., Conte, R., Cook, D., Corbitt, T., Coward, D., Coyne, D., Creighton, J., Creighton, T., Croce, R., Crooks, D., Cruise, A., Csatorday, P., Cumming, A., Dalrymple, J., D'Ambrosio, E., Danzmann, K., Davies, Geraint, Daw, E., DeBra, D., Degallaix, J., Degree, M., Delker, T., Demma, T., Dergachev, V., Desai, S., DeSalvo, R., Dhurandhar, S., Díaz, M., Dickson, J., Di Credico, A., Diederichs, G., Dietz, Alexander, Ding, H., Doomes, E., Drever, R., Dumas, J.-C., Dupuis, R., Dwyer, J., Ehrens, P., Espinoza, E., Etzel, T., Evans, M., Evans, T., Fairhurst, Stephen ORCID:, Fan, Y., Fazi, D., Fejer, M., Finn, L., Fiumara, V., Fotopoulos, N., Franzen, A., Franzen, K., Freise, A., Frey, R., Fricke, T., Fritschel, P., Frolov, V., Fyffe, M., Galdi, V., Ganezer, K., Garofoli, J., Gholami, I., Giaime, J., Giampanis, S., Giardina, K., Goda, K., Goetz, E., Goggin, L., González, G., Gossler, S., Grant, A., Gras, S., Gray, C., Gray, M., Greenhalgh, J., Gretarsson, A., Grosso, R., Grote, H., Grunewald, S., Guenther, M., Gustafson, R., Hage, B., Hammer, D., Hanna, C., Hanson, J., Harms, J., Harry, G., Harstad, E., Hayler, T., Heefner, J., Heinzel, G., Heng, I., Heptonstall, A., Heurs, M., Hewitson, M., Hild, S., Hirose, E., Hoak, D., Hosken, D., Hough, J., Howell, E., Hoyland, D., Huttner, S., Ingram, D., Innerhofer, E., Ito, M., Itoh, Y., Ivanov, A., Jackrel, D., Jennrich, O., Johnson, B., Johnson, W., Johnston, W., Jones, D., Jones, Gareth, Jones, R., Ju, L., Kalmus, P., Kalogera, V., Kasprzyk, D., Katsavounidis, E., Kawabe, K., Kawamura, S., Kawazoe, F., Kells, W., Keppel, D., Khalili, F., Killow, C., Kim, C., King, P., Kissel, J., Klimenko, S., Kokeyama, K., Kondrashov, V., Kopparapu, R., Kozak, D., Krishnan, B., Kwee, P., Lam, P., Landry, M., Lantz, B., Lazzarini, A., Lee, B., Lei, M., Leiner, J., Leonhardt, V., Leonor, I., Libbrecht, K., Libson, A., Lindquist, P., Lockerbie, N., Logan, J., Longo, M., Lormand, M., Lubinski, M., Lück, H., Machenschalk, B., MacInnis, M., Mageswaran, M., Mailand, K., Malec, M., Mandic, V., Marano, S., Márka, S., Markowitz, J., Maros, E., Martin, I., Marx, J., Mason, K., Matone, L., Matta, V., Mavalvala, N., McCarthy, R., McClelland, D., McGuire, S., McHugh, M., McKenzie, K., McNabb, J., McWilliams, S., Meier, T., Melissinos, A., Mendell, G., Mercer, R., Meshkov, S., Messaritaki, Eirini ORCID:, Messenger, Christopher, Meyers, D., Mikhailov, E., Mitra, S., Mitrofanov, V., Mitselmakher, G., Mittleman, R., Miyakawa, O., Mohanty, S., Moreno, G., Mossavi, K., MowLowry, C., Moylan, A., Mudge, D., Mueller, G., Mukherjee, S., Müller-Ebhardt, H., Munch, J., Murray, P., Myers, E., Myers, J., Nagano, S., Nash, T., Newton, G., Nishizawa, A., Nocera, F., Numata, K., Nutzman, P., O'Reilly, B., O'Shaughnessy, R., Ottaway, D., Overmier, H., Owen, B., Pan, Y., Papa, M., Parameshwaraiah, V., Parameswariah, C., Patel, P., Pedraza, M., Penn, S., Pierro, V., Pinto, I., Pitkin, M., Pletsch, H., Plissi, M., Postiglione, F., Prix, R., Quetschke, V., Raab, F., Rabeling, D., Radkins, H., Rahkola, R., Rainer, N., Rakhmanov, M., Ramsunder, M., Rawlins, K., Ray-Majumder, S., Re, V., Regimbau, Tania, Rehbein, H., Reid, S., Reitze, D., Ribichini, L., Richman, S., Riesen, R., Riles, K., Rivera, B., Robertson, N., Robinson, Craig Anthony, Robinson, E., Roddy, S., Rodriguez, A., Rogan, A., Rollins, J., Romano, Joseph David, Romie, J., Rong, H., Route, R., Rowan, S., Rüdiger, A., Ruet, L., Russell, P., Ryan, K., Sakata, S., Samidi, M., Sancho de la Jordana, L., Sandberg, V., Sanders, G., Sannibale, V., Saraf, S., Sarin, P., Sathyaprakash, Bangalore Suryanarayana ORCID:, Sato, S., Saulson, P., Savage, R., Savov, P., Sazonov, A., Schediwy, S., Schilling, R., Schnabel, R., Schofield, R., Schutz, Bernard Frederick ORCID:, Schwinberg, P., Scott, S., Searle, A., Sears, B., Seifert, F., Sellers, D., Sengupta, Anand Sankar, Shawhan, P., Shoemaker, D., Sibley, A., Sidles, J., Siemens, X., Sigg, D., Sinha, S., Sintes, A., Slagmolen, B., Slutsky, J., Smith, J., Smith, M., Somiya, K., Strain, K., Strand, N., Strom, D., Stuver, A., Summerscales, T., Sun, K.-X., Sung, M., Sutton, Patrick J. 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Search for gravitational waves associated with 39 gamma-ray bursts using data from the second, third, and fourth LIGO runs. Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology 77 (6) , 062004. 10.1103/PhysRevD.77.062004 |
Abbott, B., Abbott, R., Adhikari, R., Agresti, J., Ajith, P., Allen, B., Amin, R., Anderson, S., Anderson, W., Arain, M., Araya, M., Armandula, H., Ashley, M., Aston, S., Aufmuth, P., Aulbert, C., Babak, S., Ballmer, S., Bantilan, H., Barish, B., Barker, C., Barker, D., Barr, B., Barriga, P., Barton, M., Bayer, K., Belczynski, K., Betzwieser, J., Beyersdorf, P., Bhawal, B., Bilenko, I., Billingsley, G., Biswas, R., Black, E., Blackburn, K., Blackburn, L., Blair, D., Bland, B., Bogenstahl, J., Bogue, L., Bork, R., Boschi, V., Bose, S., Brady, P., Braginsky, V., Brau, J., Brinkmann, M., Brooks, A., Brown, D., Bullington, A., Bunkowski, A., Buonanno, A., Burgamy, M., Burmeister, O., Busby, D., Byer, R., Cadonati, L., Cagnoli, G., Camp, J., Cannizzo, J., Cannon, K., Cantley, C., Cao, J., Cardenas, L., Casey, M., Castaldi, G., Cepeda, C., Chalkey, E., Charlton, P., Chatterji, S., Chelkowski, S., Chen, Y., Chiadini, F., Chin, D., Chin, E., Chow, J., Christensen, N., Clark, J., Cochrane, P., Cokelaer, Thomas, Colacino, C., Coldwell, R., Conte, R., Cook, D., Corbitt, T., Coward, D., Coyne, D., Creighton, J., Creighton, T., Croce, R., Crooks, D., Cruise, A., Cumming, A., Dalrymple, J., D'Ambrosio, E., Danzmann, K., Davies, Geraint, DeBra, D., Degallaix, J., Degree, M., Demma, T., Dergachev, V., Desai, S., DeSalvo, R., Dhurandhar, S., Díaz, M., Dickson, J., Di Credico, A., Diederichs, G., Dietz, Alexander, Doomes, E., Drever, R., Dumas, J.-C., Dupuis, R., Dwyer, J., Ehrens, P., Espinoza, E., Etzel, T., Evans, M., Evans, T., Fairhurst, Stephen ORCID:, Fan, Y., Fazi, D., Fejer, M., Finn, L., Fiumara, V., Fotopoulos, N., Franzen, A., Franzen, K., Freise, A., Frey, R., Fricke, T., Fritschel, P., Frolov, V., Fyffe, M., Galdi, V., Garofoli, J., Gholami, I., Giaime, J., Giampanis, S., Giardina, K., Goda, K., Goetz, E., Goggin, L., González, G., Gossler, S., Grant, A., Gras, S., Gray, C., Gray, M., Greenhalgh, J., Gretarsson, A., Grosso, R., Grote, H., Grunewald, S., Guenther, M., Gustafson, R., Hage, B., Hamilton, W., Hammer, D., Hanna, C., Hanson, J., Harms, J., Harry, G., Harstad, E., Hayler, T., Heefner, J., Heng, I., Heptonstall, A., Heurs, M., Hewitson, M., Hild, S., Hirose, E., Hoak, D., Hosken, D., Hough, J., Howell, E., Hoyland, D., Huttner, S., Ingram, D., Innerhofer, E., Ito, M., Itoh, Y., Ivanov, A., Jackrel, D., Johnson, B., Johnson, W., Jones, D., Jones, Gareth, Jones, R., Ju, L., Kalmus, P., Kalogera, V., Kasprzyk, D., Katsavounidis, E., Kawabe, K., Kawamura, S., Kawazoe, F., Kells, W., Keppel, D., Khalili, F., Kim, C., King, P., Kissel, J., Klimenko, S., Kokeyama, K., Kondrashov, V., Kopparapu, R., Kozak, D., Krishnan, B., Kwee, P., Lam, P., Landry, M., Lantz, B., Lazzarini, A., Lee, B., Lei, M., Leiner, J., Leonhardt, V., Leonor, I., Libbrecht, K., Lindquist, P., Lockerbie, N., Longo, M., Lormand, M., Lubinski, M., Lück, H., Machenschalk, B., MacInnis, M., Mageswaran, M., Mailand, K., Malec, M., Mandic, V., Marano, S., Márka, S., Markowitz, J., Maros, E., Martin, I., Marx, J., Mason, K., Matone, L., Matta, V., Mavalvala, N., McCarthy, R., McCaulley, B., McClelland, D., McGuire, S., McHugh, M., McKenzie, K., McNabb, J., McWilliams, S., Meier, T., Melissinos, A., Mendell, G., Mercer, R., Meshkov, S., Messaritaki, Eirini ORCID:, Messenger, Christopher, Meyers, D., Mikhailov, E., Miller, P., Mitra, S., Mitrofanov, V., Mitselmakher, G., Mittleman, R., Miyakawa, O., Mohanty, S., Moody, V., Moreno, G., Mossavi, K., MowLowry, C., Moylan, A., Mudge, D., Mueller, G., Mukherjee, S., Müller-Ebhardt, H., Munch, J., Murray, P., Myers, E., Myers, J., Nash, T., Nettles, D., Newton, G., Nishizawa, A., Numata, K., O'Reilly, B., O'Shaughnessy, R., Ottaway, D., Overmier, H., Owen, B., Paik, H.-J., Pan, Y., Papa, M., Parameshwaraiah, V., Patel, P., Pedraza, M., Penn, S., Pierro, V., Pinto, I., Pitkin, M., Pletsch, H., Plissi, M., Postiglione, F., Prix, R., Quetschke, V., Raab, F., Rabeling, D., Radkins, H., Rahkola, R., Rainer, N., Rakhmanov, M., Ramsunder, M., Rawlins, K., Ray-Majumder, S., Re, V., Rehbein, H., Reid, S., Reitze, D., Ribichini, L., Riesen, R., Riles, K., Rivera, B., Robertson, N., Robinson, Craig Anthony, Robinson, E., Roddy, S., Rodriguez, A., Rogan, A., Rollins, J., Romano, Joseph David, Romie, J., Route, R., Rowan, S., Rüdiger, A., Ruet, L., Russell, P., Ryan, K., Sakata, S., Samidi, M., Sancho de la Jordana, L., Sandberg, V., Sannibale, V., Saraf, S., Sarin, P., Sathyaprakash, Bangalore Suryanarayana ORCID:, Sato, S., Saulson, P., Savage, R., Savov, P., Schediwy, S., Schilling, R., Schnabel, R., Schofield, R., Schutz, Bernard Frederick ORCID:, Schwinberg, P., Scott, S., Searle, A., Sears, B., Seifert, F., Sellers, D., Sengupta, Anand Sankar, Shawhan, P., Shoemaker, D., Sibley, A., Sidles, J., Siemens, X., Sigg, D., Sinha, S., Sintes, A., Slagmolen, B., Slutsky, J., Smith, J., Smith, M., Somiya, K., Strain, K., Strom, D., Stuver, A., Summerscales, T., Sun, K.-X., Sung, M., Sutton, Patrick J. ORCID:, Takahashi, H., Tanner, D., Tarallo, M., Taylor, R., Taylor, R., Thacker, J., Thorne, K., Thorne, K., Thüring, A., Tokmakov, K., Torres, C., Torrie, C., Traylor, G., Trias, M., Tyler, W., Ugolini, D., Ungarelli, C., Urbanek, K., Vahlbruch, H., Vallisneri, M., Van Den Broeck, Chris ORCID:, Varvella, M., Vass, S., Vecchio, A., Veitch, J., Veitch, P., Villar, A., Vorvick, C., Vyachanin, S., Waldman, S., Wallace, L., Ward, H., Ward, R., Watts, K., Weaver, J., Webber, D., Weber, A., Weidner, A., Weinert, M., Weinstein, A., Weiss, R., Wen, S., Wette, K., Whelan, J., Whitbeck, D., Whitcomb, S., Whiting, B., Wilkinson, C., Willems, P., Williams, L., Willke, B., Wilmut, I., Winkler, W., Wipf, C., Wise, S., Wiseman, A., Woan, G., Woods, D., Wooley, R., Worden, J., Wu, W., Yakushin, I., Yamamoto, H., Yan, Z., Yoshida, S., Yunes, N., Zanolin, M., Zhang, J., Zhang, L., Zhang, P., Zhao, C., Zotov, N., Zucker, M., zur Mühlen, H. and Zweizig, J. 2007. First cross-correlation analysis of interferometric and resonant-bar gravitational-wave data for stochastic backgrounds. Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology 76 (2) , 022001. 10.1103/PhysRevD.76.022001 |
Abbott, B., Abbott, R., Adhikari, R., Agresti, J., Ajith, P., Allen, B., Amin, R., Anderson, S., Anderson, W., Arain, M., Araya, M., Armandula, H., Ashley, M., Aston, S., Aufmuth, P., Aulbert, C., Babak, S., Ballmer, S., Bantilan, H., Barish, B., Barker, C., Barker, D., Barr, B., Barriga, P., Barton, M., Bayer, K., Belczynski, K., Betzwieser, J., Beyersdorf, P., Bhawal, B., Bilenko, I., Billingsley, G., Biswas, R., Black, E., Blackburn, K., Blackburn, L., Blair, D., Bland, B., Bogenstahl, J., Bogue, L., Bork, R., Boschi, V., Bose, S., Brady, P., Braginsky, V., Brau, J., Brinkmann, M., Brooks, A., Brown, D., Bullington, A., Bunkowski, A., Buonanno, A., Burmeister, O., Busby, D., Byer, R., Cadonati, L., Cagnoli, G., Camp, J., Cannizzo, J., Cannon, K., Cantley, C., Cao, J., Cardenas, L., Casey, M., Castaldi, G., Cepeda, C., Chalkey, E., Charlton, P., Chatterji, S., Chelkowski, S., Chen, Y., Chiadini, F., Chin, D., Chin, E., Chow, J., Christensen, N., Clark, C., Cochrane, P., Cokelaer, Thomas, Colacino, C., Coldwell, R., Conte, R., Cook, D., Corbitt, T., Coward, D., Coyne, D., Creighton, J., Creighton, T., Croce, R., Crooks, D., Cruise, A., Cumming, A., Dalrymple, J., D'Ambrosio, E., Danzmann, K., Davies, Geraint, DeBra, D., Degallaix, J., Degree, M., Demma, T., Dergachev, V., Desai, S., DeSalvo, R., Dhurandhar, S., Díaz, M., Dickson, J., Di Credico, A., Diederichs, G., Dietz, Alexander, Doomes, E., Drever, R., Dumas, J.-C., Dupuis, R., Dwyer, J., Ehrens, P., Espinoza, E., Etzel, T., Evans, M., Evans, T., Fairhurst, Stephen ORCID:, Fan, Y., Fazi, D., Fejer, M., Finn, L., Fiumara, V., Fotopoulos, N., Franzen, A., Franzen, K., Freise, A., Frey, R., Fricke, T., Fritschel, P., Frolov, V., Fyffe, M., Galdi, V., Garofoli, J., Gholami, I., Giaime, J., Giampanis, S., Giardina, K., Goda, K., Goetz, E., Goggin, L., González, G., Gossler, S., Grant, A., Gras, S., Gray, C., Gray, M., Greenhalgh, J., Gretarsson, A., Grosso, R., Grote, H., Grunewald, S., Guenther, M., Gustafson, R., Hage, B., Hammer, D., Hanna, C., Hanson, J., Harms, J., Harry, G., Harstad, E., Hayler, T., Heefner, J., Heng, I., Heptonstall, A., Heurs, M., Hewitson, M., Hild, S., Hirose, E., Hoak, D., Hosken, D., Hough, J., Howell, E., Hoyland, D., Huttner, S., Ingram, D., Innerhofer, E., Ito, M., Itoh, Y., Ivanov, A., Jackrel, D., Johnson, B., Johnson, W., Jones, D., Jones, Gareth, Jones, R., Ju, L., Kalmus, P., Kalogera, V., Kasprzyk, D., Katsavounidis, E., Kawabe, K., Kawamura, S., Kawazoe, F., Kells, W., Keppel, D., Khalili, F., Kim, C., King, P., Kissel, J., Klimenko, S., Kokeyama, K., Kondrashov, V., Kopparapu, R., Kozak, D., Krishnan, B., Kwee, P., Lam, P., Landry, M., Lantz, B., Lazzarini, A., Lee, B., Lei, M., Leiner, J., Leonhardt, V., Leonor, I., Libbrecht, K., Lindquist, P., Lockerbie, N., Longo, M., Lormand, M., Lubinski, M., Lück, H., Machenschalk, B., MacInnis, M., Mageswaran, M., Mailand, K., Malec, M., Mandic, V., Marano, S., Márka, S., Markowitz, J., Maros, E., Martin, I., Marx, J., Mason, K., Matone, L., Matta, V., Mavalvala, N., McCarthy, R., McClelland, D., McGuire, S., McHugh, M., McKenzie, K., McNabb, J., McWilliams, S., Meier, T., Melissinos, A., Mendell, G., Mercer, R., Meshkov, S., Messaritaki, Eirini ORCID:, Messenger, Christopher, Meyers, D., Mikhailov, E., Mitra, S., Mitrofanov, V., Mitselmakher, G., Mittleman, R., Miyakawa, O., Mohanty, S., Moreno, G., Mossavi, K., MowLowry, C., Moylan, A., Mudge, D., Mueller, G., Mukherjee, S., Müller-Ebhardt, H., Munch, J., Murray, P., Myers, E., Myers, J., Newton, G., Nishizawa, A., Numata, K., O'Reilly, B., O'Shaughnessy, R., Ottaway, D., Overmier, H., Owen, B., Pan, Y., Papa, M., Parameshwaraiah, V., Patel, P., Pedraza, M., Penn, S., Pierro, V., Pinto, I., Pitkin, M., Pletsch, H., Plissi, M., Postiglione, F., Prix, R., Quetschke, V., Raab, F., Rabeling, D., Radkins, H., Rahkola, R., Rainer, N., Rakhmanov, M., Rawlins, K., Ray-Majumder, S., Re, V., Rehbein, H., Reid, S., Reitze, D., Ribichini, L., Riesen, R., Riles, K., Rivera, B., Robertson, N., Robinson, Craig Anthony, Robinson, E., Roddy, S., Rodriguez, A., Rogan, A., Rollins, J., Romano, Joseph David, Romie, J., Route, R., Rowan, S., Rüdiger, A., Ruet, L., Russell, P., Ryan, K., Sakata, S., Samidi, M., Sancho de la Jordana, L., Sandberg, V., Sannibale, V., Saraf, S., Sarin, P., Sathyaprakash, Bangalore Suryanarayana ORCID:, Sato, S., Saulson, P., Savage, R., Savov, P., Schediwy, S., Schilling, R., Schnabel, R., Schofield, R., Schutz, Bernard Frederick ORCID:, Schwinberg, P., Scott, S., Searle, A., Sears, B., Seifert, F., Sellers, D., Sengupta, Anand Sankar, Shawhan, P., Shoemaker, D., Sibley, A., Sidles, J., Siemens, X., Sigg, D., Sinha, S., Sintes, A., Slagmolen, B., Slutsky, J., Smith, J., Smith, M., Somiya, K., Strain, K., Strom, D., Stuver, A., Summerscales, T., Sun, K.-X., Sung, M., Sutton, Patrick J. ORCID:, Takahashi, H., Tanner, D., Tarallo, M., Taylor, R., Taylor, R., Thacker, J., Thorne, K., Thorne, K., Thüring, A., Tokmakov, K., Torres, C., Torrie, C., Traylor, G., Trias, M., Tyler, W., Ugolini, D., Ungarelli, C., Urbanek, K., Vahlbruch, H., Vallisneri, M., Van Den Broeck, Chris ORCID:, Varvella, M., Vass, S., Vecchio, A., Veitch, John, Veitch, P., Villar, A., Vorvick, C., Vyachanin, S., Waldman, S., Wallace, L., Ward, H., Ward, R., Watts, K., Webber, D., Weidner, A., Weinert, M., Weinstein, A., Weiss, R., Wen, S., Wette, K., Whelan, J., Whitbeck, D., Whitcomb, S., Whiting, B., Wilkinson, C., Willems, P., Williams, L., Willke, B., Wilmut, I., Winkler, W., Wipf, C., Wise, S., Wiseman, A., Woan, G., Woods, D., Wooley, R., Worden, J., Wu, W., Yakushin, I., Yamamoto, H., Yan, Z., Yoshida, S., Yunes, N., Zanolin, M., Zhang, J., Zhang, L., Zhao, C., Zotov, N., Zucker, M., zur Mühlen, H. and Zweizig, J. 2007. Upper limit map of a background of gravitational waves. Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology 76 (8) , 082003. 10.1103/PhysRevD.76.082003 |
Abbott, B., Abbott, R., Adhikari, R., Agresti, J., Ajith, P., Allen, B., Amin, R., Anderson, S., Anderson, W., Arain, M., Araya, M., Armandula, H., Ashley, M., Aston, S., Aufmuth, P., Aulbert, C., Babak, S., Ballmer, S., Bantilan, H., Barish, B., Barker, C., Barker, D., Barr, B., Barriga, P., Barton, M., Bayer, K., Belczynski, K., Betzwieser, J., Beyersdorf, P., Bhawal, B., Bilenko, I., Billingsley, G., Biswas, R., Black, E., Blackburn, K., Blackburn, L., Blair, D., Bland, B., Bogenstahl, J., Bogue, L., Bork, R., Boschi, V., Bose, S., Brady, P., Braginsky, V., Brau, J., Brinkmann, M., Brooks, A., Brown, D., Bullington, A., Bunkowski, A., Buonanno, A., Burmeister, O., Busby, D., Butler, W., Byer, R., Cadonati, L., Cagnoli, G., Camp, J., Cannizzo, J., Cannon, K., Cantley, C., Cao, J., Cardenas, L., Carter, K., Casey, M., Castaldi, G., Cepeda, C., Chalkey, E., Charlton, P., Chatterji, S., Chelkowski, S., Chen, Y., Chiadini, F., Chin, D., Chin, E., Chow, J., Christensen, N., Clark, J., Cochrane, P., Cokelaer, Thomas, Colacino, C., Coldwell, R., Conte, R., Cook, D., Corbitt, T., Coward, D., Coyne, D., Creighton, J., Creighton, T., Croce, R., Crooks, D., Cruise, A., Cumming, A., Dalrymple, J., D'Ambrosio, E., Danzmann, K., Davies, Geraint, DeBra, D., Degallaix, J., Degree, M., Demma, T., Dergachev, V., Desai, S., DeSalvo, R., Dhurandhar, S., Díaz, M., Dickson, J., Di Credico, A., Diederichs, G., Dietz, Alexander, Doomes, E., Drever, R., Dumas, J.-C., Dupuis, R., Dwyer, J., Ehrens, P., Espinoza, E., Etzel, T., Evans, M., Evans, T., Fairhurst, Stephen ORCID:, Fan, Y., Fazi, D., Fejer, M., Finn, L., Fiumara, V., Fotopoulos, N., Franzen, A., Franzen, K., Freise, A., Frey, R., Fricke, T., Fritschel, P., Frolov, V., Fyffe, M., Galdi, V., Ganezer, K., Garofoli, J., Gholami, I., Giaime, J., Giampanis, S., Giardina, K., Goda, K., Goetz, E., Goggin, L., González, G., Gossler, S., Grant, A., Gras, S., Gray, C., Gray, M., Greenhalgh, J., Gretarsson, A., Grosso, R., Grote, H., Grunewald, S., Guenther, M., Gustafson, R., Hage, B., Hammer, D., Hanna, C., Hanson, J., Harms, J., Harry, G., Harstad, E., Hayler, T., Heefner, J., Heng, I., Heptonstall, A., Heurs, M., Hewitson, M., Hild, S., Hirose, E., Hoak, D., Hosken, D., Hough, J., Howell, E., Hoyland, D., Huttner, S., Ingram, D., Innerhofer, E., Ito, M., Itoh, Y., Ivanov, A., Jackrel, D., Johnson, B., Johnson, W., Jones, D., Jones, Gareth, Jones, R., Ju, L., Kalmus, P., Kalogera, V., Kasprzyk, D., Katsavounidis, E., Kawabe, K., Kawamura, S., Kawazoe, F., Kells, W., Keppel, D., Khalili, F., Kim, C., King, P., Kissel, J., Klimenko, S., Kokeyama, K., Kondrashov, V., Kopparapu, R., Kozak, D., Krishnan, B., Kwee, P., Lam, P., Landry, M., Lantz, B., Lazzarini, A., Lee, B., Lei, M., Leiner, J., Leonhardt, V., Leonor, I., Libbrecht, K., Lindquist, P., Lockerbie, N., Longo, M., Lormand, M., Lubinski, M., Lück, H., Machenschalk, B., MacInnis, M., Mageswaran, M., Mailand, K., Malec, M., Mandic, V., Marano, S., Márka, S., Markowitz, J., Maros, E., Martin, I., Marx, J., Mason, K., Matone, L., Matta, V., Mavalvala, N., McCarthy, R., McClelland, D., McGuire, S., McHugh, M., McKenzie, K., McNabb, J., McWilliams, S., Meier, T., Melissinos, A., Mendell, G., Mercer, R., Meshkov, S., Messaritaki, Eirini ORCID:, Messenger, Christopher, Meyers, D., Mikhailov, E., Mitra, S., Mitrofanov, V., Mitselmakher, G., Mittleman, R., Miyakawa, O., Mohanty, S., Moreno, G., Mossavi, K., MowLowry, C., Moylan, A., Mudge, D., Mueller, G., Mukherjee, S., Müller-Ebhardt, H., Munch, J., Murray, P., Myers, E., Myers, J., Nash, T., Newton, G., Nishizawa, A., Nocera, F., Numata, K., O'Reilly, B., O'Shaughnessy, R., Ottaway, D., Overmier, H., Owen, B., Pan, Y., Papa, M., Parameshwaraiah, V., Parameswariah, C., Patel, P., Pedraza, M., Penn, S., Pierro, V., Pinto, I., Pitkin, M., Pletsch, H., Plissi, M., Postiglione, F., Prix, R., Quetschke, V., Raab, F., Rabeling, D., Radkins, H., Rahkola, R., Rainer, N., Rakhmanov, M., Rawlins, K., Ray-Majumder, S., Re, V., Regimbau, Tania, Rehbein, H., Reid, S., Reitze, D., Ribichini, L., Riesen, R., Riles, K., Rivera, B., Robertson, N., Robinson, Craig Anthony, Robinson, E., Roddy, S., Rodriguez, A., Rogan, A., Rollins, J., Romano, Joseph David, Romie, J., Route, R., Rowan, S., Rüdiger, A., Ruet, L., Russell, P., Ryan, K., Sakata, S., Samidi, M., de la Jordana, L., Sandberg, V., Sanders, G., Sannibale, V., Saraf, S., Sarin, P., Sathyaprakash, Bangalore Suryanarayana ORCID:, Sato, S., Saulson, P., Savage, R., Savov, P., Sazonov, A., Schediwy, S., Schilling, R., Schnabel, R., Schofield, R., Schutz, Bernard Frederick ORCID:, Schwinberg, P., Scott, S., Searle, A., Sears, B., Seifert, F., Sellers, D., Sengupta, Anand Sankar, Shawhan, P., Shoemaker, D., Sibley, A., Sidles, J., Siemens, X., Sigg, D., Sinha, S., Sintes, A., Slagmolen, B., Slutsky, J., Smith, J., Smith, M., Somiya, K., Strain, K., Strom, D., Stuver, A., Summerscales, T., Sun, K.-X., Sung, M., Sutton, Patrick J. ORCID:, Takahashi, H., Tanner, D., Tarallo, M., Taylor, R., Taylor, R., Thacker, J., Thorne, K., Thorne, K., Thüring, A., Tokmakov, K., Torres, C., Torrie, C., Traylor, G., Trias, M., Tyler, W., Ugolini, D., Ungarelli, C., Urbanek, K., Vahlbruch, H., Vallisneri, M., Van Den Broeck, Chris ORCID:, van Putten, M., Varvella, M., Vass, S., Vecchio, A., Veitch, J., Veitch, P., Villar, A., Vorvick, C., Vyachanin, S., Waldman, S., Wallace, L., Ward, H., Ward, R., Watts, K., Webber, D., Weidner, A., Weinert, M., Weinstein, A., Weiss, R., Wen, S., Wette, K., Whelan, J., Whitbeck, D., Whitcomb, S., Whiting, B., Wiley, S., Wilkinson, C., Willems, P., Williams, L., Willke, B., Wilmut, I., Winkler, W., Wipf, C., Wise, S., Wiseman, A., Woan, G., Woods, D., Wooley, R., Worden, J., Wu, W., Yakushin, I., Yamamoto, H., Yan, Z., Yoshida, S., Yunes, N., Zanolin, M., Zhang, J., Zhang, L., Zhao, C., Zotov, N., Zucker, M., zur Mühlen, H., Zweizig, J., Kramer, M. and Lyne, A. 2007. Upper limits on gravitational wave emission from 78 radio pulsars. Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology 76 (4) , 042001. 10.1103/PhysRevD.76.042001 |
Abbott, B., Abbott, R., Adhikari, R., Agresti, J., Ajith, P., Allen, B., Amin, R., Anderson, S., Anderson, W., Arain, M., Araya, M., Armandula, H., Ashley, M., Aston, S., Aufmuth, P., Aulbert, C., Babak, S., Ballmer, S., Bantilan, H., Barish, B., Barker, C., Barker, D., Barr, B., Barriga, P., Barton, M., Bayer, K., Belczynski, K., Betzwieser, J., Beyersdorf, P., Bhawal, B., Bilenko, I., Billingsley, G., Biswas, R., Black, E., Blackburn, K., Blackburn, L., Blair, D., Bland, B., Bogenstahl, J., Bogue, L., Bork, R., Boschi, V., Bose, S., Brady, P., Braginsky, V., Brau, J., Brinkmann, M., Brooks, A., Brown, D., Bullington, A., Bunkowski, A., Buonanno, A., Burmeister, O., Busby, D., Byer, R., Cadonati, L., Cagnoli, G., Camp, J., Cannizzo, J., Cannon, K., Cantley, C., Cao, J., Cardenas, L., Casey, M., Castaldi, G., Cepeda, C., Chalkey, E., Charlton, P., Chatterji, S., Chelkowski, S., Chen, Y., Chiadini, F., Chin, D., Chin, E., Chow, J., Christensen, N., Clark, J., Cochrane, P., Cokelaer, Thomas, Colacino, C., Coldwell, R., Conte, R., Cook, D., Corbitt, T., Coward, D., Coyne, D., Creighton, J., Creighton, T., Croce, R., Crooks, D., Cruise, A., Cumming, A., Dalrymple, J., D'Ambrosio, E., Danzmann, K., Davies, Geraint, DeBra, D., Degallaix, J., Degree, M., Demma, T., Dergachev, V., Desai, S., DeSalvo, R., Dhurandhar, S., Díaz, M., Dickson, J., Di Credico, A., Diederichs, G., Dietz, Alexander, Doomes, E., Drever, R., Dumas, J.-C., Dupuis, R., Dwyer, J., Ehrens, P., Espinoza, E., Etzel, T., Evans, M., Evans, T., Fairhurst, Stephen ORCID:, Fan, Y., Fazi, D., Fejer, M., Finn, L., Fiumara, V., Fotopoulos, N., Franzen, A., Franzen, K., Freise, A., Frey, R., Fricke, T., Fritschel, P., Frolov, V., Fyffe, M., Galdi, V., Garofoli, J., Gholami, I., Giaime, J., Giampanis, S., Giardina, K., Goda, K., Goetz, E., Goggin, L., González, G., Gossler, S., Grant, A., Gras, S., Gray, C., Gray, M., Greenhalgh, J., Gretarsson, A., Grosso, R., Grote, H., Grunewald, S., Guenther, M., Gustafson, R., Hage, B., Hammer, D., Hanna, C., Hanson, J., Harms, J., Harry, G., Harstad, E., Hayler, T., Heefner, J., Heng, I., Heptonstall, A., Heurs, M., Hewitson, M., Hild, S., Hirose, E., Hoak, D., Hosken, D., Hough, J., Howell, E., Hoyland, D., Huttner, S., Ingram, D., Innerhofer, E., Ito, M., Itoh, Y., Ivanov, A., Jackrel, D., Johnson, B., Johnson, W., Jones, D., Jones, Gareth, Jones, R., Ju, L., Kalmus, P., Kalogera, V., Kamat, S., Kasprzyk, D., Katsavounidis, E., Kawabe, K., Kawamura, S., Kawazoe, F., Kells, W., Keppel, D., Khalili, F., Kim, C., King, P., Kissel, J., Klimenko, S., Kokeyama, K., Kondrashov, V., Kopparapu, R., Kozak, D., Krishnan, B., Kwee, P., Lam, P., Landry, M., Lantz, B., Lazzarini, A., Lee, B., Lei, M., Leiner, J., Leonhardt, V., Leonor, I., Libbrecht, K., Lindquist, P., Lockerbie, N., Longo, M., Lormand, M., Lubinski, M., Lück, H., Machenschalk, B., MacInnis, M., Mageswaran, M., Mailand, K., Malec, M., Mandic, V., Marano, S., Márka, S., Markowitz, J., Maros, E., Martin, I., Marx, J., Mason, K., Matone, L., Matta, V., Mavalvala, N., McCarthy, R., McClelland, D., McGuire, S., McHugh, M., McKenzie, K., McNabb, J., McWilliams, S., Meier, T., Melissinos, A., Mendell, G., Mercer, R., Meshkov, S., Messaritaki, Eirini ORCID:, Messenger, Christopher, Meyers, D., Mikhailov, E., Mitra, S., Mitrofanov, V., Mitselmakher, G., Mittleman, R., Miyakawa, O., Mohanty, S., Moreno, G., Mossavi, K., MowLowry, C., Moylan, A., Mudge, D., Mueller, G., Mukherjee, S., Müller-Ebhardt, H., Munch, J., Murray, P., Myers, E., Myers, J., Nash, T., Newton, G., Nishizawa, A., Numata, K., O'Reilly, B., O'Shaughnessy, R., Ottaway, D., Overmier, H., Owen, B., Pan, Y., Papa, M., Parameshwaraiah, V., Patel, P., Pedraza, M., Penn, S., Pierro, V., Pinto, I., Pitkin, M., Pletsch, H., Plissi, M., Postiglione, F., Prix, R., Quetschke, V., Raab, F., Rabeling, D., Radkins, H., Rahkola, R., Rainer, N., Rakhmanov, M., Rawlins, K., Ray-Majumder, S., Re, V., Rehbein, H., Reid, S., Reitze, D., Ribichini, L., Riesen, R., Riles, K., Rivera, B., Robertson, N., Robinson, Craig Anthony, Robinson, E., Roddy, S., Rodriguez, A., Rogan, A., Rollins, J., Romano, Joseph David, Romie, J., Route, R., Rowan, S., Rüdiger, A., Ruet, L., Russell, P., Ryan, K., Sakata, S., Samidi, M., de la Jordana, L., Sandberg, V., Sannibale, V., Saraf, S., Sarin, P., Sathyaprakash, Bangalore Suryanarayana ORCID:, Sato, S., Saulson, P., Savage, R., Savov, P., Schediwy, S., Schilling, R., Schnabel, R., Schofield, R., Schutz, Bernard Frederick ORCID:, Schwinberg, P., Scott, S., Searle, A., Sears, B., Seifert, F., Sellers, D., Sengupta, Anand Sankar, Shawhan, P., Shoemaker, D., Sibley, A., Sidles, J., Siemens, X., Sigg, D., Sinha, S., Sintes, A., Slagmolen, B., Slutsky, J., Smith, J., Smith, M., Somiya, K., Strain, K., Strom, D., Stuver, A., Summerscales, T., Sun, K.-X., Sung, M., Sutton, Patrick J. ORCID:, Takahashi, H., Tanner, D., Tarallo, M., Taylor, R., Taylor, R., Thacker, J., Thorne, K., Thorne, K., Thüring, A., Tinto, M., Tokmakov, K., Torres, C., Torrie, C., Traylor, G., Trias, M., Tyler, W., Ugolini, D., Ungarelli, C., Urbanek, K., Vahlbruch, H., Vallisneri, M., Van Den Broeck, Chris ORCID:, Varvella, M., Vass, S., Vecchio, A., Veitch, J., Veitch, P., Villar, A., Vorvick, C., Vyachanin, S., Waldman, S., Wallace, L., Ward, H., Ward, R., Watts, K., Webber, D., Weidner, A., Weinert, M., Weinstein, A., Weiss, R., Wen, S., Wette, K., Whelan, J., Whitbeck, D., Whitcomb, S., Whiting, B., Wilkinson, C., Willems, P., Williams, L., Willke, B., Wilmut, I., Winkler, W., Wipf, C., Wise, S., Wiseman, A., Woan, G., Woods, D., Wooley, R., Worden, J., Wu, W., Yakushin, I., Yamamoto, H., Yan, Z., Yoshida, S., Yunes, N., Zanolin, M., Zhang, J., Zhang, L., Zhao, C., Zotov, N., Zucker, M., zur Mühlen, H. and Zweizig, J. 2007. Search for gravitational wave radiation associated with the pulsating tail of the SGR 1806-20 hyperflare of 27 December 2004 using LIGO. Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology 76 (6) , 062003. 10.1103/PhysRevD.76.062003 |
Abbott, B., Abbott, R., Adhikari, R., Agresti, J., Ajith, P., Allen, B., Amin, R., Anderson, S., Anderson, W., Arain, M., Araya, M., Armandula, H., Ashley, M., Aston, S., Aufmuth, P., Aulbert, C., Babak, S., Ballmer, S., Bantilan, H., Barish, B., Barker, C., Barker, D., Barr, B., Barriga, P., Barton, M., Bayer, K., Betzwieser, J., Beyersdorf, P., Bhawal, B., Bilenko, I., Billingsley, G., Biswas, R., Black, E., Blackburn, K., Blackburn, L., Blair, D., Bland, B., Bogenstahl, J., Bogue, L., Bork, R., Boschi, V., Bose, S., Brady, P., Braginsky, V., Brau, J., Brinkmann, M., Brooks, A., Brown, D., Bullington, A., Bunkowski, A., Buonanno, A., Burmeister, O., Busby, D., Byer, R., Cadonati, L., Cagnoli, G., Camp, J., Cannizzo, J., Cannon, K., Cantley, C., Cao, J., Cardenas, L., Castaldi, G., Cepeda, C., Chalkley, E., Charlton, P., Chatterji, S., Chelkowski, S., Chen, Y., Chiadini, F., Christensen, N., Clark, J., Cochrane, P., Cokelaer, Thomas, Coldwell, R., Conte, R., Cook, D., Corbitt, T., Coyne, D., Creighton, J., Croce, R., Crooks, D., Cruise, A., Cumming, A., Dalrymple, J., D'Ambrosio, E., Danzmann, K., Davies, Geraint, DeBra, D., Degallaix, J., Degree, M., Demma, T., Dergachev, V., Desai, S., DeSalvo, R., Dhurandhar, S., Díaz, M., Dickson, J., Di Credico, A., Diederichs, G., Dietz, Alexander, Doomes, E., Drever, R., Dumas, J.-C., Dupuis, R., Dwyer, J., Ehrens, P., Espinoza, E., Etzel, T., Evans, M., Evans, T., Fairhurst, Stephen ORCID:, Fan, Y., Fazi, D., Fejer, M., Finn, L., Fiumara, V., Fotopoulos, N., Franzen, A., Franzen, K., Freise, A., Frey, R., Fricke, T., Fritschel, P., Frolov, V., Fyffe, M., Galdi, V., Garofoli, J., Gholami, I., Giaime, J., Giampanis, S., Giardina, K., Goda, K., Goetz, E., Goggin, L., González, G., Gossler, S., Grant, A., Gras, S., Gray, C., Gray, M., Greenhalgh, J., Gretarsson, A., Grosso, R., Grote, H., Grunewald, S., Guenther, M., Gustafson, R., Hage, B., Hammer, D., Hanna, C., Hanson, J., Harms, J., Harry, G., Harstad, E., Hayler, T., Heefner, J., Heng, I., Heptonstall, A., Heurs, M., Hewitson, M., Hild, S., Hirose, E., Hoak, D., Hosken, D., Hough, J., Hoyland, D., Huttner, S., Ingram, D., Innerhofer, E., Ito, M., Itoh, Y., Ivanov, A., Johnson, B., Johnson, W., Jones, D., Jones, Gareth, Jones, R., Ju, L., Kalmus, P., Kalogera, V., Kasprzyk, D., Katsavounidis, E., Kawabe, K., Kawamura, S., Kawazoe, F., Kells, W., Keppel, D., Khalili, F., Kim, C., King, P., Kissel, J., Klimenko, S., Kokeyama, K., Kondrashov, V., Kopparapu, R., Kozak, D., Krishnan, B., Kwee, P., Lam, P., Landry, M., Lantz, B., Lazzarini, A., Lei, M., Leiner, J., Leonhardt, V., Leonor, I., Libbrecht, K., Lindquist, P., Lockerbie, N., Longo, M., Lormand, M., Lubinski, M., Lück, H., Machenschalk, B., MacInnis, M., Mageswaran, M., Mailand, K., Malec, M., Mandic, V., Marano, S., Márka, S., Markowitz, J., Maros, E., Martin, I., Marx, J., Mason, K., Matone, L., Matta, V., Mavalvala, N., McCarthy, R., McClelland, D., McGuire, S., McHugh, M., McKenzie, K., McWilliams, S., Meier, T., Melissinos, A., Mendell, G., Mercer, R., Meshkov, S., Messaritaki, Eirini ORCID:, Messenger, Christopher, Meyers, D., Mikhailov, E., Mitra, S., Mitrofanov, V., Mitselmakher, G., Mittleman, R., Miyakawa, O., Mohanty, S., Moreno, G., Mossavi, K., MowLowry, C., Moylan, A., Mudge, D., Mueller, G., Mukherjee, S., Müller-Ebhardt, H., Munch, J., Murray, P., Myers, E., Myers, J., Nash, T., Newton, G., Nishizawa, A., Numata, K., O'Reilly, B., O'Shaughnessy, R., Ottaway, D., Overmier, H., Owen, B., Pan, Y., Papa, M., Parameshwaraiah, V., Patel, P., Pedraza, M., Penn, S., Pierro, V., Pinto, I., Pitkin, M., Pletsch, H., Plissi, M., Postiglione, F., Prix, R., Quetschke, V., Raab, F., Rabeling, D., Radkins, H., Rahkola, R., Rainer, N., Rakhmanov, M., Ramsunder, M., Ray-Majumder, S., Re, V., Rehbein, H., Reid, S., Reitze, D., Ribichini, L., Riesen, R., Riles, K., Rivera, B., Robertson, N., Robinson, Craig Anthony, Robinson, E., Roddy, S., Rodriguez, A., Rogan, A., Rollins, J., Romano, Joseph David, Romie, J., Route, R., Rowan, S., Rüdiger, A., Ruet, L., Russell, P., Ryan, K., Sakata, S., Samidi, M., Sancho de la Jordana, L., Sandberg, V., Sannibale, V., Saraf, S., Sarin, P., Sathyaprakash, Bangalore Suryanarayana ORCID:, Sato, S., Saulson, P., Savage, R., Savov, P., Schediwy, S., Schilling, R., Schnabel, R., Schofield, R., Schutz, Bernard Frederick ORCID:, Schwinberg, P., Scott, S., Searle, A., Sears, B., Seifert, F., Sellers, D., Sengupta, Anand Sankar, Shawhan, P., Shoemaker, D., Sibley, A., Sidles, J., Siemens, X., Sigg, D., Sinha, S., Sintes, A., Slagmolen, B., Slutsky, J., Smith, J., Smith, M., Somiya, K., Strain, K., Strom, D., Stuver, A., Summerscales, T., Sun, K.-X., Sung, M., Sutton, Patrick J. ORCID:, Takahashi, H., Tanner, D., Taylor, R., Taylor, R., Thacker, J., Thorne, K., Thorne, K., Thüring, A., Tokmakov, K., Torres, C., Torrie, C., Traylor, G., Trias, M., Tyler, W., Ugolini, D., Urbanek, K., Vahlbruch, H., Vallisneri, M., Van Den Broeck, Chris ORCID:, Varvella, M., Vass, S., Vecchio, A., Veitch, J., Veitch, P., Villar, A., Vorvick, C., Vyachanin, S., Waldman, S., Wallace, L., Ward, H., Ward, R., Watts, K., Weidner, A., Weinert, M., Weinstein, A., Weiss, R., Wen, S., Wette, K., Whelan, J., Whitcomb, S., Whiting, B., Wilkinson, C., Willems, P., Williams, L., Willke, B., Wilmut, I., Winkler, W., Wipf, C., Wise, S., Wiseman, A., Woan, G., Woods, D., Wooley, R., Worden, J., Wu, W., Yakushin, I., Yamamoto, H., Yan, Z., Yoshida, S., Yunes, N., Zanolin, M., Zhang, J., Zhang, L., Zhao, C., Zotov, N., Zucker, M., zur Mühlen, H. and Zweizig, J. 2008. Search of S3 LIGO data for gravitational wave signals from spinning black hole and neutron star binary inspirals. Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology 78 (4) , 042002. 10.1103/PhysRevD.78.042002 |
Abbott, B., Abbott, R., Adhikari, R., Agresti, J., Ajith, P., Allen, B., Amin, R., Anderson, S., Anderson, W., Arain, M., Araya, M., Armandula, H., Ashley, M., Aston, S, Aufmuth, P., Aulbert, C., Babak, S., Ballmer, S., Bantilan, H., Barish, B., Barker, C., Barker, D., Barr, B., Barriga, P., Barton, M., Bayer, K., Belczynski, K., Berukoff, S., Betzwieser, J., Beyersdorf, P., Bhawal, B., Bilenko, I., Billingsley, G., Biswas, R., Black, E., Blackburn, K., Blackburn, L., Blair, B., Bland, B., Bogenstahl, J., Bogue, L., Bork, R., Boschi, V., Bose, S., Brady, P., Braginsky, V., Brau, J., Brinkmann, M., Brooks, A., Brown, D., Bullington, A., Bunkowski, A., Buonanno, A., Burmeister, O., Busby, D., Butler, W., Byer, R., Cadonati, L., Cagnoli, G., Camp, J., Cannizzo, J., Cannon, K., Cantley, C., Cao, J., Cardenas, L., Carter, K., Casey, M., Castaldi, G., Cepeda, C., Chalkey, E., Charlton, P., Chatterji, S., Chelkowski, S., Chen, Y., Chiadini, F., Chin, D., Chin, E., Chow, J., Christensen, N., 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Abbott, B., Abbott, R, Adhikari, R., Agresti, J., Ajith, P., Allen, B., Amin, R., Anderson, S. B., Anderson, W. G., Arain, M., Araya, M., Armandula, H., Ashley, M., Aston, S., Aufmuth, P., Aulbert, C., Babak, S., Ballmer, S., Bantilan, H., Barish, B. C., Barker, C., Barker, D., Barr, B., Barriga, P., Barton, M. A., Bayer, K., Belczynski, K., Betzwieser, J., Beyersdorf, P. T., Bhawal, B., Bilenko, I. A., Billingsley, G., Biswas, R., Black, E., Blackburn, K., Blackburn, L., Blair, D., Bland, B., Bogenstahl, J., Bogue, L., Bork, R., Boschi, V., Bose, S., Brady, P. R., Braginsky, V. B., Brau, J. E., Brinkmann, M., Brooks, A., Brown, D. A., Bullington, A., Bunkowski, A., Buonanno, A., Burmeister, O., Busby, D., Byer, R. L., Cadonati, L., Cagnoli, G., Camp, J. B., Cannizzo, J., Cannon, K., Cantley, C. A., Cao, J., Cardenas, L., Casey, M. 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Aja-Fernández, Santiago, de Luis-García, Rodrigo, Afzali, Maryam, Molendowska, Malwina, Pieciak, Tomasz and Tristán-Vega, Antonio 2020. Micro-structure diffusion scalar measures from reduced MRI acquisitions. PLoS ONE 15 (3) , e0229526. 10.1371/journal.pone.0229526 |
Aja-Fernández, Santiago, París, Guillem, Martín-Martín, Carmen, Jones, Derek K. ORCID: and Tristán-Vega, Antonio 2022. Anisotropy measure from three diffusion-encoding gradient directions. Magnetic Resonance Imaging 88 , pp. 38-43. 10.1016/j.mri.2022.01.014 |
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Alamian, Golnoush, Lajnef, Tarek, Pascarella, Annalisa, Lina, Jean-Marc, Knight, Laura, Walters, James ORCID:, Singh, Krish D. ORCID: and Jerbi, Karim 2022. Altered brain criticality in schizophrenia: new insights from magnetoencephalography. Frontiers in Neural Circuits 16 , 630621. 10.3389/fncir.2022.630621 |
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Allen, Christopher, Viola, Tommaso, Irvine, Elizabeth ORCID:, Sedgmond, Jemma, Castle, Heidi, Gray, Richard ORCID: and Chambers, Christopher D. ORCID: 2020. Causal manipulation of feed-forward and recurrent processing differentially affects measures of consciousness. Neuroscience of Consciousness 2020 (1) , niaa015. 10.1093/nc/niaa015 |
Allen, Christopher P. G.
Probing visual consciousness with transcranial magnetic stimulation.
PhD Thesis,
Cardiff University.
Item availability restricted. |
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Multi-parametric quantification of white matter microstructure in the human brain.
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Carandini, Tiziana, Mancini, Matteo, Bogdan, Iulia, Rae, Charlotte L, Barritt, Andrew W, Clerico, Marinella, Sethi, Arjun, Harrison, Neil ORCID:, Rashid, Waqar, Scarpini, Elio, Galimberti, Daniela, Bozzali, Marco and Cercignani, Mara ORCID: 2021. In vivo evidence of functional disconnection between brainstem monoaminergic nuclei and brain networks in multiple sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders 56 , 103224. 10.1016/j.msard.2021.103224 |
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Carhart-Harris, Robin L., Muthukumaraswamy, Suresh ORCID:, Roseman, Leor, Kaelen, Mendel, Droog, Wouter, Murphy, Kevin ORCID:, Tagliazucchi, Enzo, Schenberg, Eduardo E., Nest, Timothy, Orban, Csaba, Leech, Robert, Williams, Luke T., Williams, Tim M., Bolstridge, Mark, Sessa, Ben, McGonigle, John, Sereno, Martin I., Nichols, David, Hellyer, Peter J., Hobden, Peter ORCID:, Evans, John ORCID:, Singh, Krish D. ORCID:, Wise, Richard G. ORCID:, Curran, H. Valerie, Feilding, Amanda and Nutt, David J. 2016. Neural correlates of the LSD experience revealed by multimodal neuroimaging. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (17) , pp. 4853-4858. 10.1073/pnas.1518377113 |
Carhart-Harris, Robin L., Murphy, Kevin ORCID:, Leech, Robert, Erritzoe, David, Wall, Matthew B., Ferguson, Bart, Williams, Luke T.J., Roseman, Leor, Brugger, Stefan, De Meer, Ineke, Tanner, Mark, Tyacke, Robin, Wolff, Kim, Sethi, Ajun, Bloomfield, Michael A.P., Williams, Tim M., Bolstridge, Mark, Stewart, Lorna, Morgan, Celia, Newbould, Rexford D., Feilding, Amanda, Curran, H. Val and Nutt, David J. 2015. The effects of acutely administered 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine on spontaneous brain function in healthy volunteers measured with arterial spin labeling and blood oxygen level-dependent resting state functional connectivity. Biological Psychiatry 78 (8) , pp. 554-562. 10.1016/j.biopsych.2013.12.015 |
Carhart-Harris, Robin L, Roseman, Leor, Bolstridge, Mark, Demetriou, Lysia, Pannekoek, J Nienke, Wall, Matthew B, Tanner, Mark, Kaelen, Mendel, McGonigle, John, Murphy, Kevin ORCID:, Leech, Robert, Curran, H Valerie and Nutt, David J 2017. Psilocybin for treatment-resistant depression: fMRI-measured brain mechanisms. Scientific Reports 7 (1) , 13187. 10.1038/s41598-017-13282-7 |
Casella, Chiara, Bourbon-Teles, Jose, Bells, Sonya, Coulthard, Elizabeth, Parker, Greg D., Rosser, Anne ORCID:, Jones, Derek K. ORCID: and Metzler-Baddeley, Claudia ORCID: 2020. Drumming motor sequence training induces apparent myelin remodelling in Huntington’s disease: a longitudinal diffusion MRI and quantitative magnetization transfer study. Journal of Huntington's Disease 9 (3) , pp. 303-320. 10.3233/JHD-200424 |
Casella, Chiara, Chamberland, Maxime ORCID:, Luque Laguna, Pedro, Parker, Greg D., Rosser, Anne E. ORCID:, Coulthard, Elizabeth, Rickards, Hugh, Berry, Samuel C., Jones, Derek K. ORCID: and Metzler-Baddeley, Claudia ORCID: 2021. Mutation-related apparent myelin, not axon density, drives white matter differences in premanifest Huntington's disease: evidence from in vivo ultra-strong gradient MRI. [Online]. bioRxiv. Available at: |
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Casella, Chiara, Kleban, Elena, Rosser, Anne E. ORCID:, Coulthard, Elizabeth, Rickards, Hugh, Fasano, Fabrizio, Metzler-Baddeley, Claudia ORCID: and Jones, Derek K. ORCID: 2021. Multi-compartment analysis of the complex gradient-echo signal quantifies myelin breakdown in premanifest Huntington's disease. NeuroImage: Clinical 30 , 102658. 10.1016/j.nicl.2021.102658 |
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Cercignani, Mara ORCID: 2006. Optimal acquisition schemes for in vivo quantitative magnetization transfer MRI. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 56 (4) , pp. 803-810. 10.1002/mrm.21003 |
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Cercignani, Mara ORCID: and Barker, Gareth J. 2007. A comparison between equations describing in vivo MT: the effects of noise and sequence parameters. Journal of Magnetic Resonance 191 (2) , pp. 171-183. 10.1016/j.jmr.2007.12.012 |
Cercignani, Mara ORCID: and Bouyagoub, Samira 2018. Brain microstructure by multi-modal MRI: Is the whole greater than the sum of its parts? NeuroImage 182 , pp. 117-127. 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2017.10.052 |
Cercignani, Mara ORCID:, Dipasquale, Ottavia, Bogdan, Iulia, Carandini, Tiziana, Scott, James, Rashid, Waqar, Sabri, Osama, Hesse, Swen, Rullmann, Michael, Lopiano, Leonardo, Veronese, Mattia, Martins, Daniel and Bozzali, Marco 2021. Cognitive fatigue in multiple sclerosis is associated with alterations in the functional connectivity of monoamine circuits. Brain Communications 3 (2) , fcab023. 10.1093/braincomms/fcab023 |
Cercignani, Mara ORCID:, Embleton, Karl, Parker, Geoffrey J. M. and Bozzali, Marco 2012. Group-averaged anatomical connectivity mapping for improved human white matter pathway visualisation. NMR in Biomedicine 25 (11) , pp. 1224-1233. 10.1002/nbm.2793 |
Cercignani, Mara ORCID:, Giulietti, Giovanni, Dowell, Nick G, Gabel, Matt, Broad, Rebecca, Leigh, P Nigel, Harrison, Neil A ORCID: and Bozzali, Marco 2017. Characterizing axonal myelination within the healthy population: a tract-by-tract mapping of effects of age and gender on the fiber g-ratio. Neurobiology of Aging 49 , pp. 109-118. 10.1016/j.neurobiolaging.2016.09.016 |
Cercignani, Mara ORCID:, Horsfield, Mark A., Agosta, Federica and Filippi, Massimo 2003. Sensitivity-encoded diffusion tensor MR imaging of the cervical cord. American Journal of Neuroradiology 24 (6) , pp. 1254-1256. |
Cercignani, Mara ORCID:, Symms, Mark R., Schmierer, Klaus, Boulby, Philip A., Tozer, Daniel J., Ron, Maria, Tofts, Paul S. and Barker, Gareth J. 2005. Three-dimensional quantitative magnetisation transfer imaging of the human brain. NeuroImage 27 (2) , pp. 436-441. 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2005.04.031 |
Cercignani, Mara ORCID: and Wheeler-Kingshott, Claudia Gandini 2019. From micro- to macro-structures in multiple sclerosis: what is the added value of diffusion imaging. NMR in Biomedicine 32 (4) , e3888. 10.1002/nbm.3888 |
Challis, Edward, Hurley, Peter, Serra, Laura, Bozzali, Marco, Oliver, Seb and Cercignani, Mara ORCID: 2015. Gaussian process classification of Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment from resting-state fMRI. NeuroImage 112 , pp. 232-243. 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2015.02.037 |
Chamberland, Maxime ORCID:, Genc, Sila, Tax, Chantal M.W. ORCID:, Shastin, Dmitri, Koller, Kristin ORCID:, Raven, Erika P., Cunningham, Adam, Doherty, Joanne, van den Bree, Marianne B. M. ORCID:, Parker, Greg D., Hamandi, Khalid, Gray, William ORCID: and Jones, Derek K. ORCID: 2021. Detecting microstructural deviations in individuals with deep diffusion MRI tractometry. Nature Computational Science 1 , pp. 598-606. 10.1038/s43588-021-00126-8 |
Chamberland, Maxime ORCID:, Genc, Sila, Raven, Erika P., Parker, Greg D., Cunningham, Adam, Doherty, Joanne, van den Bree, Marianne ORCID:, Tax, Chantal M. W. ORCID: and Jones, Derek K. ORCID: 2020. Tractometry-based anomaly detection for single-subject white matter analysis. Presented at: Medical Imaging with Deep Learning (MIDL 2020), Montréal, Canada, 6-9 July 2020. |
Chamberland, Maxime ORCID:, Raven, Erika P, Genc, Sila, Duffy, Kate, Descoteaux, Maxime, Parker, Greg D, Tax, Chantal ORCID: and Jones, Derek K ORCID: 2019. Dimensionality reduction of diffusion MRI measures for improved tractometry of the human brain. NeuroImage 200 , pp. 89-100. 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2019.06.020 |
Chamberland, Maxime ORCID:, St-Jean, Samuel, Tax, Chantal M. W. ORCID: and Jones, Derek K. ORCID: 2019. Obtaining representative core streamlines for white matter tractometry of the human brain. Presented at: International MICCAI Workshop, Granada, Spain, Sep 2018. Published in: Bonet-Carne, E, Grussu, F, Ning, L, Sepehrband, F and Tax, C eds. Computational Diffusion MRI. Mathematics and Visualization. Mathematics and Visualization Cham: Springer, pp. 359-366. 10.1007/978-3-030-05831-9_28 |
Chamberland, Maxime ORCID:, Tax, Chantal M. W. ORCID: and Jones, Derek K. ORCID: 2018. Meyer's loop tractography for image-guided surgery depends on imaging protocol and hardware. NeuroImage: Clinical 20 , pp. 458-465. 10.1016/j.nicl.2018.08.021 |
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Champagne, Allen A, Coverdale, Nicole S, Germuska, Mike ORCID:, Bhogal, Alex A and Cook, Douglas J 2020. Changes in volumetric and metabolic parameters relate to differences in exposure to sub-concussive head impacts. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism 40 (7) , pp. 1453-1467. 10.1177/0271678X19862861 |
Chandler, Hannah L., Stickland, Rachael C. ORCID:, Germuska, Michael ORCID:, Patitucci, Eleonora, Foster, Catherine, Bhome-Dhaliwal, Shona, Lancaster, Thomas M., Saxena, Neeraj ORCID:, Khot, Sharmila ORCID:, Tomassini, Valentina ORCID: and Wise, Richard G. ORCID: 2021. Using dual-calibrated functional MRI to map brain oxygen supply and consumption in multiple sclerosis. [Online]. bioRxiv. Available at: |
Chandler, Hannah L., Stickland, Rachael C. ORCID:, Patitucci, Eleonora, Germuska, Michael ORCID:, Chiarelli, Antonio M., Foster, Catherine, Bhome-Dhaliwal, Shona, Lancaster, Thomas M. ORCID:, Saxena, Neeraj ORCID:, Khot, Sharmila ORCID:, Tomassini, Valentina ORCID: and Wise, Richard G. ORCID: 2023. Reduced brain oxygen metabolism in patients with multiple sclerosis: Evidence from dual-calibrated functional MRI. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism 43 (1) , pp. 115-128. 10.1177/0271678X221121849 |
Chen, Li-Zhen, Dai, An-Yin, Yao, Ying, Si, Ruoguang ORCID:, Hu, Zhuoer, Ge, Likun, Du, Xiaohong, Li, Aihua and Wei, Gao-Xia 2021. Effects of 8-week Tai Chi Chuan practice on mindfulness level. Mindfulness 12 , pp. 1534-1541. 10.1007/s12671-021-01622-8 |
Cheng, Hu, Newman, Sharlene, Afzali Deligani, Maryam, Fadnavis, Shreyas Sanjeev and Garyfallidis, Eletherios 2020. Segmentation of the brain using direction-averaged signal of DWI images. Magnetic Resonance Imaging 69 , pp. 1-7. 10.1016/j.mri.2020.02.010 |
Chiarelli, A. M., Germuska, M. ORCID:, Chandler, H. L., Stickland, R. C., Patitucci, E., Biondetti, E., Mascali, D., Saxena, N. ORCID:, Khot, S. ORCID:, Steventon, J., Foster, C. ORCID:, Rodríguez-Soto, A. E., Englund, E., Murphy, K ORCID:, Tomassini, V. ORCID:, Wehrli, F. W. and Wise, R. G. ORCID: 2022. A flow-diffusion model of oxygen transport for quantitative mapping of cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen (CMRO2) with single gas calibrated fMRI. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism 42 (7) , pp. 1192-1209. 10.1177/0271678X221077332 |
Chiarelli, Antonio Maria, Villani, Alessandro, Mascali, Daniele, Petsas, Nikolaos, Biondetti, Emma, Caporale, Alessandra, Digiovanni, Anna, Grasso, Eleonora Agata, Ajdinaj, Paola, D’Apolito, Maria, Rispoli, Marianna Gabriella, Sensi, Stefano, Murphy, Kevin ORCID:, Pozzilli, Carlo, Wise, Richard G. ORCID: and Tomassini, Valentina ORCID: 2022. Cerebrovascular reactivity in multiple sclerosis is restored with reduced inflammation during immunomodulation. Scientific Reports 12 (1) , 15453. 10.1038/s41598-022-19113-8 |
Clark, Robbie, Drax, Katie, Chambers, Christopher D. ORCID:, Munafò, Marcus and Thompson, Jacqueline 2021. Evaluating registered reports funding partnerships: a feasibility study. Wellcome Open Research 6 , 231. 10.12688/wellcomeopenres.17028.1 |
Coad, Bethany ORCID:, Craig, Emma, Louch, Rebecca, Aggleton, John ORCID:, Vann, Seralynne ORCID: and Metzler-Baddeley, Claudia ORCID: 2020. Precommissural and postcommissural fornix microstructure in healthy aging and cognition. Brain and Neuroscience Advances 4 , pp. 1-12. 10.1177/2398212819899316 |
Cochand, Nicholas J., Wild, M., Brugniaux, J. V., Davies, P. J., Evans, K. A., Wise, Richard Geoffrey ORCID: and Bailey, D. M. 2011. Sea-Level Assessment of Dynamic Cerebral Autoregulation Predicts Susceptibility to Acute Mountain Sickness at High Altitude. Stroke 42 (12) , pp. 3628-3630. 10.1161/STROKEAHA.111.621714 |
Cohen-Adad, J., Alonso-Ortiz, E., Abramovic, M., Arneitz, C., Atcheson, N., Barlow, L., Barry, R.L., Barth, M., Battiston, M., Buchel, C., Budde, M., Callot, V., Combes, A.J.E., De Leener, B., Descoteaux, M., de Sousa, P.L., Dostal, M., Doyon, J., Dvorak, A., Eippert, F., Epperson, K.R., Epperson, K.S., Freund, P., Finsterbusch, J., Foias, A., Fratini, M., Fukunaga, I., Gandini Wheeler-Kingshott, C.A.M., Germani, G., Gilbert, G., Giove, F., Gros, C., Grussu, F., Hagiwara, A., Henry, P.-G., Horak, T., Hori, M., Joers, J., Kamiya, K., Karbasforoushan, H., Kekovsk, M., Khatibi, A., Kim, J.-W., Kinany, N., Kitzler, H.H., Kolind, S., Kong, Y., Kudlika, P., Kuntke, P., Kurniawan, N.D., Kusmia, S., Labounek, R., Lagan, Lagana, Tackley, George ORCID: and Wise, Richard G. ORCID: 2021. Open-access quantitative MRI data of the spinal cord and reproducibility across participants, sites and manufacturers. Scientific Data 8 (1) , 219. 10.1038/s41597-021-00941-8 |
Cohen-Adad, J., Alonso-Ortiz, E., Abramovic, M., Arneitz, C., Atcheson, N., Barlow, L., Barry, R.L., Barth, M., Battiston, M., Buchel, C., Budde, M., Callot, V., Combes, A.J.E., De Leener, B., Descoteaux, M., de Sousa, P.L., Dostal, M., Doyon, J., Dvorak, A., Eippert, F., Epperson, K.R., Epperson, K.S., Freund, P., Finsterbusch, J., Foias, A., Fratini, M., Fukunaga, I., Wheeler-Kingshott, C.A.M.G., Germani, G., Gilbert, G., Giove, F., Gros, C., Grussu, F., Hagiwara, A., Henry, P.-G., Horak, T., Hori, M., Joers, J., Kamiya, K., Karbasforoushan, H., Kekovsk, M., Khatibi, A., Kim, J.-W., Kinany, N., Kitzler, H., Kolind, S., Kong, Y., Kudlika, P., Kuntke, P., Kurniawan, N.D., Kusmia, S., Labounek, R., Lagan, Lagana, Tackley, George ORCID: and Wise, Richard G. ORCID: 2021. Generic acquisition protocol for quantitative MRI of the spinal cord. Nature Protocols 16 (10) , pp. 4611-4632. 10.1038/s41596-021-00588-0 |
Colasanti, Alessandro, Guo, Qi, Muhlert, Nils ORCID:, Giannetti, Paolo, Onega, Mayca, Newbould, Rexford D., Ciccarelli, Olga, Rison, Stuart, Thomas, Charlotte, Nicholas, Richard, Muraro, Paolo A., Malik, Omar, Owen, David R., Piccini, Paola, Gunn, Roger N., Rabiner, Eugenii A. and Matthews, Paul M. 2014. In vivo assessment of brain white matter inflammation in multiple sclerosis with 18F-PBR111 PET. Journal of Nuclear Medicine 55 (7) , pp. 1112-1118. 10.2967/jnumed.113.135129 |
Collins, Jeremy D., Rowley, Howard, Leiner, Tim, Reeder, Scott, Hood, Maureen, Dekkers, Ilona, Tha, Khin, Gulani, Vikas and Kopanoglu, Emre ORCID: 2022. Magnetic resonance imaging during a pandemic: recommendations by the ISMRM safety committee. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 55 (5) , pp. 1322-1339. 10.1002/jmri.28006 |
Conboy, Veronica, Edwards, Carl, Ainsworth, Roberta, Natusch, Douglas, Burcham, Claire, Danişment, Buse, Khot, Sharmila ORCID:, Seymour, Richard, Larcombe, Stephanie, Tracey, Irene and Kolasinski, James ORCID: 2021. Chronic musculoskeletal impairment is associated with alterations in brain regions responsible for the production and perception of movement. Journal of Physiology 599 (8) , pp. 2255-2272. 10.1113/JP281273 |
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Cooke, Andrew, Hindle, John, Lawrence, Catherine, Bellomo, Eduardo, Pritchard, Aaron W., MacLeod, Catherine A., Martin-Forbes, Pam, Jones, Sally, Bracewell, Martyn, Linden, David E.J. ORCID: and Mehler, David M.A. 2024. Effects of home-based EEG neurofeedback training as a non-pharmacological intervention for Parkinson's disease. Clinical Neurophysiology 54 (5) , 102997. 10.1016/j.neucli.2024.102997 |
Cooper, Miriam ORCID:, Thapar, Anita ORCID: and Jones, Derek K. ORCID: 2014. White matter microstructure predicts autistic traits in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 44 (11) , pp. 2742-2754. 10.1007/s10803-014-2131-9 |
Corazza, M. F., Beltrachini, Leandro ORCID:, von Ellenrieder, N. and Muravchik, C. H. 2013. Waveform selection for electrical impedance tomography. IEEE Latin America Transactions 11 (1) , pp. 402-407. 10.1109/TLA.2013.6502837 |
Coulson, James Michael, Murphy, Kevin ORCID:, Harris, A. D., Fjodorova, Marija, Cockcroft, John Ronald and Wise, Richard Geoffrey ORCID: 2015. Correlation between baseline blood pressure and the brainstem FMRI response to isometric forearm contraction in human volunteers: a pilot study. Journal of Human Hypertension 29 (7) , pp. 449-455. 10.1038/jhh.2014.103 |
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Davies, Kevin A., Cooper, Ella, Voon, Valerie, Tibble, Jeremy, Cercignani, Mara ORCID: and Harrison, Neil A. ORCID: 2021. Interferon and anti-TNF therapies differentially modulate amygdala reactivity which predicts associated bidirectional changes in depressive symptoms. Molecular Psychiatry 26 , pp. 5150-5160. 10.1038/s41380-020-0790-9 |
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From features to concepts: tracking the
neural dynamics of visual perception.
PhD Thesis,
Cardiff University.
Item availability restricted. |
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Dimitriadis, Stavros I. ORCID:, Simos, Panagiotis G., Fletcher, Jack M. and Papanicolaou, Andrew C. 2019. Typical and aberrant functional brain flexibility: lifespan development and aberrant organization in traumatic brain injury and dyslexia. Brain Sciences 9 (12) , 380. 10.3390/brainsci9120380 |
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Dimitriadis, Stavros ORCID:, Antonakakis, Marios, Simos, Panagiotis, Fletcher, Jack M. and Papanicolaou, Andrew C. 2017. Data-driven topological filtering based on orthogonal minimal spanning trees: application to multi-group MEG resting-state connectivity. Brain Connectivity 7 (10) , pp. 661-670. 10.1089/brain.2017.0512 |
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Dimitriadis, Stavros ORCID:, Liparas, D and Tsolaki, Magda N 2018. Random forest feature selection, fusion and ensemble strategy: combining multiple morphological MRI measures to discriminate among healthy elderly, MCI, cMCI and Alzheimer's disease patients: from the Alzheimer's disease neuroimaging initiative (ADNI) database. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 302 , pp. 14-23. 10.1016/j.jneumeth.2017.12.010 |
Dimitriadis, Stavros ORCID:, Lopez, Maria, Bruña, Ricardo, Cuesta, Pablo, Marcos, Alberta, Maestu, Fernando and Pereda, Ernesto 2018. How to build a functional connectomic biomarker for mild cognitive impairment from source reconstructed MEG resting-state activity: the combination of ROI representation and connectivity estimator matters. Frontiers in Neuroscience 12 , 306. 10.3389/fnins.2018.00306 |
Dimitriadis, Stavros ORCID:, Salis, Christos and Linden, David ORCID: 2018. A novel, fast and efficient single-sensor automatic sleep-stage classification based on complementary cross-frequency coupling estimates. Clinical Neurophysiology 129 (4) , pp. 815-828. 10.1016/j.clinph.2017.12.039 |
Dimitriadis, Stavros ORCID:, Salis, Christos, Tarnanas, Ioannis and Linden, David Edmund Johannes ORCID: 2017. Topological filtering of dynamic functional brain networks unfolds informative chronnectomics: a novel data-driven thresholding scheme based on Orthogonal Minimal Spanning Trees (OMSTs). Frontiers in Neuroinformatics 11 , 28. 10.3389/fninf.2017.00028 |
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Dimitriadis, Stavros ORCID:, Tarnanas, Ioannis, Wiederhold, Mark, Wiederhold, Brenda, Tsolaki, Magda and Fleisch, Elgar 2016. Mnemonic strategy training of the elderly at risk for dementia enhances integration of information processing via cross-frequency coupling. Alzheimer's & Dementia: Translational Research & Clinical Interventions 2 (4) , pp. 241-249. 10.1016/j.trci.2016.08.004 |
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Dipasquale, Ottavia, Cooper, Ella A., Tibble, Jeremy, Voon, Valerie, Baglio, Francesca, Baselli, Giuseppe, Cercignani, Mara ORCID: and Harrison, Neil A. ORCID: 2016. Interferon-α acutely impairs whole-brain functional connectivity network architecture – a preliminary study. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity 58 , pp. 31-39. 10.1016/j.bbi.2015.12.011 |
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Dobler, Veronika B., Neufield, Sharon A. S., Fletcher, Paul F., Perez, Jesus, Subramaniam, Naresh, Teufel, Christoph ORCID: and Goodyer, Ian M. 2019. Disaggregating physiological components of cortisol output: A novel approach to cortisol analysis in a clinical sample – a proof-of-principle study. Neurobiology of Stress 10 , 100153. 10.1016/j.ynstr.2019.100153 |
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Douglas, Katie, Groves, Samantha, Porter, Richard, Jorden, Jenny, Wilson, Lynere, Melzer, Tracy, Wise, Richard ORCID:, Bisson, Jonathan ORCID: and Bell, Caroline 2019. Traumatic imagery following glucocorticoid administration in earthquake-related post-traumatic stress disorder: A preliminary functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 53 (12) , pp. 1167-1178. 10.1177/0004867419851860 |
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Drakesmith, Mark ORCID:, Caeyenberghs, K., Dutt, A., Lewis, G., David, A. S. and Jones, Derek ORCID: 2015. Overcoming the effects of false positives and threshold bias in graph theoretical analyses of neuroimaging data. NeuroImage 118 , pp. 313-333. 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2015.05.011 |
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Freyer Martins De Melo Pereira, Duarte
How curiosity affects memory persistence.
PhD Thesis,
Cardiff University.
Item availability restricted. |
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Ge, Ruiyang, Ching, Christopher R. K., Bassett, Anne S., Kushan, Leila, Antshel, Kevin M., van Amelsvoort, Therese, Bakker, Geor, Butcher, Nancy J., Campbell, Linda E., Chow, Eva W. C., Craig, Michael, Crossley, Nicolas A., Cunningham, Adam, Daly, Eileen, Doherty, Joanne L., Durdle, Courtney A., Emanuel, Beverly S., Fiksinski, Ania, Forsyth, Jennifer K., Fremont, Wanda, Goodrich‐Hunsaker, Naomi J., Gudbrandsen, Maria, Gur, Raquel E., Jalbrzikowski, Maria, Kates, Wendy R., Lin, Amy, Linden, David E. J., McCabe, Kathryn L., McDonald‐McGinn, Donna, Moss, Hayley, Murphy, Declan G., Murphy, Kieran C., Owen, Michael J. ORCID:, Villalon‐Reina, Julio E., Repetto, Gabriela M., Roalf, David R., Ruparel, Kosha, Schmitt, J. Eric, Schuite‐Koops, Sanne, Angkustsiri, Kathleen, Sun, Daqiang, Vajdi, Ariana, van den Bree, Marianne ORCID:, Vorstman, Jacob, Thompson, Paul M., Vila‐Rodriguez, Fidel and Bearden, Carrie E. 2024. Source‐based morphometry reveals structural brain pattern abnormalities in 22q11.2 deletion syndrome. Human Brain Mapping 45 (1) , e26553. 10.1002/hbm.26553 |
Geeraert, Bryce L., Chamberland, Maxime ORCID:, Lebel, R. Marc and Lebel, Catherine 2020. Multimodal principal component analysis to identify major features of white matter structure and links to reading. PLoS ONE 15 (8) , e0233244. 10.1371/journal.pone.0233244 |
Genc, Sila, Schiavi, Simona, Chamberland, Maxime ORCID:, Tax, Chantal M.W. ORCID:, Raven, Erika P., Daducci, Alessandro and Jones, Derek K. ORCID: 2024. Developmental differences in canonical cortical networks: insights from microstructure-informed tractography. Network Neuroscience 8 (3) , pp. 946-964. 10.1162/netn_a_00378 |
Genc, Sila, Anderson, Vicki, Ryan, Nicholas P., Malpas, Charles B., Catroppa, Cathy, Beauchamp, Miriam H. and Silk, Timothy J. 2017. Recovery of white matter following pediatric traumatic brain injury depends on injury severity. Journal of Neurotrauma 34 (4) , pp. 798-806. 10.1089/neu.2016.4584 |
Genc, Sila, Malpas, Charles B., Ball, Gareth, Silk, Timothy J. and Seal, Marc L. 2018. Age, sex, and puberty related development of the corpus callosum: a multi-technique diffusion MRI study. Brain Structure and Function 223 (6) , pp. 2753-2765. 10.1007/s00429-018-1658-5 |
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Genc, Sila, Malpas, Charles B., Holland, Scott K., Beare, Richard and Silk, Timothy J. 2017. Neurite density index is sensitive to age related differences in the developing brain. NeuroImage 148 , pp. 373-380. 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2017.01.023 |
Genc, Sila, Raven, Erika P., Drakesmith, Mark ORCID:, Blakemore, Sarah-Jayne and Jones, Derek Jones ORCID: 2023. Novel insights into axon diameter and myelin content in late childhood and adolescence. Cerebral Cortex 33 (10) , pp. 6435-6448. 10.1093/cercor/bhac515 |
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Genc, Sila, Steward, Christopher E., Malpas, Charles B., Velakoulis, Dennis, O'Brien, Terence J. and Desmond, Patricia M. 2016. Short-term white matter alterations in alzheimer's disease characterized by diffusion tensor imaging. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 43 (3) , pp. 627-634. 10.1002/jmri.25017 |
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Geranmayeh, Fatemeh, Wise, Richard J. S., Leech, Robert and Murphy, Kevin ORCID: 2015. Measuring vascular reactivity with breath-holds after stroke: a method to aid interpretation of group-level BOLD signal changes in longitudinal fMRI studies. Human Brain Mapping 36 (5) , pp. 1755-1771. 10.1002/hbm.22735 |
Gholam, James Andrew, Aja-Fernandez, Santiago, Griffin, Matt ORCID:, Jones, Derek ORCID:, Kopanoglu, Emre ORCID:, Mueller, Lars, Nilsson, Markus, Szczepankiewicz, Filip, Tax, Chantal ORCID:, Westin, Fredrik and Beltrachini, Leandro ORCID: 2021. aDWI-BIDS: advanced diffusion weighted imaging metadata for the brain imaging data structure. Presented at: ISMRM & SMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Virtual, 15-20 May 2021. |
Gialopsou, Aikaterini, Abel, Christopher, James, T. M., Coussens, Thomas, Bason, Mark G., Puddy, Reuben, Di Lorenzo, Francesco, Rolfs, Katharina, Voigt, Jens, Sander, Tilmann, Cercignani, Mara ORCID: and Kruger, Peter 2021. Improved spatio-temporal measurements of visually evoked fields using optically-pumped magnetometers. Scientific Reports 11 , 22412. 10.1038/s41598-021-01854-7 |
Giudice, J. Sebatian, Alshareef, Ahmed, Wu, Taotao, Knutsen, Andrew K., Hiscox, Lucy V. ORCID:, Johnson, Curtis L. and Panzer, Matthew B. 2021. Calibration of a heterogeneous brain model using a subject-specific inverse finite element approach. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 9 , 664268. 10.3389/fbioe.2021.664268 |
Giuletti, Giovanni, Bozzali, Marco, Figura, Viviana, Spano, Barbara, Perri, Roberta, Marra, Camillo, Lacidogna, Giordano, Giubilei, Franco, Caltagirone, Carlo and Cercignani, Mara ORCID: 2012. Quantitative magnetization transfer provides information complementary to grey matter atrophy in Alzheimer's disease brains. NeuroImage 59 (2) , pp. 1114-1122. 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2011.09.043 |
Giulietti, Giovanni, Torso, Mario, Serra, Laura, Spanò, Barbara, Marra, Camillo, Caltagirone, Carlo, Cercignani, Mara ORCID:, Bozzali, Marco and Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) 2018. Whole brain white matter histogram analysis of diffusion tensor imaging data detects microstructural damage in mild cognitive impairment and alzheimer's disease patients. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 48 (3) , pp. 767-779. 10.1002/jmri.25947 |
Glessgen, Carl, Gallichan, Daniel ORCID:, Moor, Manuela, Hainc, Nicola and Federau, Christian 2019. Evaluation of 3D fat-navigator based retrospective motion correction in the clinical setting of patients with brain tumors. Neuroradiology 61 (5) , pp. 557-563. 10.1007/s00234-019-02160-w |
Godfrey, Megan
The development and application of advanced methods for MEG and EEG data analysis.
PhD Thesis,
Cardiff University.
Item availability restricted. |
Goldstein, Laura H., Robinson, Emily J., Reuber, Markus, Chalder, Trudie, Callaghan, Hannah, Eastwood, Carole, Landau, Sabine, McCrone, Paul, Medford, Nick, Mellers, John D. C., Moore, Michele, Mosweu, Iris, Murray, Joanna, Perdue, Iain, Pilecka, Izabela, Richardson, Mark P., Carson, Alan, Stone, Jon, Abe, Anne-Mary, Adab, Naghme, Agrawal, Niruj, Allroggen, Holger, Alvares, Debie, Andrews, Thomasin, Angus-Leppan, Heather, Aram, Julia, Armstrong, Richard, Atalaia, Antonio, Bagary, Manny, Bennett, Masha, Black, Tamsin, Blackburn, Daniel, Bodani, Mayur, Broadhurst, Mark, Brockington, Alice, Bruno, Elisa, Buckley, Mary, Burness, Christine, Chalmers, Richard, Chong, Sam, Chowdhury, Muhammad, Chowdury, Fahmida, Cikurel, Katia, Cocco, Giovanni, Cock, Hannah, Cooper, Sarah, Cope, Sarah, Copping, Amy, Day, Elana, Delamont, Robert, Dennis, Gary, Derry, Christopher, Devlin, Rebecca, Dickson, Jon M, Diehl, Beate, Donnelly, Clare, Duncan, Susan, Edwards, Mark, Ellawella, Shan, Ellis, Cathy, Elvish, Jennifer, Elwes, Robert, Eriemo, Sandra, Eriksson, Sofia, Evans, Kerry, Faruqui, Rafey, Feehan, Sarah, Finnerty, Gerald, Flores, Lorena, Firth, Nick, Fung, Robert, Gardiner, Paula, Graham, Christopher, Green-Thompson, Zayn, Grunewald, Richard, Hadden, Robert, Hamandi, Khalid, Harding, Rachel, Harikrishnan, Sreedharan, Harrison, Simon, Healy, Helen, Hewamadduma, Channa, Higgins, Stephen, Howell, Stephen, Hunt, Heloise, Hussain, Abrar, Innocente, Motchila, Jensch, Graham, Johnson, Michael, Jordan, Harriet, Karlsson, Joanna, Kelso, Andrew, Kemp, Steven, Knibb, Jonathan, Kock, Norman, Koutroumanidis, Michael, Kovac, Stjepana, Kumar, Guru, Laker, Andy, Leschziner, Guy, Liu, Rebecca, Lozsadi, Dora, Ludwig, Lea, MacDonald, Bridget, MacGregor, Lindsey, Maguire, Melissa, Manford, Mark, Martino, Davide, McCorry, Dougall, McGorlick, Annalisa, McKeown, Kenneth, McKevitt, Fiona, Meadow, Anna, Memon, Shafqat, Miorelli, Ana, Mitchell, Clinton, Mitchell, Tejal N, Moffitt, Virginia, Moran, Nicholas, Morgan-Boon, Aimee, Moriarty, John, Mula, Marco, Mullatti, Nandini, Nashef, Lina, O'Hara, Daniel, Oakley, Louise, O'Sullivan, Suzanne, Page, Lisa, Patel, Darshna, Petrochilos, Panayiota, Phoenix, Danielle, Pickerell, William, Pieters, Thirza, Poole, Norman, Price, Gary, Protheroe, David, Pullicino, Patrick, Purnell, James, Quirk, Jennifer, Rajakulendran, Sanjeev, Read, Julie, Ridha, Basil, Rockliffe-Fidler, Claire, Rowbottom, Carrie, Rugg-Gunn, Fergus, Sachar, Amrit, Saha, Romi, Saldanha, Gerard, Samarasekera, Shanika, Sanchez Sanchez, Violeta, Santhouse, Alastair, Scholes, Karen, Shetty, Abhijeeth, Shotbolt, Paul, Simkiss, Rachel, Singh, Jasvinder, Sivagnanasundaram, Jananee, Slaght, Sean, Smith, Phillip ORCID:, Sokhi, Dilraj, Stanton, Biba, Suvorova, Liya, Tahir, Tayyeb, Taylor, Ruth, Teare, Lara, Tedesco, Lorenza, Teo, James, Thorpe, John, Toplis, Laura, Tsakopoulou, Myrto, Tylova, Ivona, Vick, Tracey, Vinnicombe, Jane, Walker, Matthew, Walsh, Cathy, Watson, Gillian, Webb, Thomas, Wehner, Tim, Welch, Killian, Weyrich, Kirstin, Whittaker, Margaret, Wickremaratchi, Mirdhu and Wicks, Louise 2019. Characteristics of 698 patients with dissociative seizures: a UK multicenter study. Epilepsia 60 (11) , pp. 2182-2193. 10.1111/epi.16350 |
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Jorge, João, Gretsch, Frédéric, Najdenovska, Elena, Tuleasca, Constantin, Levivier, Marc, Maeder, Philippe, Gallichan, Daniel ORCID:, Marques, José P. and Bach Cuadra, Meritxell 2020. Improved susceptibility-weighted imaging for high contrast and resolution thalamic nuclei mapping at 7T. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 84 (3) , pp. 1218-1234. 10.1002/mrm.28197 |
Jurynczyk, M., Geraldes, R., Probert, F., Woodhall, M.R., Waters, P., Tackley, G. ORCID:, DeLuca, G., Chandratre, S., Leite, M.I., Vincent, A. and Palace, J. 2017. Distinct brain imaging characteristics of autoantibody-mediated CNS conditions and multiple sclerosis. Brain 140 (3) , pp. 617-627. 10.1093/brain/aww350 |
Jurynczyk, M., Messina, S., Woodhall, M.R., Raza, N., Everett, R., Roca-Fernandez, A., Tackley, G. ORCID:, Hamid, S., Sheard, A., Reynolds, G., Chandratre, S., Hemingway, C., Jacob, A., Vincent, A., Leite, M.I., Waters, P. and Palace, J. 2017. Clinical presentation and prognosis in MOG-antibody disease: A UK study. Brain 140 (12) , pp. 3128-3138. 10.1093/brain/awx276 |
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Khaleeli, Zhaleh, Olga Ciccarelli, Olga, Manfredonia, Francesco, Barkhof, Frederik, Brochet, Bruno, Cercignani, Mara ORCID:, Dousset, Vincent, Filippi, Massimo, Montalban, Xavier, Polman, Chris, Rovaris, Marco, Rovira, Alex, Sastre-Garriga, Jaume, Vellinga, Machteld, Miller, David and Thompson, Alan 2008. Predicting progression in primary progressive multiple sclerosis: a 10-year multicenter study. Annals of Neurology 63 (6) , pp. 790-793. 10.1002/ana.21375 |
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Kitzbichler, Manfred G., Martins, Daniel, Bethlehem, Richard Al, Dear, Richard, Romero-Garcia, Rafael, Warrier, Varun, Seidlitz, Jakob, Dipasquale, Ottavia, Turkheimer, Frederico, Cercignani, Mara ORCID:, Bullmore, Edward T. and Harrison, Neil A. ORCID: 2023. Two human brain systems micro-structurally associated with obesity. eLife 12 , e85175. 10.7554/eLife.85175 |
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Klemen, Jane, Verbruggen, Frederick ORCID:, Skelton, Corrina and Chambers, Christopher D. ORCID: 2011. Enhancement of perceptual representations by endogenous attention biases competition in response selection. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 73 (8) , pp. 2514-2527. 10.3758/s13414-011-0188-5 |
Knöchel, Christian, Kniep, Jonathan, Cooper, Jason D., Stäblein, Michael, Wenzler, Sofia, Sarlon, Jan, Prvulovic, David, Linden, David E. J. ORCID:, Bahn, Sabine, Stocki, Pawel, Ozcan, Sureyya, Alves, Gilberto, Carvalho, Andre F., Reif, Andreas and Oertel-Knöchel, Viola 2017. Altered apolipoprotein C expression in association with cognition impairments and hippocampus volume in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience 267 (3) , pp. 199-212. 10.1007/s00406-016-0724-3 |
Knöchel, Christian, Schmied, Claudia, Linden, David Edmund Johannes ORCID:, Stäblein, Michael, Prvulovic, David, de A. de Carvalho, Luiza, Harrison, Octavia, Barros, Paulo O., Carvalho, André F., Reif, Andreas, Alves, Gilberto S. and Oertel-Knöchel, Viola 2016. White matter abnormalities in the fornix are linked to cognitive performance in SZ but not in BD disorder: An exploratory analysis with DTI deterministic tractography. Journal of affective disorders 201 , pp. 64-78. 10.1016/j.jad.2016.03.015 |
Knoll, Florian, Schultz, Gerrit, Bredies, Kristian, Gallichan, Daniel ORCID:, Zaitsev, Maxim, Hennig, Jürgen and Stollberger, Rudolf 2012. Reconstruction of undersampled radial PatLoc imaging using total generalized variation. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 70 (1) , pp. 40-52. 10.1002/mrm.24426 |
Koch, Giacomo, Bonnì, Sonia, Pellicciari, Maria Concetta, Casula, Elias, Mancini, Matteo, Esposito, Romina, Ponzo, Viviana, Picazio, Silvia, Di Lorenzo, Francesco, Serra, Laura, Motta, Caterina, Maiella, Michele, Marra, Camillo, Cercignani, Mara ORCID:, Matorana, Alessandro, Caltagirone, Carlo and Bozzali, Marco 2018. Transcranial magnetic stimulation of the precuneus enhances memory and neural activity in prodromal Alzheimer's disease. NeuroImage 169 , pp. 302-311. 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2017.12.048 |
Koch, Giacomo, Bozzali, Marco, Bonni, Sonia, Giacobbe, Viola, Caltagirone, Carlo and Cercignani, Mara ORCID: 2012. FMRI resting slow fluctuations correlate with the activity of fast cortico-cortical physiological connections. PLoS ONE 7 (12) , e52660. 10.1371/journal.pone.0052660 |
Koch, Giacomo, Cercignani, Mara ORCID:, Bonni, Sonia, Giacobbe, Viola, Bucchi, Giulia, Versace, Viviana, Caltagirone, Carlo and Bozzali, Marco 2011. Asymmetry of parietal interhemispheric connections in humans. Journal of Neuroscience 31 (24) , pp. 8967-8975. 10.1523/jneurosci.6567-10.2011 |
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Koelewijn, Loes ORCID:, Hamandi, Khalid, Brindley, Lisa ORCID:, Brookes, Matthew J., Routley, Bethany C., Muthukumaraswamy, Suresh D., Williams, Natalie, Thomas, Marie A., Kirby, Amanda, te Water Naudé, Johann, Gibbon, Frances and Singh, Krish Devi ORCID: 2015. Resting-state oscillatory dynamics in sensorimotor cortex in benign epilepsy with centro-temporal spikes and typical brain development. Human Brain Mapping 36 (10) , pp. 3935-3949. 10.1002/hbm.22888 |
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Koelewijn, Loes ORCID:, Rich, Anina N., Muthukumaraswamy, Suresh Daniel ORCID: and Singh, Krish Devi ORCID: 2013. Spatial attention increases high-frequency gamma synchronisation in human medial visual cortex. NeuroImage 79 , pp. 295-303. 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2013.04.108 |
Kolasinski, James ORCID:, Dima, Diana C ORCID:, Mehler, David M A, Stephenson, Alice, Valadan, Sara, Kusmia, Slawomir and Rossiter, Holly E. ORCID: 2020. Spatially and temporally distinct encoding of muscle and kinematic information in rostral and caudal primary motor cortex. Cerebral Cortex 1 , tgaa009. 10.1093/texcom/tgaa009 |
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Koller, Kristin ORCID:, Umesh Rudrapatna, Suryanarayana ORCID:, Chamberland, Maxime ORCID:, Raven, Erika P., Parker, Greg D., Tax, Chantal M. W. ORCID:, Drakesmith, Mark ORCID:, Evans, John C. ORCID:, Fasano, Fabrizio, Owen, David ORCID:, Charron, Cyril and Jones, Derek K. ORCID: 2021. MICRA: Microstructural Image Compilation with Repeated Acquisitions. NeuroImage 225 , 117406. 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2020.117406 |
Kong, Y., Okoruwa, H., Revis, J., Tackley, G. ORCID:, Leite, M.I., Lee, M., Tracey, I. and Palace, J. 2016. Pain in patients with transverse myelitis and its relationship to aquaporin 4 antibody status. Journal of the Neurological Sciences 368 , pp. 84-88. 10.1016/j.jns.2016.06.041 |
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Kopanoglu, Emre ORCID:, Gungor, Alper, Kilic, Toygan, Ulku Saritas, Emine, Oguz, Kader K, Culcur, Tolga and Guven, H. Emre 2020. Simultaneous use of individual and joint regularization terms in compressive sensing: Joint reconstruction of multi-channel multi-contrast MRI acquisitions. NMR in Biomedicine 33 (4) , e4247. 10.1002/nbm.4247 |
Kopanoglu, Emre ORCID: 2018. Near real-time parallel-transmit pulse design. Presented at: Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB 2018, Paris, France, 16-21 June 2018. Proceedings of the Joint ISMRM - ESMRMB Meeting. p. 3392. |
Kopanoglu, Emre ORCID: 2021. Patient specific parallel transmit pulses are patient position dependent while safety models are fixed: safety implications. Presented at: 2021 ISMRM & SMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Virtual, 15-20 May 2021. |
Kopanoglu, Emre ORCID: 2022. Head position related SAR uncertainty depends on slice orientation and pulse complexity. Presented at: Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB, London, UK, 07-12 May 2022. Proceedings of the Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB. (2870) |
Kopanoglu, Emre ORCID: and Constable, R. Todd 2015. Radiofrequency pulse design using nonlinear gradient magnetic fields. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 74 (3) , pp. 826-839. 10.1002/mrm.25423 |
Kopanoglu, Emre ORCID:, Deniz, Cem M., Erturk, M. Arcan and Wise, Richard G. ORCID: 2020. Specific absorption rate implications of within-scan patient head motion for ultra-high field MRI. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 84 (5) , pp. 2724-2738. 10.1002/mrm.28276 |
Kopanoglu, Emre ORCID:, Deniz, Cem M. and Wise, Richard G. ORCID: 2020. Simultaneous multi-slice imaging reduces sensitivity of local-SAR to patient motion at 7T. Presented at: ISMRM 28th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Sydney Australia, 08-14 August 2020. Proceedings of the ISMRM 28th annual meeting and exhibition. (3691) |
Kopanoglu, Emre ORCID:, Erturk, V. B. and Atalar, E. 2011. Analytic expressions for the ultimate intrinsic signal-to-noise ratio and ultimate intrinsic specific absorption rate in MRI. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 66 (3) , pp. 846-858. 10.1002/mrm.22830 |
Kopanoglu, Emre ORCID:, Galiana, Gigi and Constable, R. Todd 2015. Motion navigation using non-linear gradient fields. Presented at: ISMRM 23rd Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 30 May-5 June 2015. Proceedings of the ISMRM 23rd annual meeting and exhibition. |
Kopanoglu, Emre ORCID:, Güngör, Alper, Kilic, Toygan, Saritas, Emine Ulku, Çukur, Tolga and Guven, H. Emre 2017. Joint reconstruction of multi-contrast images: compressive sensing reconstruction using both joint and individual regularization functions. Presented at: ISMRM 25th Annual Meeting & Exhibition SMRT 26th Annual Meeting, Honolulu, HI, USA, 22-27 April 2017. Proceedings of the 25th ISMRM 25th Annual Meeting & Exhibition. p. 3875. |
Kopanoglu, Emre ORCID:, Güngör, Alper, Kilic, Toygan, Saritas, Emine Ulku, Çukur, Tolga and Guven, H. Emre 2018. Compressive sensing reconstruction for multi-contrast data with unequal acceleration rates. Presented at: Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB 2018, Paris, France, 16-21 June 2018. Proceedings of the Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB 2018. p. 3534. |
Kopanoglu, Emre ORCID:, Güngör, Alper, Kilic, Toygan, Saritas, Emine Ulku, Oguz, Kader K., Çukur, Tolga and Guven, H. Emre 2019. Multi-channel multi-contrast reconstructions via simultaneous use of individual and joint regularization terms. Presented at: ISMRM 27th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Montréal, QC, Canada, 11-16 May 2019. Proceedings of the ISMRM 27th Annual Meeting and Exhibition. p. 4748. |
Kopanoglu, Emre ORCID:, Plumley, Alix, Deniz, Cem M., Erturk, Arcan M. and Wise, Richard G. ORCID: 2019. Implications of within-scan patient head motion on B1+ homogeneity and specific absorption rate at 7T. Presented at: ISMRM 27th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Montréal, QC, Canada, 11-16 May 2019. Proceedings of the ISMRM 27th annual meeting and exhibition. (4686) |
Kopanoglu, Emre ORCID:, Tachrount, Mohamed, Meliado, Ettore Flavio, Klomp, Dennis, Evans, John and Wise, Richard G. ORCID: 2019. Random RF shimming may conceal possible local SAR hotspots for asymmetric parallel transmit coils. Presented at: ISMRM 27th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Montréal, QC, Canada, 11-16 May 2019. Proceedings of the ISMRM 27th Annual Meeting and Exhibition. p. 4158. |
Kopanoglu, Emre ORCID:, Wang, Haifeng, Galiana, Gigi and Constable, R. Todd 2016. Motion tracking using nonlinear gradient fields: experimental verification and oblique slices. Presented at: ISMRM 24th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Singapore, 07-13 May 2016. Proceedings of the ISMRM 24th annual meeting and exhibition. |
Kopanoglu, Emre ORCID:, Wang, Haifeng, Peters, Dana C, Galiana, Gigi and Constable, R. Todd 2016. Accelerated imaging of sub-volumes using region-of-interest focused O-Space: experimental verification of rOi-Space. Presented at: ISMRM 24th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Singapore, 07-13 May 2016. Proceedings of the ISMRM 24th annual meeting and exhibition. |
Kopanoglu, Emre ORCID:, Wang, Haifeng, Wan, Yuqing, Peters, Dana C, Galiana, Gigi and Constable, R. Todd 2015. rOi-Space: accelerated imaging of sub-volumes using ROI focused O-Space. Presented at: ISMRM 23rd Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 30 May-5 June 2015. Proceedings of the ISMRM 23rd annual meeting and exhibition. |
Kopanoglu, Emre ORCID:, Yilmaz, Ugur, Gokhalk, Yildiray and Atalar, Ergin 2013. Specific absorption rate reduction using nonlinear gradient fields. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 70 (2) , pp. 537-546. 10.1002/mrm.24478 |
Kopcanová, Martina, Tait, Luke, Donoghue, Thomas, Stothart, George, Smith, Laura, Flores-Sandoval, Aimee Arely, Davila-Perez, Paula, Buss, Stephanie, Shafi, Mouhsin M., Pascual-Leone, Alvaro, Fried, Peter J. and Benwell, Christopher S.Y. 2024. Resting-state EEG signatures of Alzheimer's disease are driven by periodic but not aperiodic changes. Neurobiology of Disease 190 , 106380. 10.1016/j.nbd.2023.106380 |
Kopczynska, Maja, Zelek, Wioleta, Vespa, Simone, Touchard, Samuel, Wardle, Mark, Loveless, Samantha ORCID:, Thomas, Rhys H., Hamandi, Khalid and Morgan, B. Paul ORCID: 2018. Complement system biomarkers in epilepsy. Seizure - European Journal of Epilepsy 60 , pp. 1-7. 10.1016/j.seizure.2018.05.016 |
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Krzeminski, Dominik and Zhang, Jiaxiang ORCID: 2022. Imperfect integration: congruency between multiple sensory sources modulates decision-making processes. Attention, Perception, and Psychophysics 84 (5) , pp. 1566-1582. 10.3758/s13414-021-02434-7 |
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Lai, Meng-Chuan, Lombardo, Michael V., Pasco, Greg, Ruigrok, Amber N. V., Wheelwright, Sally J., Sadek, Susan A., Chakrabarti, Bhismadev, Bailey, A. J., Bolton, P. F., Bullmore, E. T., Carrington, Sarah J. ORCID:, Catani, M., Craig, M. C., Daly, E. M., Deoni, S. C., Ecker, C., Happé, F., Henty, J., Jezzard, P., Johnston, P., Jones, Derek K. ORCID:, Lai, M. C., Madden, A., Mullins, D., Murphy, C. M., Murphy, D. G. M., Spain, D., Stewart, R., Suckling, J., Williams, S. C. and Baron-Cohen, S. 2011. A Behavioral Comparison of Male and Female Adults with High Functioning Autism Spectrum Conditions. PLoS ONE 6 (6) , e20835. 10.1371/journal.pone.0020835 |
Lambe, Emily
Oscillatory and structural measures of connectivity in psychosis, psychosis-risk and the healthy population.
PhD Thesis,
Cardiff University.
Item availability restricted. |
Lancaster, T.M. ORCID:, Ihssen, I., Brindley, L.M. and Linden, D. E. ORCID: 2018. Preliminary evidence for genetic overlap between body mass index and striatal reward response. Translational Psychiatry 8 , 19. 10.1038/s41398-017-0068-4 |
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Lancaster, Thomas ORCID: 2018. Evidence for association between familial bipolar risk and ventral striatal volume. Journal of Affective Disorders 232 , pp. 69-72. 10.1016/j.jad.2018.02.015 |
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Langkammer, Christian, Vaclavu, Lena, Kuestner, Thomas, Bauer, Mel, Salameh, Najat, Palombo, Marco ORCID: and Lopez, Raquel Perez
ESMRMB 2024 focus topic: MR beyond trends—fact-checking MR.
Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine
, pp. 321-322.
Item availability restricted. |
Lansdown, Andrew, Warbert, Esther, Sverrisdottir, Yrsa, Wise, Richard ORCID: and Rees, Dafydd ORCID: 2019. Regional cerebral activation accompanies sympathoexcitation in women with polycystic ovary syndrome. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 104 (9) , pp. 3614-3623. 10.1210/jc.2019-00065 |
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Layton, Kelvin J., Gallichan, Daniel ORCID:, Testud, Frederik, Cocosco, Chris A., Welz, Anna M., Barmet, Christoph, Pruessmann, Klaas P., Hennig, Jürgen and Zaitsev, Maxim 2013. Single shot trajectory design for region-specific imaging using linear and nonlinear magnetic encoding fields. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 70 (3) , pp. 684-696. 10.1002/mrm.24494 |
Lazari, Alberto, Salvan, Piergiorgio, Verhagen, Lennart, Cottaar, Michiel, Papp, Daniel, van der Werf, Olof Jens, Gavine, Bronwyn, Kolasinski, James ORCID:, Webster, Matthew, Stagg, Charlotte J., Rushworth, Matthew F. S. and Johansen-Berg, Heidi 2022. A macroscopic link between interhemispheric tract myelination and cortico-cortical interactions during action reprogramming. Nature Communications 13 (1) , 4253. 10.1038/s41467-022-31687-5 |
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Leclerc, Simon
Targeted memory reactivation during sleep to enhance relational memory and cognitive flexibility.
PhD Thesis,
Cardiff University.
Item availability restricted. |
Leddy, Sara, Serra, Laura, Esposito, Davide, Vizzotto, Camilla, Giulietti, Giovanni, Silvestri, Gabriella, Petrucci, Antonio, Meola, Giovanni, Lopiano, Leonardo, Cercignani, Mara ORCID: and Bozzali, Marco 2021. Lesion distribution and substrate of white matter damage in myotonic dystrophy type 1: comparison with multiple sclerosis. NeuroImage: Clinical 29 , 102562. 10.1016/j.nicl.2021.102562 |
Leddy, Sarah, Cercignani, Mara ORCID:, Serra, Laura, Leigh, P. Nigel and Bozzali, Marco 2021. Social cognition in type 1 myotonic dystrophy – a mini review. Cortex 142 , pp. 389-399. 10.1016/j.cortex.2021.05.004 |
Leemans, Alexander and Jones, Derek K. ORCID: 2009. The B-matrix must be rotated when correcting for subject motion in DTI data. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 61 (6) , pp. 1336-1349. 10.1002/mrm.21890 |
Leitner, C., Greco, V., Casoni, F., Lewis, P. A. ORCID:, Ferini-Strambi, L. and Galbiati, A.
REM sleep and emotion dysregulation in the elderly: a TMR study.
Presented at: 17th World Sleep Congress,
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,
20-25 October 2023.
Sleep Medicine.
Item availability restricted. |
Levy Barazany, H., Barazany, D, Puckett, L., Blanga-Kanfi, S., Borenstein-Auerbach, N., Yang, K., Peron, J. P., Weiner, H. L. and Frenkel, D. 2014. Brain MRI of nasal MOG therapeutic effect in relapsing-progressive EAE. Experimental Neurology 255 , pp. 63-70. 10.1016/j.expneurol.2014.02.010 |
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Lewis, Penelope A. ORCID:, Birch, Amy, Hall, Alexander and Dunbar, Robin I. M. 2017. Higher order intentionality tasks are cognitively more demanding. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 12 (7) , pp. 1063-1071. 10.1093/scan/nsx034 |
Lewis, Penelope A. ORCID:, Cairney, S., Manning, L. and Critchley, H. D. 2011. The impact of overnight consolidation upon memory for emotional and neutral encoding contexts. Neuropsychologia 49 (9) , pp. 2619-2629. 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2011.05.009 |
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Lewis, Penelope A. ORCID:, Critchley, H. D., Smith, A. P. and Dolan, R. J. 2005. Brain mechanisms for mood congruent memory facilitation. NeuroImage 25 (4) , pp. 1214-1223. 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2004.11.053 |
Lewis, Penelope A. ORCID: and Critchley, Hugo D. 2003. Mood-dependent memory. Trends in Cognitive Sciences 7 (10) , pp. 431-433. 10.1016/j.tics.2003.08.005 |
Lewis, Penelope A. ORCID: and Miall, R. C. 2003. Brain activation patterns during measurement of sub- and supra-second intervals. Neuropsychologia 41 (12) , pp. 1583-1592. 10.1016/S0028-3932(03)00118-0 |
Lewis, Penelope A. ORCID: and Miall, R. C. 2006. A right hemispheric prefrontal system for cognitive time measurement. Behavioural Processes 71 (2-3) , pp. 226-234. 10.1016/j.beproc.2005.12.009 |
Lewis, Penelope A. ORCID: and Miall, R. C. 2009. The precision of temporal judgement: milliseconds, many minutes, and beyond. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 364 (1525) 10.1098/rstb.2009.0020 |
Lewis, Penelope A. ORCID:, Miall, R. C., Daan, S. and Kacelnik, A. 2003. Interval timing in mice does not rely upon the circadian pacemaker. Neuroscience Letters 348 (3) , pp. 131-134. 10.1016/S0304-3940(03)00521-4 |
Lewis, Penelope A. ORCID: and Miall, R. Chris 2002. Brain activity during non-automatic motor production of discrete multi-second intervals. Neuroreport -Oxford- 13 (4) , pp. 1731-1735. |
Lewis, Penelope A. ORCID: and Miall, R. Chris 2006. Remembering the time: a continuous clock. Trends in Cognitive Sciences 10 (9) , pp. 401-406. 10.1016/j.tics.2006.07.006 |
Lewis, Penelope A. ORCID: and Miall, R. Christopher 2003. Distinct systems for automatic and cognitively controlled time measurement: evidence from neuroimaging. Current Opinion in Neurobiology 13 (2) , pp. 250-255. 10.1016/S0959-4388(03)00036-9 |
Lewis, Penelope A. ORCID:, Rezaie, Roozbeh, Browne, Rachel, Roberts, Neil and Dunbar, R. I. M. 2011. Ventromedial prefrontal volume predicts understanding of others and social network size. NeuroImage 57 (4) , pp. 1624-1629. 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2011.05.030 |
Lewis, Penelope A. ORCID: and Walsh, Vincent 2002. Neuropsychology: Time Out of Mind. Current Biology 12 (1) , R9-R11. 10.1016/S0960-9822(01)00638-8 |
Lewis, Penelope A. ORCID: and Walsh, Vincent 2005. Time perception: components of the brain’s clock. Current Biology 15 (10) , R389-R391. 10.1016/j.cub.2005.05.008 |
Lewis, Penelope A. ORCID:, Wing, A. M., Pope, P. A., Praamstra, P. and Miall, R. C. 2004. Brain activity correlates differentially with increasing temporal complexity of rhythms during initialisation, synchronisation, and continuation phases of paced finger tapping. Neuropsychologia 42 (10) , pp. 1301-1312. 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2004.03.001 |
Lewis, Penny ORCID:, Knoblich, Gunther and Poe, Gina 2018. How memory replay in sleep boosts creative problem solving. Trends in Cognitive Sciences 22 (6) , pp. 491-503. 10.1016/j.tics.2018.03.009 |
Lidstone, Victoria, Sivell, Stephanie ORCID:, Taubert, Mark ORCID:, Thompson, Catherine and Nelson, Annmarie ORCID: 2013. Transition in palliative care study day series. BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care 3 (S1) , A48-A49. 10.1136/bmjspcare-2013-000591.131 |
Ligneul, Clémence, Najac, Chloé, Döring, André, Beaulieu, Christian, Branzoli, Francesca, Clarke, William T., Cudalbu, Cristina, Genovese, Guglielmo, Jbabdi, Saad, Jelescu, Ileana, Karampinos, Dimitrios, Kreis, Roland, Lundell, Henrik, Marjańska, Małgorzata, Möller, Harald E., Mosso, Jessie, Mougel, Eloïse, Posse, Stefan, Ruschke, Stefan, Simsek, Kadir, Szczepankiewicz, Filip, Tal, Assaf, Tax, Chantal ORCID:, Oeltzschner, Georg, Palombo, Marco ORCID:, Ronen, Itamar and Valette, Julien 2024. Diffusion‐weighted MR spectroscopy: Consensus, recommendations, and resources from acquisition to modeling. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 91 (3) , pp. 860-885. 10.1002/mrm.29877 |
Lin, Fa-Hsuan, Witzel, Thomas, Schultz, Gerrit, Gallichan, Daniel ORCID:, Kuo, Wen-Jui, Wang, Fu-Nien, Hennig, Juergen, Zaitsev, Maxim and Belliveau, John W. 2012. Reconstruction of MRI data encoded by multiple nonbijective curvilinear magnetic fields. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 68 (4) , pp. 1145-1156. 10.1002/mrm.24115 |
Lin, Wen-Jing, Kuo, Yu-Ching, Liu, Tzu-Ling, Han, Yi-Jhong and Cheng, Shih-Kuen 2013. Intentional forgetting reduces the semantic processing of to-be-forgotten items: An ERP study of item-method directed forgetting. Psychophysiology 50 (11) , pp. 1120-1132. 10.1111/psyp.12125 |
Linde-Domingo, Juan, Treder, Matthias S. ORCID:, Kerren, Casper and Wimber, Maria 2019. Evidence that neural information flow is reversed between object perception and object reconstruction from memory. Nature Communications 10 , 179. 10.1038/s41467-018-08080-2 |
Linden, David Edmund Johannes ORCID:, Oosterhof, Nikolaas N., Klein, Christoph and Downing, Paul E. 2012. Mapping brain activation and information during category-specific visual working memory. Journal of Neurophysiology 107 (2) , pp. 628-639. 10.1152/jn.00105.2011 |
Lipp, Ilona, Foster, Catherine ORCID:, Stickland, Rachael ORCID:, Sgarlata, Eleonora, Tallantyre, Emma C. ORCID:, Davidson, Alison E., Robertson, Neil P. ORCID:, Jones, Derek K. ORCID:, Wise, Richard G. ORCID: and Tomassini, Valentina ORCID: 2021. Predictors of training-related improvement in visuomotor performance in patients with multiple sclerosis: a behavioural and MRI study. Multiple Sclerosis 7 (7) , pp. 1088-1101. 10.1177/1352458520943788 |
Lipp, Ilona, Parker, Greg D., Tallantyre, Emma C. ORCID:, Goodall, Alex, Grama, Steluta, Patitucci, Eleonora, Heveron, Phoebe, Tomassini, Valentina ORCID: and Jones, Derek K. ORCID: 2020. Tractography in the presence of multiple sclerosis lesions. NeuroImage 209 , 116471. 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2019.116471 |
Lipp, Ilona, Benedek, Mathias, Fink, Andreas, Koschutnig, Karl, Reishofer, Gernot, Bergner, Sabine, Ischebeck, Anja, Ebner, Franz and Neubauer, Aljoscha 2012. Investigating neural efficiency in the visuo-spatial domain: An fmri Study. PLoS ONE 7 (12) , e51316. 10.1371/journal.pone.0051316 |
Lipp, Ilona, Evans, C. John, Lewis, Caroline, Murphy, Kevin ORCID:, Wise, Richard Geoffrey ORCID: and Caseras, Xavier ORCID: 2015. The relationship between fearfulness, GABA, and fear-related BOLD responses in the insula. Plos One 10 (3) , e0120101. 10.1371/journal.pone.0120101 |
Lipp, Ilona, Jones, Derek K. ORCID:, Bells, Sonya ORCID:, Sgarlata, Eleonora, Foster, Catherine, Stickland, Rachael ORCID:, Davidson, Alison E., Tallantyre, Emma C. ORCID:, Robertson, Neil P. ORCID:, Wise, Richard C. ORCID: and Tomassini, Valentina ORCID: 2019. Comparing MRI metrics to quantify white matter microstructural damage in multiple sclerosis. Human Brain Mapping 40 (10) , pp. 2917-2932. 10.1002/hbm.24568 |
Lipp, Ilona, Mole, Jilu Princy, Subramanian, Leena, Linden, David E. J. ORCID: and Metzler-Baddeley, Claudia ORCID: 2022. Investigating the Anatomy and Microstructure of the Dentato-rubro-thalamic and Subthalamo-ponto-cerebellar Tracts in Parkinson's Disease. Frontiers in Neurology 13 , 793693. 10.3389/fneur.2022.793693 |
Lipp, Ilona and Tomassini, Valentina ORCID: 2015. Neuroplasticity and motor rehabilitation in multiple sclerosis. Frontiers in Neurology 6 , 00059. 10.3389/fneur.2015.00059 |
Liston, Adam D., De Munck, Jan C., Hamandi, Khalid, Laufs, Helmut, Ossenblok, Pauly, Duncan, John S. and Lemieux, Louis 2006. Analysis of EEG–fMRI data in focal epilepsy based on automated spike classification and Signal Space Projection. NeuroImage 31 (3) , pp. 1015-1024. 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2006.01.040 |
Liu, Jo-Fen, Dineen, Robert A., Avula, Shivaram, Chambers, Tom, Dutta, Manali, Jaspan, Tim, MacArthur, Donald C., Howarth, Simon, Soria, Daniele, Quinlan, Philip, Harave, Srikrishna, Ong, Chan Chang, Mallucci, Conor L., Kumar, Ram, Pizer, Barry and Walker, David A. 2018. Development of a pre-operative scoring system for predicting risk of post-operative paediatric cerebellar mutism syndrome. British Journal of Neurosurgery 32 (1) , pp. 18-27. 10.1080/02688697.2018.1431204 |
Liu, Z., Pardini, M., Yaldizli, O., Sethi, V., Muhlert, Nils ORCID:, Wheeler-Kingshott, C. A. M., Samson, R. S., Miller, D. H. and Chard, D. T. 2015. Magnetization transfer ratio measures in normal-appearing white matter show periventricular gradient abnormalities in multiple sclerosis. Brain 138 (5) , pp. 1239-1246. 10.1093/brain/awv065 |
Lombardo, M. V., Chakrabarti, B., Bullmore, E. T., Sadek, S. A., Pasco, G., Wheelwright, S. J., Suckling, J., Bailey, A. J., Bolton, P. F., Carrington, Sarah J. ORCID:, Daly, E. M., Deoni, S. C., Ecker, C., Happé, F., Henty, J., Jezzard, P., Johnston, P., Jones, Derek K. ORCID:, Madden, A., Mullins, D., Murphy, C. M., Murphy, D. G. M., Spain, D., Stewart, R., Williams, S. C. and Baron-Cohen, S. 2010. Atypical neural self-representation in autism. Brain 133 (2) , pp. 611-624. 10.1093/brain/awp306 |
Lombardo, Michael V., Chakrabarti, Bhismadev, Bullmore, Edward T., Wheelwright, Sally J., Sadek, Susan A., Suckling, John, Bailey, A. J., Bolton, P. F., Carrington, Sarah J. ORCID:, Daly, E. M., Deoni, S. C., Ecker, C., Happé, F., Henty, J., Jezzard, P., Johnston, P., Jones, Derek K. ORCID:, Madden, A., Mullins, D., Murphy, C. M., Murphy, D. G. M., Pasco, G., Spain, D., Stewart, R., Williams, S. C. and Baron-Cohen, S. 2010. Shared Neural Circuits for Mentalizing about the Self and Others. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 22 (7) , pp. 1623-1635. 10.1162/jocn.2009.21287 |
Lopes, Marinho A., Hamandi, Khalid, Zhang, Jiaxiang ORCID: and Creaser, Jennifer L. 2023. The role of additive and diffusive coupling on the dynamics of neural populations. Scientific Reports 13 , 4115. 10.1038/s41598-023-30172-3 |
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Clinical applications of real-time FMRI neurofeedback training – premises, promises, and pitfalls.
PhD Thesis,
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Item availability restricted. |
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Molendowska, Malwina
Diffusion MRI of the prostate at 300 mT/m.
PhD Thesis,
Cardiff University.
Item availability restricted. |
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Niccolini, F., Haider, S., Marques, T. R., Muhlert, Nils ORCID:, Tziortzi, A. C., Searle, G., Natesan, S., Piccini, P., Kapur, S., Rabiner, E. A., Gunn, R. N., Tabrizi, S. J. and Politis, M. 2015. Altered PDE10A expression detectable early before symptomatic onset in Huntington's disease. Brain 138 (10) , pp. 3016-3029. 10.1093/brain/awv214 |
Niccolini, Flavia, Foltynie, Thomas, Reis Marques, Tiago, Muhlert, Nils ORCID:, Tziortzi, Andri C., Searle, Graham E., Natesan, Sridhar, Kapur, Shitij, Rabiner, Eugenii A., Gunn, Roger N., Piccini, Paola and Politis, Marios 2015. Loss of phosphodiesterase 10A expression is associated with progression and severity in Parkinson's disease. Brain 138 (10) , pp. 3003-3015. 10.1093/brain/awv219 |
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Nikolaou, F., Orphanidou, C., Papakyriakou, P., Murphy, Kevin ORCID:, Wise, Richard Geoffrey ORCID: and Mitsis, G. D. 2016. Spontaneous physiological variability modulates dynamic functional connectivity in resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 374 (2067) 10.1098/rsta.2015.0183 |
Ning, Lipeng, Bonet-Carne, Elisenda, Grussu, Francesco, Sepehrband, Farshid, Kaden, Enrico, Veraart, Jelle, Blumberg, Stefano B., Khoo, Can Son, Palombo, Marco ORCID:, Kokkinos, Iasonas, Alexander, Daniel C., Coll-Font, Jaume, Scherrer, Benoit, Warfield, Simon K., Karayumak, Suheyla Cetin, Rathi, Yogesh, Koppers, Simon, Weninger, Leon, Ebert, Julia, Merhof, Dorit, Moyer, Daniel, Pietsch, Maximilian, Christiaens, Daan, Gomes Teixeira, Rui Azeredo, Tournier, Jacques-Donald, Schilling, Kurt G., Huo, Yuankai, Nath, Vishwesh, Hansen, Colin, Blaber, Justin, Landman, Bennett A., Zhylka, Andrey, Pluim, Josien P.W., Parker, Greg, Rudrapatna, Umesh, Evans, John, Charron, Cyril, Jones, Derek K. ORCID: and Tax, Chantal M. W. ORCID: 2020. Cross-scanner and cross-protocol multi-shell diffusion MRI data harmonization: algorithms and result. NeuroImage 221 , 117128. 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2020.117128 |
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Nocentini, Ugo, Bozzali, Marco, Spanò, Barbara, Cercignani, Mara ORCID:, Serra, Laura, Basile, Barbara, Mannu, Rosalba, Caltagirone, Carlo and De Luca, John 2014. Exploration of the relationships between regional grey matter atrophy and cognition in multiple sclerosis. Brain Imaging and Behavior 8 , pp. 378-386. 10.1007/s11682-012-9170-7 |
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Nutt, David, Wilson, Sue, Lingford-Hughes, Anne, Myers, Jim, Papadopoulos, Andreas and Muthukumaraswamy, Suresh ORCID: 2015. Differences between magnetoencephalographic (MEG) spectral profiles of drugs acting on GABA at synaptic and extrasynaptic sites: A study in healthy volunteers. Neuropharmacology 88 , pp. 155-163. 10.1016/j.neuropharm.2014.08.017 |
Olivito, Giusy, Clausi, Silvia, Laghi, Fiorenzo, Tedesco, Anna Maria, Baiocco, Roberto, Matropasqua, Chiara, Molinari, Marco, Cercignani, Mara ORCID:, Bozzali, Marco and Leggio, Maria 2017. Resting-state functional connectivity changes between dentate nucleus and cortical social brain regions in autism spectrum disorders. Cerebellum 16 , pp. 283-292. 10.1007/s12311-016-0795-8 |
Olivito, Giusy, Lupo, Michela, Gragnani, Andrea, Saettoni, Marco, Siciliano, Libera, Pancheri, Corinna, Panfili, Matteo, Cercignani, Mara ORCID:, Bozzali, Marco, Chiaie, Roberto Delle and Leggio, Maria 2022. Aberrant cerebello-cerebral connectivity in remitted bipolar patients 1 and 2: new insight into understanding the cerebellar role in mania and hypomania. Cerebellum 21 , pp. 647-656. 10.1007/s12311-021-01317-9 |
Olivito, Giusy, Serra, Laura, Marra, Camillo, Di Domenico, Carlotta, Caltagirone, Carlo, Toniolo, Sofia, Cercignani, Mara ORCID:, Leggio, Maria and Bozzali, Marco 2020. Cerebellar dentate nucleus functional connectivity with cerebral cortex in Alzheimer's disease and memory: a seed-based approach. Neurobiology of Aging 89 , pp. 32-40. 10.1016/j.neurobiolaging.2019.10.026 |
Olivito, Guisy, Dayan, Michael, Battistoni, Valentina, Clausi, Silvia, Cercignani, Mara ORCID:, Molinari, Marco, Leggio, Maria and Bozzali, Marco 2017. Bilateral effects of unilateral cerebellar lesions as detected by voxel based morphometry and diffusion imaging. PLoS ONE 12 (7) , e0180439. 10.1371/journal.pone.0180439 |
Olivito, Guisy, Lupo, Michela, Laghi, Fiorenzo, Clausi, Silvia, Baiocco, Roberto, Cercignani, Mara ORCID:, Bozzali, Marco and Leggio, Maria 2018. Lobular patterns of cerebellar resting-state connectivity in adults with autism spectrum disorder. European Journal of Neuroscience 47 (6) , pp. 729-735. 10.1111/ejn.13752 |
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Ozkan, Aysegul
The neurocognitive process of
preference-based decisions.
PhD Thesis,
Cardiff University.
Item availability restricted. |
Pal, Deb K., Ferrie, Colin, Addis, Laura, Akiyama, Tomoyuki, Capovilla, Giuseppe, Caraballo, Roberto, de Saint-Martin, Anne, Fejerman, Natalio, Guerrini, Renzo, Hamandi, Khalid, Helbig, Ingo, Ioannides, Andreas A., Kobayashi, Katsuhiro, Lal, Dennis, Lesca, Gaetan, Muhle, Hiltrud, Neubauer, Bernd A., Pisano, Tiziana, Rudolf, Gabrielle, Seegmuller, Caroline, Shibata, Takashi, Smith, Anna, Striano, Pasquale, Strug, Lisa J., Szepetowski, Pierre, Valeta, Thalia, Yoshinaga, Harumi and Koutroumanidis, Michalis 2016. Idiopathic focal epilepsies: the 'lost tribe'. Epileptic Disorders 18 (3) , pp. 252-288. 10.1684/epd.2016.0839 |
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Pattinson, K. T. S., Mitsis, G. D., Harvey, A. K., Jbabdi, S., Dirckx, S., Mayhew, S. D., Rogers, R., Tracey, I., Sear, J. W. and Wise, Richard Geoffrey ORCID: 2008. Imaging the human brainstem respiratory network. BJA: British Journal of Anaesthesia 100 (4) , 582P-583P. |
Pattinson, Kyle T. S., Governo, Ricardo J., MacIntosh, Bradley J., Russell, Elizabeth C., Corfield, Douglas R., Tracey, Irene and Wise, Richard Geoffrey ORCID: 2009. Opioids depress cortical centers responsible for the volitional control of respiration. The Journal of Neuroscience 29 (25) , pp. 8177-8186. 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1375-09.2009 |
Pattinson, Kyle T. S., Mitsis, Georgios, Harvey, Ann K., Jbabdi, Saad, Dirckx, Sharon, Mayhew, Stephen D., Rogers, Richard, Tracey, Irene and Wise, Richard G. ORCID: 2009. Determination of the human brainstem respiratory control network and its cortical connections in vivo using functional and structural imaging. NeuroImage 44 (2) , pp. 295-305. 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2008.09.007 |
Pattinson, Kyle T. S., Rogers, Richard, Mayhew, Stephen D., MacIntosh, Bradley J., Lee, Michael and Wise, Richard Geoffrey ORCID: 2008. Remifentanil-Induced Cerebral Blood Flow Effects in Normal Humans: Dose and ApoE Genotype [Letter]. Anesthesia & Analgesia 106 (1) , p. 347. 10.1213/01.ane.0000297279.12358.29 |
Payne, Catherine, Watt, Peter, Cercignani, Mara ORCID: and Webborn, Nick 2018. Reproducibility of shear wave elastography measures of the Achilles tendon. Skeletal Radiology 47 , pp. 779-784. 10.1007/s00256-017-2846-8 |
Payne, Catherine, Watt, Peter, Cercignani, Mara ORCID: and Webborn, Nick 2018. Reproducibility of shear wave elastography measuresof the Achilles tendon. Skeletal Radiology 47 , pp. 779-784. 10.1007/s00256-017-2846-8 |
Payne, Catherine, Webborn, Nick, Watt, Peter and Cercignani, Mara ORCID: 2017. Poor reproducibility of compression elastography in the Achilles tendon: same day and consecutive day measurements. Skeletal Radiology 46 , pp. 889-895. 10.1007/s00256-017-2629-2 |
Pedziwiatr, Marek A., Kümmerer, Matthias, Wallis, Thomas S.A., Bethge, Matthias and Teufel, Christoph ORCID: 2021. There is no evidence that meaning maps capture semantic information relevant to gaze guidance: Reply to Henderson, Hayes, Peacock, and Rehrig (2021). Cognition 214 , 104741. 10.1016/j.cognition.2021.104741 |
Pedziwiatr, Marek A., Kümmerer, Matthias, Wallis, Thomas S.A., Bethge, Matthias and Teufel, Christoph ORCID: 2021. Meaning maps and saliency models based on deep convolutional neural networks are insensitive to image meaning when predicting human fixations. Cognition 206 , 104465. 10.1016/j.cognition.2020.104465 |
Pedziwiatr, Marek A., Kümmerer, Matthias, Wallis, Thomas S.A., Bethge, Matthias and Teufel, Christoph ORCID: 2022. Semantic object-scene inconsistencies affect eye movements, but not in the way predicted by contextualized meaning maps. Journal of Vision 22 (2) , pp. 1-20. 10.1167/jov.22.2.9 |
Pedziwiatr, Marek A., von dem Hagen, Elisabeth ORCID: and Teufel, Christoph ORCID: 2023. Knowledge-driven perceptual organization reshapes information sampling via eye movements. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 49 (3) , pp. 408-427. 10.1037/xhp0001080 |
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Pereira, Sofia I. R. and Lewis, Penelope A. ORCID: 2020. Sleeping through brain excitation and inhibition. Nature Neuroscience 23 , pp. 1037-1039. 10.1038/s41593-020-0697-4 |
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Pereira, Sofia Isabel Ribeiro, Tsimpanouli, Maria-Efstratia, Hutchison, Isabel, Schneider, Jules, Anderson, Ian M., McFarquhar, Martyn, Elliott, Rebecca and Lewis, Penelope A. ORCID: 2022. Cueing emotional memories during slow wave sleep modulates next-day activity in the orbitofrontal cortex and the amygdala. NeuroImage 253 , 119120. 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2022.119120 |
Periche Tomas, Eva, Cattamep, Annamaria, Cattane, Nadia, Bone, Claudia, Tibble, Jeremy, Bullmore, Edward T., Pariante, Carmine and Harrison, Neil A. ORCID: 2025. Acute effects of interferon-alpha on cellular anabolic and catabolic processes are associated with the development of fatigue during Interferon-alpha-based therapy for Hepatitis-C: A preliminary study. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity 123 , pp. 717-724. 10.1016/j.bbi.2024.09.038 |
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Perry, Gavin ORCID:, Taylor, Nathan W., Bothwell, Philippa C. H., Milbourn, Colette C., Powell, Georgina ORCID: and Singh, Krish D. ORCID: 2020. The gamma response to colour hue in humans: evidence from MEG. PLoS ONE 15 (12) , e0243237. 10.1371/journal.pone.0243237 |
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Petrican, Raluca ORCID:, Miles, Sian, Rudd, Lily, Wasiewska, Wiktoria, Graham, Kim S. ORCID: and Lawrence, Andrew D. ORCID: 2021. Pubertal timing and functional neurodevelopmental alterations independently mediate the effect of family conflict on adolescent psychopathology. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience 52 , 101032. 10.1016/j.dcn.2021.101032 |
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Piechnik, S. K., Evans, Christopher John ORCID:, Bary, L. H., Wise, Richard Geoffrey ORCID: and Jezzard, P. 2009. Functional changes in CSF volume estimated using measurement of water T2 relaxation. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 61 (3) , pp. 579-586. 10.1002/mrm.21897 |
Pieciak, Tomasz, Afzali, Maryam, Bogusz, Fabian, Aja-Fernández, Santiago and Jones, Derek K. ORCID: 2021. Q-Space quantitative diffusion MRI measures using a stretched-exponential representation. Presented at: International MICCAI Workshop, Lima, Peru, Oct 2020. Published in: Gyori, Noemi, Hutter, Jana, Nath, Vishwesh and Palombo, Marco eds. Computational Diffusion MRI. Mathematics and Visualization Springer, pp. 121-133. 10.1007/978-3-030-73018-5_10 |
Pizzamiglio, Gloria, Zhang, Zuo, Kolasinski, James ORCID:, Riddoch, Jane M., Passingham, Richard E., Mantini, Dante and Rounis, Elisabeth 2019. A role for the action observation network in apraxia after stroke. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13 , 422. 10.3389/fnhum.2019.00422 |
Planchuelo-Gómez, Álvaro, Descoteaux, Maxime, Larochelle, Hugo, Hutter, Jana, Jones, Derek K. ORCID: and Tax, Chantal M.W. ORCID: 2024. Optimisation of quantitative brain diffusion-relaxation MRI acquisition protocols with physics-informed machine learning. Medical Image Analysis 94 , 103134. 10.1016/ |
Planchuelo-Gómez, Álvaro, García-Azorín, David, Guerrero, Ángel L., Rodríguez, Margarita, Aja-Fernández, Santiago and de Luis-García, Rodrigo 2023. Structural brain changes in patients with persistent headache after COVID-19 resolution. Journal of Neurology 270 , pp. 13-31. 10.1007/s00415-022-11398-z |
Plumley, Alix
Understanding and overcoming head
motion in ultra-high field Magnetic
Resonance Imaging with parallel
radio-frequency transmission.
PhD Thesis,
Cardiff University.
Item availability restricted. |
Plumley, Alix, Watkins, Luke, Treder, Matthias ORCID:, Liebig, Patrick, Murphy, Kevin ORCID: and Kopanoglu, Emre ORCID: 2022. Rigid motion-resolved B1+ prediction using deep learning for real-time parallel-transmission pulse design. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 87 (5) , pp. 2254-2270. 10.1002/mrm.29132 |
Postans, M, Parker, G D, Lundell, H, Ptito, M, Hamandi, K, Gray, W P ORCID:, Aggleton, J P ORCID:, Dyrby, T B, Jones, D. K. ORCID: and Winter, M 2020. Uncovering a role for the dorsal hippocampal commissure in recognition memory. Cerebral Cortex 30 (3) , pp. 1001-1015. 10.1093/cercor/bhz143 |
Postans, Mark, Hodgetts, Carl J. ORCID:, Mundy, Matthew E., Jones, Derek K. ORCID:, Lawrence, Andrew D. ORCID: and Graham, Kim S. ORCID: 2014. Individual variation in fornix microstructure and macrostructure is related to visual discrimination accuracy for scenes but not faces. Journal of Neuroscience 34 (36) , pp. 12121-12126. 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0026-14.2014 |
Poudel, Govinda R., Dominguez D, Juan F., Verhelst, Helena, Vander Linden, Catharine, Deblaere, Karel, Jones, Derek K. ORCID:, Cerin, Ester, Vingerhoets, Guy and Caeyenberghs, Karen 2020. Network diffusion modeling predicts neurodegeneration in traumatic brain injury. Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology 7 (3) , pp. 270-279. 10.1002/acn3.50984 |
Powell, Georgina ORCID:, Derry-Sumner, Hannah, Shelton, Katherine ORCID:, Rushton, Simon ORCID:, Hedge, Craig ORCID:, Rajenderkuma, Deepak and Sumner, Petroc ORCID: 2020. Visually-induced dizziness is associated with sensitivity and avoidance across all senses. Journal of Neurology 267 , pp. 2260-2271. 10.1007/s00415-020-09817-0 |
Powell, Joanne L., Lewis, Penelope A. ORCID:, Dunbar, Robin I. M., Garcia-Finana, Marta and Roberts, Neil 2010. Orbital prefrontal cortex volume correlates with social cognitive competence. Neuropsychologia 48 (12) , pp. 3554-3562. 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2010.08.004 |
Powell, Joanne, Lewis, Penelope A. ORCID:, Roberts, Neil, Garcia-Finana, Marta and Dunbar, R. I. M. 2012. Orbital prefrontal cortex volume predicts social network size: an imaging study of individual differences in humans. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 283 (1824) 10.1098/rspb.2011.2574 |
Powell, Rob, Elwes, Robert, Hamandi, Khalid and Mullatti, Nandini 2018. Cingulate gyrus epilepsy. Practical Neurology 18 (6) , pp. 447-454. 10.1136/practneurol-2017-001812 |
Premi, Enrico, Gazzina, Stefano, Bozzali, Marco, Archetti, Silvana, Alberici, Antonella, Cercignani, Mara ORCID:, Bianchetti, Angelo, Gasparotti, Roberto, Turla, Marinella, Caltagirone, Carlo, Padovani, Alessandro and Borroni, Barbara 2013. Cognitive reserve in granulin-related frontotemporal dementia: from preclinical to clinical stages. PLoS ONE 8 (9) , e74762. 10.1371/journal.pone.0074762 |
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Serra, Laura, Bruschini, Michela, Ottaviani, Cristina, Di Domenico, Carlotta, Fadda, Lucia, Caltagirone, Carlo, Cercignani, Mara ORCID:, Carlesimo, Giovanni Augusto and Bozzali, Marco 2019. Thalamocortical disconnection affects the somatic marker and social cognition: a case report. Neurocase 25 (1-2) , pp. 1-9. 10.1080/13554794.2019.1599025 |
Serra, Laura, Cercignani, Mara ORCID:, Bruschini, Michela, Cipolotti, Lisa, Mancini, Matteo, Silvestri, Gabriella, Petrucci, Antonio, Bucci, Elisabetta, Antonini, Giovanni, Licchelli, Loretta, Spanò, Barbara, Giacanelli, Manlio, Caltagirone, Carlo, Meola, Giovanni and Bozzali, Marco 2016. "I know that you know that I know": neural substrates associated with social cognition deficits in DM1 patients. PLoS ONE 11 (6) , e0156901. 10.1371/journal.pone.0156901 |
Serra, Laura, Cercignani, Mara ORCID:, Carlesimo, Giovanni A., Fadda, Lucia, Tini, Nadia, Giulietti, Giovanni, Caltagirone, Carlo and Bozzali, Marco 2013. Connectivity-based parcellation of the thalamus explains specific cognitive and behavioural symptoms in patients with bilateral thalamic infarct. PLoS ONE 8 (6) , e64578. 10.1371/journal.pone.0064578 |
Serra, Laura, Cercignani, Mara ORCID:, Lenzi, Delia, Perri, Roberta, Fadda, Lucia, Caltagirone, Carlo, Macaluso, Emiliano and Bozzali, Marco 2010. Grey and white matter changes at different stages of Alzheimer's disease. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 19 (1) , pp. 147-159. 10.3233/jad-2010-1223 |
Serra, Laura, Cercignani, Mara ORCID:, Mastropasqua, Chiara, Torso, Mario, Spanò, Barbara, Makovac, Elena, Viola, Vanda, Giulietti, Giovanni, Marra, Camillo, Caltagirone, Carlo and Bozzali, Marco 2016. Longitudinal changes in functional brain connectivity predicts conversion to Alzheimer's disease. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 51 (2) , pp. 377-389. 10.3233/jad-150961 |
Serra, Laura, Cercignani, Mara ORCID:, Petrosini, Laura, Basile, Barbara, Perri, Roberta, Fadda, Lucia, Spano, Barbara, Marra, Camillo, Fiubilei, Franco, Carlesimo, Giovanni A., Caltagrione, Carlo and Bozzali, Marco 2011. Neuroanatomical correlates of cognitive reserve in Alzheimer disease. Rejuvenation Research 14 (2) , pp. 143-151. 10.1089/rej.2010.1103 |
Serra, Laura, D'Amelio, Marcello, Di Domenico, Carlotta, Dipasquale, Ottavia, Marra, Camillo, Mercuri, Nicola Biagio, Caltagirone, Carlo, Cercignani, Mara ORCID: and Bozzali, Marco 2018. In vivo mapping of brainstem nuclei functional connectivity disruption in Alzheimer's disease. Neurobiology of Aging 73 , pp. 72-82. 10.1016/j.neurobiolaging.2018.08.012 |
Serra, Laura, D’Amelio, Marcello, Esposito, Sharon, Di Domenico, Carlotta, Koch, Giacomo, Marra, Camillo, Mercuri, Nicola Biagio, Caltagirone, Carlo, Artusi, Carlo Alberto, Lopiano, Leonardo, Cercignani, Mara ORCID: and Bozzali, Marco 2021. Ventral tegmental area disconnection contributes two years early to correctly classify patients converted to Alzheimer’s disease: implications for treatment. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 82 (3) , pp. 985-1000. 10.3233/JAD-210171 |
Serra, Laura, Fadda, Lucia, Perri, Roberta, Spanò, Barbara, Marra, Camillo, Catelli, Diana, Torso, Mario, Makova, Elena, Cercignani, Mara ORCID:, Caltagirone, Carlo and Bozzali, Marco 2013. Constructional apraxia as a distinctive cognitive and structural brain feature of pre-senile Alzheimer's disease. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 38 (2) , pp. 391-402. 10.3233/jad-130656 |
Serra, Laura, Gabrielli, Giulia Bechi, Tuzzi, Elisa, Spanò, Barbara, Giulietti, Giovanni, Failoni, Virginia, Marra, Camillo, Caltagirone, Carlo, Koch, Giacomo, Cercignani, Mara ORCID: and Bozzali, Marco 2017. Damage to the frontal aslant tract accounts for visuo-constructive deficits in Alzheimer's disease. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 60 (3) , pp. 1015-1024. 10.3233/jad-170638 |
Serra, Laura, Giulietti, Giovanni, Cercignani, Mara ORCID:, Spanò, Barbara, Torso, Mario, Castelli, Diana, Perri, Roberta, Fadda, Lucia, Marra, Camillo, Caltagirone, Carlo and Bozzali, Marco 2013. Mild cognitive impairment: same identity for different entities. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 33 (4) , pp. 1157-1165. 10.3233/jad-2012-121663 |
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Serra, Laura, Mancini, Matteo, Silvestri, Gabriella, Petrucci, Antonio, Masciullo, Marcella, Spanò, Barbara, Torso, Mario, Mastropasqua, Chiara, Giancanelli, Manlio, Carlo, Caltagirone, Cercignani, Mara ORCID:, Meola, Giovanni and Bozzali, Marco 2016. Brain connectomics' modification to clarify motor and nonmotor features of myotonic dystrophy type 1. Neural Plasticity 2016 , 2696085. 10.1155/2016/2696085 |
Serra, Laura, Musicco, Massimo, Cercignani, Mara ORCID:, Torso, Mario, Spanò, Barbara, Mastropasqua, Chiara, Giulietti, Giovanni, Marra, Camillo, Bruno, Giuseppe, Koch, Giacomo, Caltagirone, Carlo and Bozzali, Marco 2015. Cognitive reserve and the risk for Alzheimer's disease: a longitudinal study. Neurobiology of Aging 36 (2) , pp. 592-600. 10.1016/j.neurobiolaging.2014.10.010 |
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Serra, Laura, Petrucci, Antonio, Spanò, Barbara, Torso, Mario, Olivito, Guisy, Lispi, Ludovico, Costanzi-Porrini, Sandro, Giulietti, Giocanni, Koch, Giacomo, Giancanelli, Manlio, Caltagirone, Carlo, Cercignani, Mara ORCID: and Bozzali, Marco 2015. How genetics affects the brain to produce higher-level dysfunctions in myotonic dystrophy type 1. Functional Neurology 30 (1) , pp. 21-31. |
Serra, Laura, Scocchia, Marta, Meola, Giovanni, D'Amelio, Marcello, Bruschini, Michela, Silvestri, Gabriella, Petrucci, Antonio, Di Domenico, Carlotta, Caltagirone, Carlo, Koch, Giacomo, Cercignani, Mara ORCID:, Petrosini, Laura and Bozzali, Marco 2020. Ventral tegmental area dysfunction affects decision-making in patients with myotonic dystrophy type-1. Cortex 128 , pp. 192-202. 10.1016/j.cortex.2020.03.022 |
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Shakeshaft, Amy ORCID:, Panjwani, Naim, Collingwood, Amber, Crudgington, Holly, Hall, Anna, Andrade, Danielle M., Beier, Christoph P., Fong, Choong Yi, Gardella, Elena, Gesche, Joanna, Greenberg, David A., Hamandi, Khalid, Koht, Jeanette, Lim, Kheng Seang, Møller, Rikke S., Ng, Ching Ching, Orsini, Alessandro, Rees, Mark I., Rubboli, Guido, Selmer, Kaja K., Striano, Pasquale, Syvertsen, Marte, Thomas, Rhys H., Zarubova, Jana, Richardson, Mark P., Strug, Lisa J. and Pal, Deb K. 2022. Sex-specific disease modifiers in juvenile myoclonic epilepsy. Scientific Reports 12 , 2785. 10.1038/s41598-022-06324-2 |
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Song, Chen ORCID:
Understanding the qualitative nature of human consciousness.
Trends in Cognitive Sciences
Item availability restricted. |
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Stickland, Rachael ORCID:
Investigating neurovascular and metabolic function in healthy and Multiple Sclerosis populations using
multi-modal neuroimaging
(MEG and fMRI).
PhD Thesis,
Cardiff University.
Item availability restricted. |
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Sumner, Rachael L., McMilllan, Rebecca L., Shaw, Alexander D. ORCID:, Singh, Krish D. ORCID:, Sundram, Fred and Muthukumaraswamy, Suresh D. 2018. Peak visual gamma frequency is modified across the healthy menstrual cycle. Human Brain Mapping 39 (8) , pp. 3187-3202. 10.1002/hbm.24069 |
Sumner, Rachael L., Spriggs, Meg J. and Shaw, Alexander D. ORCID: 2021. Modelling thalamocortical circuitry shows that visually induced LTP changes laminar connectivity in human visual cortex. PLoS Computational Biology 17 (1) , e1008414. 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1008414 |
Sundram, Frederick, Campbell, Linda E., Azuma, Rayna, Daly, Eileen, Bloemen, Oswald J. N., Barker, Gareth J., Chitnis, Xavier, Jones, Derek K. ORCID:, Amelsvoort, Therese, Murphy, Kieran C. and Murphy, D. G. M. 2010. White matter microstructure in 22q11 deletion syndrome: a pilot diffusion tensor imaging and voxel-based morphometry study of children and adolescents. Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders 2 (2) , pp. 77-92. 10.1007/s11689-010-9043-6 |
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Tackley, George ORCID:, Kong, Yazhuo, Minne, Rachel, Messina, Silvia, Winkler, Anderson, Cavey, Ana, Everett, Rosie, DeLuca, Gabriele C., Weir, Andrew, Craner, Matthew, Tracey, Irene, Palace, Jacqueline, Stagg, Charlotte J. and Emir, Uzay 2021. An In-vivo 1H-MRS short-echo time technique at 7T: quantification of metabolites in chronic multiple sclerosis and neuromyelitis optica brain lesions and normal appearing brain tissue. NeuroImage 238 , 118225. 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2021.118225 |
Tagliazucchi, Enzo, Roseman, Leor, Kaelen, Mendel, Orban, Csaba, Muthukumaraswamy, Suresh D., Murphy, Kevin ORCID:, Laufs, Helmut, Leech, Robert, McGonigle, John, Crossley, Nicolas, Bullmore, Edward, Williams, Tim, Bolstridge, Mark, Feilding, Amanda, Nutt, David J. and Carhart-Harris, Robin 2016. Increased global functional connectivity correlates with LSD-Induced ego dissolution. Current Biology 26 (8) , pp. 1043-1050. 10.1016/j.cub.2016.02.010 |
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Tait, Luke, Lopes, Marinho A. ORCID:, Stothart, George, Baker, John, Kazanina, Nina, Zhang, Jiaxiang ORCID: and Goodfellow, Marc 2021. A large-scale brain network mechanism for increased seizure propensity in Alzheimer's disease. PLoS Computational Biology 17 (8) , e1009252. 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1009252 |
Tait, Luke, Stothart, George, Coulthard, Elizabeth, Brown, Jon T., Kazanina, Nina and Goodfellow, Marc 2019. Network substrates of cognitive impairment in Alzheimer's Disease. Clinical Neurophysiology 130 (9) , pp. 1581-1595. 10.1016/j.clinph.2019.05.027 |
Tait, Luke, Wedgwood, Kyle, Tsaneva-Atanasova, Krasimira, Brown, Jon T. and Goodfellow, Marc 2018. Control of clustered action potential firing in a mathematical model of entorhinal cortex stellate cells. Journal of Theoretical Biology 449 , pp. 23-34. 10.1016/j.jtbi.2018.04.013 |
Tait, Luke, Ozkan, Aysegul, Szul, Maciej J. and Zhang, Jiaxiang ORCID: 2021. A systematic evaluation of source reconstruction of resting MEG of the human brain with a new high-resolution atlas: performance, precision, and parcellation. Human Brain Mapping 42 (14) , pp. 4685-4707. 10.1002/hbm.25578 |
Tait, Luke, Tamagnini, Francesco, Stothart, George, Barvas, Edoardo, Monaldini, Chiara, Frusciante, Roberto, Volpini, Micro, Guttmann, Susanna, Coulthard, Elizabeth, Brown, Jon T., Kazanina, Nina and Goodfellow, Marc 2020. EEG microstate complexity for aiding early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease. Scientific Reports 10 , 17627. 10.1038/s41598-020-74790-7 |
Talbot, Jack S., Perkins, Dean R., Tallon, Christine M., Dawkins, Tony G., Douglas, Andrew J. M., Beckerleg, Ryan, Crofts, Andrew, Wright, Melissa E. ORCID:, Davies, Saajan, Steventon, Jessica J., Murphy, Kevin ORCID:, Lord, Rachel N., Pugh, Christopher J. A., Oliver, Jon L., Lloyd, Rhodri S., Ainslie, Philip N., McManus, Ali M. and Stembridge, Mike 2023. Cerebral blood flow and cerebrovascular reactivity are modified by maturational stage and exercise training status during youth. Experimental Physiology 108 (12) , pp. 1500-1515. 10.1113/ep091279 |
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Tamminen, Jakke, Lambon Ralph, Matthew A. and Lewis, Penelope ORCID: 2017. Targeted memory reactivation of newly learned words during sleep triggers REM-mediated integration of new memories and existing knowledge. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 137 , pp. 77-82. 10.1016/j.nlm.2016.11.012 |
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Tax, Chantal M. W. ORCID:, Kleban, Elena, Barakovic, Muhamed, Chamberland, Maxime ORCID: and Jones, Derek K. ORCID: 2021. Magnetic resonance imaging of T2 - and diffusion snisotropy using a tiltable receive coil. Presented at: Visualization and Processing of Anisotropy in Imaging, Geometry, and Astronomy, Dagstuhl, Germany, 28 Oct–2 Nov 2018. Published in: Ozarslan, Evren, Schultz, Thomas, Zhang, Eugene and Fuster, Andrea eds. Anisotropy Across Fields and Scales. Mathematics and Visualization. Mathematics and Visualization Springer, pp. 247-262. 10.1007/978-3-030-56215-1_12 |
Tax, Chantal M. W. ORCID:, Kleban, Elena, Chamberland, Maxime ORCID:, Baraković, Muhamed, Rudrapatna, Umesh and Jones, Derek K. ORCID: 2021. Measuring compartmental T2-orientational dependence in human brain white matter using a tiltable RF coil and diffusion-T2 correlation MRI. NeuroImage 236 , 117967. 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2021.117967 |
Tax, Chantal M. W. ORCID: 2020. Estimating chemical and microstructural heterogeneity by correlating relaxation and diffusion. Topgaard, Daniel, ed. Advanced Diffusion Encoding Methods in MRI, Royal Society of Chemistry, pp. 186-227. (10.1039/9781788019910-00186) |
Tax, Chantal M. W. ORCID:, Dela Haije, Tom, Fuster, Andrea, Westin, Carl-Fredrik, Viergever, Max A., Florack, Luc and Leemans, Alexander 2016. Sheet Probability Index (SPI): Characterizing the geometrical organization of the white matter with diffusion MRI. NeuroImage 142 , pp. 260-279. 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2016.07.042 |
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Teufel, Christoph ORCID: and Fletcher, Paul C. 2020. Forms of prediction in the nervous system. Nature Reviews Neuroscience 21 , pp. 231-242. 10.1038/s41583-020-0275-5 |
Teufel, Christoph ORCID: and Fletcher, Paul 2016. The promises and pitfalls of applying computational models to neurological and psychiatric disorders. Brain 139 (10) , pp. 2600-2608. |
Teufel, Christoph ORCID: and Nanay, Bence 2017. How to (and how not to) think about top-down influences on visual perception. Consciousness and Cognition 47 , pp. 17-25. 10.1016/j.concog.2016.05.008 |
Teufel, Christoph ORCID:, Subramaniam, Naresh, Dobler, Veronika, Perez, Jesus, Finnemann, Johanna, Mehta, Puja R., Goodyer, Ian M. and Fletcher, Paul C. 2015. Shift toward prior knowledge confers a perceptual advantage in early psychosis and psychosis-prone healthy individuals. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (43) , pp. 13401-13406. 10.1073/pnas.1503916112 |
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Tinney, Emma M., Loui, Psyche, Raine, Lauren B., Hiscox, Lucy V. ORCID:, Delgorio, Peyton L., Kramer, Mary K., Schwarb, Hillary, Martens, Christopher R., Kramer, Arthur F., Hillman, Charles H. and Johnson, Curtis L. 2023. Influence of mild cognitive impairment and body mass index on white matter integrity assessed by diffusion tensor imaging. Psychophysiology 60 (9) , e14306. 10.1111/psyp.14306 |
Töllner, Thomas, Eschmann, Kathrin C. J. ORCID:, Rusch, Tessa and Müller, Hermann J. 2014. Contralateral delay activity reveals dimension-based attentional orienting to locations in visual working memory. Attention, Perception, and Psychophysics 76 (3) , pp. 655-662. 10.3758/s13414-014-0636-0 |
Tomassini, Valentina ORCID:, d’Ambrosio, Alessandro, Petsas, Nikolaos, Wise, Richard Geoffrey ORCID:, Sbardella, Emilia, Allen, Marek, Tona, Francesca, Fanelli, Fulvia, Foster, Catherine ORCID:, Carnì, Marco, Gallo, Antonio, Pantano, Patrizia and Pozzilli, Carlo 2016. The effect of inflammation and its reduction on brain plasticity in multiple sclerosis: MRI evidence. Human Brain Mapping 37 (7) , pp. 2431-2445. 10.1002/hbm.23184 |
Tomassini, Valentina ORCID:, Johansen-Berg, H., Jbabdi, S., Wise, Richard Geoffrey ORCID:, Pozzilli, C., Palace, J. and Matthews, P. M. 2012. Relating brain damage to brain plasticity in patients with multiple sclerosis. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair 26 (6) , pp. 581-593. 10.1177/1545968311433208 |
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Tong, Qiqi, Gong, Ting, He, Hongjian, Wang, Zheng, Yu, Wenwen, Zhang, Jianjun, Zhai, Lihao, Cui, Hongsheng, Xin, Meng, Tax, Chantal W.M. ORCID: and Zhong, Jianhui 2020. A deep learning–based method for improving reliability of multicenter diffusion kurtosis imaging with varied acquisition protocols. Magnetic Resonance Imaging 73 , pp. 31-44. 10.1016/j.mri.2020.08.001 |
Toniolo, Sofia, Cercignani, Mara ORCID:, Mora-Peris, Borja, Underwood, Jonathan ORCID:, Alagaratnam, Jasmini, Bozzali, Marco, Boffito, Marta, Nelson, Mark, Winston, Alan and Vera, Jaime H. 2020. Changes in functional connectivity in people with HIV switching antiretroviral therapy. Journal of Neurovirology (JNV) 26 , pp. 754-763. 10.1007/s13365-020-00853-0 |
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Toniolo, Sofia, Serra, Laura, Olivito, Giusy, Marra, Camillo, Bozzali, Marco and Cercignani, Mara ORCID: 2018. Patterns of cerebellar gray matter atrophy across Alzheimer's disease progression. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience 12 , 430. 10.3389/fncel.2018.00430 |
Torso, Mario, Serra, Laura, Giuletti, Giovanni, Spanò, Barbara, Tuzzi, Elisa, Koch, Giacomo, Caltagirone, Carlo, Cercignani, Mara ORCID: and Bozzali, Marco 2015. Strategic lesions in the anterior thalamic radiation and apathy in early Alzheimer's disease. PLoS ONE 10 (5) , e0124998. 10.1371/journal.pone.0124998 |
Träuble, Jakob, Hiscox, Lucy V. ORCID:, Johnson, Curtis L., Schönlieb, Carola-Bibiane, Kaminski Schierle, Gabriele S. and Aviles-Rivero, Angelica I. 2024. Adaptive neighborhoods in contrastive regression learning for brain age prediction. Presented at: NeurIPS 2024 Workshop: Self-Supervised Learning - Theory and Practice, Vancouver, Canada, 09 - 15 December 2024. |
Träuble, Jakob, Hiscox, Lucy V. ORCID:, Johnson, Curtis L., Schönlieb, Carola-Bibiane, Kaminski Schierle, Gabriele S. and Aviles-Rivero, Angelica I. 2024. Contrastive learning with adaptive neighborhoods for brain age prediction on 3D stiffness maps. Transactions on Machine Learning Research |
Treder, Matthias ORCID:, Mayor-Torres, Juan and Teufel, Christoph ORCID: 2020. Deriving visual semantics from spatial context: an adaptation of LSA and Word2Vec to generate object and scene embeddings from images. [Online]. Cornell University. Available at: |
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Vanderwert, Ross E. ORCID:, Zeanah, Charles H., Fox, Nathan A. and Nelson, Charles A. 2016. Normalization of EEG activity among previously institutionalized children placed into foster care: A 12-year follow-up of the Bucharest Early Intervention Project. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience 17 , pp. 68-75. 10.1016/j.dcn.2015.12.004 |
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Venneri, Annalena, Mitolo, Micaela, Beltrachini, Leandro ORCID:, Varma, Susheel, Della Pietà, Camilla, Jahn-Carta, Caroline, Frangi, Alejandro F. and De Marco, Matteo 2019. Beyond episodic memory: Semantic processing as independent predictor of hippocampal/perirhinal volume in aging and mild cognitive impairment due to Alzheimer’s Disease. Neuropsychology 33 (4) , pp. 523-533. 10.1037/neu0000534 |
Veraart, Jelle, Nunes, Daniel, Rudrapatna, Umesh, Fieremans, Els, Jones, Derek K. ORCID:, Novikov, Dmitry S. and Shemesh, Noam 2020. Noninvasive quantification of axon radii using diffusion MRI. eLife 9 , e49855. 10.7554/eLife.49855 |
Veraart, Jelle, Raven, Erika P., Edwards, Luke J., Weiskopf, Nikolaus and Jones, Derek K. ORCID: 2021. The variability of MR axon radii estimates in the human white matter. Human Brain Mapping 42 (7) , pp. 2201-2213. 10.1002/hbm.25359 |
Verbruggen, Frederick ORCID:, Adams, Rachel Charlotte ORCID: and Chambers, Christopher D. ORCID: 2012. Proactive motor control reduces monetary risk taking in gambling. Psychological Science 23 (7) , pp. 805-815. 10.1177/0956797611434538 |
Verbruggen, Frederick ORCID:, Aron, Adam R., Stevens, Michael A. and Chambers, Christopher D. ORCID: 2010. Theta burst stimulation dissociates attention and action updating in human inferior frontal cortex. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (31) , pp. 13966-13971. 10.1073/pnas.1001957107 |
Verbruggen, Frederick ORCID:, Aron, Adam R, Band, Guido PH, Beste, Christian, Bissett, Patrick G, Brockett, Adam T, Brown, Joshua W, Chamberlain, Samuel R, Chambers, Christopher D ORCID:, Colonius, Hans, Colzato, Lorenza S, Corneil, Brian D, Coxon, James P, Dupuis, Annie, Eagle, Dawn M, Garavan, Hugh, Greenhouse, Ian, Heathcote, Andrew, Huster, René J, Jahfari, Sara, Kenemans, J Leon, Leunissen, Inge, Logan, Gordon D, Matzke, Dora, Morein-Zamir, Sharon, Murthy, Aditya, Li, Chiang-Shan R, Paré, Martin, Poldrack, Russell A, Ridderinkhof, K Richard, Robbins, Trevor W, Roesch, Matthew, Rubia, Katya, Schachar, Russell J, Schall, Jeffrey D, Stock, Ann-Kathrin, Swann, Nicole C, Thakkar, Katharine N, van der Molen, Maurits W, Vermeylen, Luc, Vink, Matthijs, Wessel, Jan R, Whelan, Robert, Zandbelt, Bram B and Boehler, C Nico 2019. A consensus guide to capturing the ability to inhibit actions and impulsive behaviors in the stop-signal task. eLife 8 , e46323. 10.7554/eLife.46323 |
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Verschuur, Anouk S., Tax, Chantal M. W. ORCID:, Boomsma, Martijn F., Carlson, Helen L., van Wezel-Meijler, Gerda, King, Regan, Leemans, Alexander and Leijser, Lara M. 2024. Feasibility study to unveil the potential: considerations of constrained spherical deconvolution tractography with unsedated neonatal diffusion brain MRI data. Frontiers in Radiology 4 , 1416672. 10.3389/fradi.2024.1416672 |
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Investigating human visual processing using MEG and psychophysics.
PhD Thesis,
Cardiff University.
Item availability restricted. |
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